Trouble starting raids
Some links:
I’m sorry you had a bad experience; no one should be rude to someone else.
Still, perhaps you should temper your expectations. No one is under any obligation to provide training or carry a stranger so that they can learn. Accordingly, don’t join groups unless they explicitly state that they are willing to do so. If you don’t see anything in LFG (which can depend on the time of day & day of the week), you can start your own or use the second link above to find a training guild that will take you on.
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”
Can i also recommend a training guild: RTI
They made raiding possible for me
Join a training group. Experienced groups want to do the content and not try the same boss over and over.
‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong
‘would of been’ —> wrong