Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purina.5613


Decrease the spawn rate or at the very least make it were after you kill one and it re-spawns it doesn’t fracking blow up before it appears on your screen, these things are horrible. Time after time POOF a big green cloud appears and there was no blossom there.

One party members only job was killing those things the whole instance… that’s all he did when they were around and they are as thick as roaches in a section 8 apartment. That’s not cool to lose a party member to mindless spamming in circles around us to clear a dungeon.

On a side note the actual bosses were laughably easy.

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TwoSwords.4687


Those things are so freaking annoying, though my guild has done a couple of TA Explore runs that we’re somewhat used to nervously looking around all the time trying to keep them down. I think they need to increase the time between when the blossoms spawn to when they’re able to shoot out their poison cloud, maybe add another second would be nice.

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

Bring a gaurdian tell him to put his staff on and lead the way, problem solved. And btw there actually a god send, if you go down kill one your revive, pretty awesome

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BAZiiNGA.7089


To new players they are definitely the most annoying part of the dungeon.
To TA vets, they are your saviour.

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

Honestly, the blossoms are just annoying. That’s all. Killing them for the rally – not the worthy tradeoff. Drastically reduce their spawn times. Or better yet remove them completely. What are they for – tab-targeting and range attacks just for the sake of it?

This goes under the “overhaul dungeon dynamics please, replace these cheap ones with some that are actually fun and worth seeing” rant I’ve been supporting all over the forums.

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Taku.6352


After running trough TA about 70 times now, I honestly don’t even care about the blossoms any more. In fact I quite like having them around for an easy rally.

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zencow.3651


Complaining about blossoms is so 2 weeks ago. They are present/respawn in set locations, just pull mobs to where there are no blossoms and stay there, simple. They also serve as a free rally.

Quasi-elitist dungeoneer and missing Gw1 GvGs greatly.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lewis Burnell.2493

Lewis Burnell.2493

Blossoms are amazing to rally off

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

If TA didn’t have blossoms it would be an easier farm than pre-nerf Cof. Practice positioning, dedicate someone with an AoE or bouncing auto-attack to watch for blossoms. If there is anything in TA which I think needs a change is the fact that the wurm ranged ‘barrages’ aren’t affected by deflection abilities (feedback, wall of deflection etc)

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


I love blossoms for reasons stated. Forever a rally. I can solo through the first boss because of this. Giant worm? Tough luck when he can’t hit me in melee range! Spawn adds? Just rally whenever I do go down.

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: miya.5160


Yeah. I don’t know how I’d feel about TA if I wasn’t able to rally off the blossoms.

Those blossoms are a blessing in disguise.

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Taku.6352


I love blossoms for reasons stated. Forever a rally. I can solo through the first boss because of this. Giant worm? Tough luck when he can’t hit me in melee range! Spawn adds? Just rally whenever I do go down.

Agreed… The first boss is just silly easy. With my ranger I can kill it without taking any damage, from the adds or the boss itself.

Twilight Arbor Blossoms - NERD RAGE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cisza.9540


The only annoying part about shrooms is that projectile weapon (like staff on necro or rifle on warrior) is often bugged on them, and you get “Obstructed” or “Out of range” message.