Trouble finding a group
It’s just there are no groups for anything else. Most people are unwilling to run “real” dungeons because of the difficulty.
Look into finding a dungeon running guild on your server.
Hey dont bother asking me I will get 12 silver and 10 seals everytime because two weeks go anet feels I was stupidenough to play their game too much. You want to know why I wont play this garbage game that is why,
I can’t find ANY groups for these dungeons. Not even to complete my story at Arah, it’s uncalled for A-Net.
YOU promised us we wouldn’t be standing around LFGing for an hour in this game. Well i’ve been trying to get into a dungeon for days.
Make them scale down to solo-able or something, I have nothing else to do in game besides dungeons and no one is doing them.
I am never forming another group, not going to help anyone not doing anything unless I get the rewards that were taken from me. That is why no groups all your avid dungeoneers, the ones who formed groups, participated, and got thing rolling…they are all being royally screwed with the rewards..cough punishment system.
I am tired of helping people get their “just” rewards while I get nothing but a slap in the face.
I’m having this trouble too…. even just to get the story modes complete so I at least have access to the explorable should I ever find people interested. I suppose a raiding guild is what I’m gonna have to look into.
A little diversity in the loot would’ve helped as well in terms of spreading people around in the dungeons…. I think CoF and Arah are still favorable because they have the berserker gear equivalent of dungeon pieces. Whether or not still building glass cannons is wise is something folks are gonna have to figure out; though honestly, I’ve tried doing better mixes of stats involving more representation of the toughness, vit, and/or +healing, yet I’m really not seeing any benefits in my ability to survive longer (not saying I’m actively trying to take the damage, but the extra buffer I’m giving myself is almost negligible relative to the dps sacrifice). Nonetheless, unless players are totally altering their playstyle and skills/traits, there’s little reason for players to go to other than a select few dungeons.
I am never forming another group, not going to help anyone not doing anything unless I get the rewards that were taken from me. That is why no groups all your avid dungeoneers, the ones who formed groups, participated, and got thing rolling…they are all being royally screwed with the rewards..cough punishment system.
I am tired of helping people get their “just” rewards while I get nothing but a slap in the face.
I got hit by the DR system for… doing nothing wrong on my first run of the day… and then totally nerfed down for helping out with being the last man for a guild group later that day…
The game is still new, and ppl flocked to the dungeons when they could be exploited for easy loot… Now when Anet has fixed this, ppl stopped going since its “too hard”.
In the end, we will see an increase in groups going to dungeons soon, when more ppl find out that doing the real dungeon is the only way to get the gear they want.
Well this is a bummer. Guess I will give it another try or two, I suppose the good news is that with no subscription fee I am free to drop GW2 for a month or two and check back from time to time to see if the dungeon community gets better.
Yeah, I have never had this much trouble finding a group in any game, ever.
Technically ANet stayed true to their word when they said we “won’t spend hours looking for healers and tanks to do dungeons,” but it’s worse now cause I’m spending hours looking for ANYONE. And most of my nights end with me doing nothing, after waiting for a few hours. It’s nonsense.
We NEED a dungeon party finder thing.
I have only focused on leveling, so I wouldn’t be able to tell you.
Why don’t you just find a guild that is big into dungeons? If you’re already in one, have you asked them to run something with you? As far as being bored in the game goes… Have you completed your personal storyline? Have you done any BGs or WvW?
I agree, Im also been having issues for the past few days trying to get a group for dungeons (story mode) but all i see is ppl lf exp… dont really feel like sitting in town for hours.
Agreed same problem with find groups for story mode but even for EXP mode I find it hard, the current grouping mechanism really needs replaced with something better with something at least with what Aion has so that you can be anywhere in the world and flag yourself for a group and still be easy to find.
This game could definitely benefit from some sort of dungeon group search, app type.
I spend a good 2 hours looking for a Sorrow’s Embrace story group, and when it finally happen we were all squishy (1 ele, 2 thiefs, 1 ranger, 1 mesmer). Was a complete disaster in repairs, but we completed it even tho it left us with a bitter taste.
Gave up after an hour searching for a HotW story group, along with Crucible of Eternity.
one of the best ways is to find a guild that is heavy doing dungeon runs. or even a guild that has a solid base of members that like doing dungeon runs.
you can always do this by asking around. and or, if you’ve run with a good group, sparks fly, you can add ‘em as friends and ask them as well. that being said, problem still stands – it’s hard to get groups to start with!
this is really simple, but maybe over looked. and at least for me, it makes sense and seems to work.. and you can test with yourself as well. okay, so you’re in LA. you were just doing whatever, what have you. then in /m you see someone go, “LFG _ dungeon _ path”. meh, someone’s looking for a group and you don’t feel much. then 5 mins later, someone else goes, “_ dungeon LF1M”. even if it’s remotely a dungeon you’d be interested in doing, you’re going to have second thoughts. “should i respond??” you might ask yourself. well, at least more so compared to when some random just went LFG.
last night, i saw someone who was LFG SE path 1 or 3. i whispered them and said hey i was just gonna LFG. let’s party and get 3 more? we decided to do path 3 as well. then i went LF3M SE Path 3. got a whisper. LF2M. got a whisper. and then LF1M. got the final whisper and a group formed in less than 10 mins. this wasn’t during primetime either, but i just feel it’s helpful if someone takes the initiative.
bottom line – not everyone looking for a group will bother posting. or someone who may not have thought of doing a dungeon, but not opposed to it, may not pass up the chance if they see a group, even if just 2 or 3 people are formed. with 2 – 3 spots filled. you’ll have a higher chance of finding people. and people will be mor einclinced to join as well.
hopefully this helps. try this out, be the first to initiate and see how things go? most times i’ve wanted to do a dungeon, or started PUGs this is how i did it. it was just one lone person, i join up with them and then they flock to us, so to speak.. ;DD
that being said, i haven’t done most story modes (only CM and AC) so anyone on here missing stories happen to see this, feel free to add me in-game and whisper me! : ))
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
maybe they could addsomething like mercenary npc’s so you could use then instead of pll in your dungeon runs especially for story mode since i m not able to find anyone to party with for that kind of thing
Well this one was 6 months old, before the last post, but if you are still having trouble try