Twilight Arbor Last Boss Very hard to kill
Kill them in a speficific order. I know we targeted Eir first, Ryto 2nd, and the asurian chick last. After you kill Eir, the head boss lady will try to res Eir, FF the head boss lady to stop her from resing Eir. Once youve accomplished that FF Ryto. Once he dies FF the head boss lady again, to stop the resing. Etc Etc. Kite and move as needed.
Its actually pretty easy. Just as long as you FF the head boss lady right after killing one. This is when having people who can Ctrl T (Target) fast is helpful.
The groups Ive failed with (not many compared to how many have successfully completed dungeons) are the groups that dont FF the correct targets, and dont FF the correct targets quick enough. Ill watch as each enemies health bar SLOOOWLY drops as people die left and right. Thats when I or SOMEONE has to take over and start organizing the group. FF the ranged threats first (or Monk, if one) then work to melee. But you have to FF. If every person is shootin a diff target you are going to fail.
The main problem i have with this fight is the tree in the middle has no collision and therefore doesn’t break LOS. This makes kiting near impossible as Eir will do her 1 shot shotgun type move through the tree.
We used the tactic get them all down at the same time, if you can dps 2 down before 1 can get ressed you’ll win quite quickly.
We did it by kiting away low hp targets from kill zone we set up til all of them were on about 1/8th hp then used aoes to kill them all at the same time.
You don’t need to target the boss at all, we tried interupting her but she was immune to all cc’s even with 0 defiance stacks. She also stayed on her pedestal for us and never came down, not sure if that’s intended.
It could just be Yak’s Bend, but I’ve never had the issue of people not transitioning to Faolain when she tries to res a ghost.
If the group is familiar with the dungeon and the boss. Its rarely an issue. I just like to PUG on occasion. And sometimes Im not sure exatcly what people are thinking.
Make SURE you use focus fire, and tell people before to use assist targetting. If everyone runs around randomly DPSing you will die.
Last run I did we went: Eir → Boss → Rytlock → Boss → Logan → Boss → Zoija.
Every single time we moved to a new target I called the new target and the PuG focused fire. They go down fairly quick (except for Eir for us, but she prolly is the nastiest).
Nope, this is how you do it:
1: Gather them up with someone high on vitality/toughness running in first.
2: AOE, (try stunning/interupting Eir during AOE)
3: Success.
Tried this after failing again and again and fight was over in 30sec tops.
My group had 1 person (My warrior) run through with invuln, stomp to seperate them, and kite Ryto and Logan to the back as everyone else dropped Eir. Repeated the process, moving on to Rytlock next because his bleeds were killing all the lower level kids with us. Saved Zojja for last because she was pretty useless.
You’ll probably wipe a few times your first few tries, but after your whole group understands the plan, what each of the enemies will do, and when to turn on Faolin you’ll get passed it.
Like it’s been said above, the targeting system is ingenious here! Use it!
P.S. – Eir’s 1 shot nuke hax is still bullcrap!
High Grade Gaming
Guild Master
is Faolain suppose to teleport down to try and res the illusion? or does she do it from long range? cause I failed my last run a few hours ago purely because she never came down from her little verandah and did some long range res rubbish no matter where we killed the illusions. We tried over 10 times to get her to come down but she never budged. Seems kinda silly if she wasn’t suppose to come down and was suppose to resurrect illusions from long range..
What my group did was pull them all into that little hallway you come from and focus a single one. If you go back far enough all of them except the one you’re constantly damaging will reset. Kill then damage the main boss when she tries to rez. Rinse and repeat.
I dunno if it was a bug, but that’s how we did it.
is Faolain suppose to teleport down to try and res the illusion? or does she do it from long range? cause I failed my last run a few hours ago purely because she never came down from her little verandah and did some long range res rubbish no matter where we killed the illusions. We tried over 10 times to get her to come down but she never budged. Seems kinda silly if she wasn’t suppose to come down and was suppose to resurrect illusions from long range..
It must have been bugged because she should teleport down and try to res them.
High Grade Gaming
Guild Master
I found the final boss to be fairly simple compared to one of the bosses earlier in the dungeon. Hell it was even simpler than some of the trash. My PUG (none of us had done TA before) wiped the first time and completed it the second time with maybe 1 or 2 players going down (not dead, just down). All you have to do is DPS Faolin when she is hostile and DPS the other elites when she isnt.
ah well, it got me really annoyed when we failed due to a bug
probably won’t try TA for awhile now :/
(spent 1.5hrs, and 40silver in there, funnily enough all our wipes were from the nightmare boss who spawns suicidal spiders, dat poison is hax)
Eir is so in need of a readjustment, every-time we started the fight on my group’s run she’d instantly (or near) smoke someone for 9k and drop them. Then we’d have 4 guys on us and rezzing the downed player was impossible. Also Eir would drop another person before we got here down, and by that time we didn’t have enough dps to prevent Faolin from doing her thing. It seems like the only way to beat that encounter reliably is to use that trick to kill’em one at a time. (which is probably an exploit tbh)
That being said the nightmare guy is easy with two guardians and elementalist, that aoe meant they died way to quick to do anything. :P
(edited by Korva.9876)