(edited by patasde.6087)
Unable to enter dungeon with party.. or enter same dungeon
from the looks of it. you are not able to enter the same dungeon as someone not from your server. if one person in your party isn’t from your server then that person gets relocated to a separate instance. i’ve yet to be able to find a way to solve/bypass this
we all were from same server
This is a known issue to many players, but probably not to Arenanet.
Some of my friends can’t do specific dungeons, but I can’t do any.
I’d like to raise attention to this seeing as how about 2/3rds of my guild (92 people) can’t do dungeons.
I was able to get cross-server people into an instance when everyone waited outside till everyone was there, and then one person zoned in. That gave everyone else the prompt for joining, and everyone was in the same instance after clicking.
If everyone went in on their own, the mentioned problem sometimes occurred. The only way I’ve gotten out of it was to have everyone leave the instance, get kicked to overflow, travel to their regular servers, and then try zoning in again with everyone there. It did take a while though, so it may just be a timer.
This is a known issue to many players, but probably not to Arenanet.
Some of my friends can’t do specific dungeons, but I can’t do any.
I’d like to raise attention to this seeing as how about 2/3rds of my guild (92 people) can’t do dungeons.
before patch no problem in joining dungeons after last patch i have problems with this
UP someone from devs please? just confirm that u are aware of this and will look into this problem
its rly annoying to LFG for half hour to find party and after that this
(edited by patasde.6087)
You’re not alone.
Here in the Isle of Janthir server, NO ONE can get into CoF, I tried it with 3 different parties and see everyone else /shouting and crying about it (I was crying too). I also tried SE a bazillion times. I haven’t tested any other cause those are the only 2 I want to do right now, in explorable. It’s real annoying cause it’s been doing this (at least for me) for a few days now.
I heard TA was working though.
Just happened to Twilight Arbor on Ehmry Bay for my group. Can’t get in at all, even if we click to go in. =/
Yes, my friends and I have not been able to do Ascalonian Catacombs because of this bug.
nothing from devs?….. destroyed rewards and even now we cant join dungeons and if we manage do join inside to group after hour (meanwhile x group you joined kicks u bcs u cant join inside dung) if miracle happens earlier….. do u know how frustrating is it if u spend x hours of your time to get inside and after that next frustration is reward that not works
I just had the same thing happen with my party while trying to enter CoF. However, I was able to get everyone into the same dungeon.
This is what was happening, as we approached the dungeon the only option to pick was “Explorable mode”. Nothing happened upon selecting that option. It was the same story for the other 4 members of the party.
I was able to get everyone into the dungeon by dropping party and entering the dungeon by myself. Once inside, I whispered some1 from the party to invite me back to the party, and they were able to enter the dungeon as well. Not sure if that was a one time fluke, but feel free to try that.
Yeah, This happened to me in CM, TA and AC about 15 minutes ago, was about to make a post then came across this one. Really frustrating, NEEDS TO BE FIXED!.
Same problem. Please fix. Ruining my (non-existent) dungeon experience.
i’ve been entirely shut off from dungeoning for about 2 days now. every group i form has members who either:
- cannot enter/only see one option (only story or only explorable)
- get sent off to different instances of the same dungeon mode
my only goal is to obtain a full exotic set before starting my alt. this is a huge hindrance. it’s also the 2nd time ’round this has happened. they patched it before and it fixed all the entering issues but this recent patch was a step backwards
I did a bug report and I wonder is this is related to the issue in this thread (or I’ll start a separate thread), story mode Caudecus:
1- could not see each others called targets(no message, no target icon, T not working)
2-no guild influence reward, all 5 from same guild.
Possible cause: one party member was invited while in another zone then changed characters. Also everyone was in different zones at time of party formation.
The trick is for the member who entered the instanced first to “reset” by logging out to a different character then logging back in with his/her man, worked every time this problem occurred with me. If it does not work, then I would suggest all party members “resetting”.
Same here, 4 days me and my friends cant enter any dungeon…
make tickets on support… http://en.support.guildwars2.com/ i did few days ago and nothing seems devs don’t care about this problem
Same problems here, expecially for CoF. Please fix this
Iv had this problem for about a week now and i was turly wishing it would be fixed by now this is a bomber i kinda dont play anymore i only log to see if its fixed yet
please please fix this i would love to start playing again
anyone discovered a workaround to the problem? so far i can enter HotW without issue but AC/Arah are completely broken for me.
noticed guildies who also cant enter CoF, but some can.
have tried relogging/switching to alt/teleporting to and from HoM without success.
We’ve posted in several of these threads at this point.
To reiterate what we’ve said in other posts: we’re very aware of this problem and are actively working on the group system. I personally hate this issue with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, and can’t wait for it to be fixed.
any clue when its gonna be working ? cos i still cannot go into a dungeon explore mode with a group :/
Are we really going to have to wait the entire weekend for the 10/1 patch to come out to fix this issue? I’ve been trying to run dungeons for 4 days now and it’s not worth the hassle of having everyone try to log off and on and enter the dungeon only to waste 30 minutes and realize nothing is working.
We’ve posted in several of these threads at this point.
To reiterate what we’ve said in other posts: we’re very aware of this problem and are actively working on the group system. I personally hate this issue with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, and can’t wait for it to be fixed.
Thank you. Glad to hear your aware and actively searching for a solution. Good luck!
- Tzenjin
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
I got the same problem.
Seafarer’s Rest
So we gonna get a token boost for the days the dungeon is broken? :P
Encountered the same problem, but we found a workaround, hope it’ll work for you guys as it worked for us (and maybe help the devs nailing the actual problem):
- the guy who created the party or launched the dungeon (not sure which one because in our case it was the same person) has to get out while the others stay in,
- the guy who couldn’t enter should be able to get in,
- the leader gets back in.
As I said it worked for us, 2 times in the same run as someone got dc’ed at some point.
Hope it’ll help.
This has seriously ruined my experience with the game.
Not being able to do any endgame for the last 5 days, it just adds onto the fact that every cut-scene, story instance, and many other features in the game look rushed, unpolished and unfit for a game of any scale.
I’ve played GW for 3-4 years now, and I’ve very ticked at how GW2 has developed when GW1 was such a masterpiece in my eyes. Anet really dropped the ball hard.
Dropped the ball? GW2 is a great game with even greater potential. It’s been out for a month – give it a little bit of time. :F
How can this not be priority #1. Ask Blizzard how they do it, anything. Instead your adjusting tokens, nerfing dungeons for people who run it too fast and all kinds of things while the majority of people can’t even get a group into the same instance??
We have multiple teams working on different things. In the case of this issue, we have programmers working on this solution since it is purely based on background things.
Whereas tokens and exploit fixes/nerfing/buffing is largely a design thing with code support for things we currently aren’t capable of (see: DR system). We’re actively working on an assortment of issues, and I guarantee you that the party functionality is top priority for a team of very dedicated folks.
How can this not be priority #1. Ask Blizzard how they do it, anything. Instead your adjusting tokens, nerfing dungeons for people who run it too fast and all kinds of things while the majority of people can’t even get a group into the same instance??
We have multiple teams working on different things. In the case of this issue, we have programmers working on this solution since it is purely based on background things.
Whereas tokens and exploit fixes/nerfing/buffing is largely a design thing with code support for things we currently aren’t capable of (see: DR system). We’re actively working on an assortment of issues, and I guarantee you that the party functionality is top priority for a team of very dedicated folks.
I think his point, and it’s a valid one, is that you all took the time to add a faulty DR system to the game in such a rush as to cause huge issues for people it wasn’t intended to effect and discouraging huge portions of the playerbase from playing at all. This is then combined with seeing an issue that has existed since day 1, an inability to get a part in the same dungeon consistently, lies unaltered and prevalent.
While these aren’t completely shared resources, the prematurely pushed makeshift DR system seems to have caused far more issues than it solved problems (let’s be honest, all you all needed to do was put a lockout on dungeons OR just wait to implement it till you had tested it and worked out all the bugs). Leaving the ability for people to farm dungeons faster than you’d like hurts less players than forcing an incomplete set of code that harms innocent players.
Current state of dungeons: costing you players
Had a really bad experience with this bug today on Sorrow’s Embrace. Took us almost 20 minutes to get a 5-man who could all get into the same instance. And about 10 minutes after we finally got rolling, the server hiccuped, one guy d/ced and couldn’t get back into the same instance.
How can this not be priority #1. Ask Blizzard how they do it, anything. Instead your adjusting tokens, nerfing dungeons for people who run it too fast and all kinds of things while the majority of people can’t even get a group into the same instance??
We have multiple teams working on different things. In the case of this issue, we have programmers working on this solution since it is purely based on background things.
Whereas tokens and exploit fixes/nerfing/buffing is largely a design thing with code support for things we currently aren’t capable of (see: DR system). We’re actively working on an assortment of issues, and I guarantee you that the party functionality is top priority for a team of very dedicated folks.
Only one question… WHEN? Its 5 days now… and weekend is here and still nothing…
I have a problem whit HotW dungeon. In story mode, my team can do it; but if we try to do in explo mode, we are scattered in different istance. This thing happens only in HotW explo mode. And the path1 it’s still bugged or fix?
No one on Gandara is able to enter Arah story or explorable. It’s completely bugged.
From gandara aswell, would really like to see this fixed.
this should be priority number 1 but no hotfix till now……. pll still cant enter dungeons
I’ve just spent 1 hour in a dungeon, got to the last boss, one person had to leave, and the ones that went out to find a new player weren’t able to go back in (neither was the new player).
It was bad enough when this happened before they changed the tokens, but now that you only get tokens after the last boss, this basically means that no one gets anything (other than a couple of bad drops and potentially a repair bill).
The decision to withhold all the tokens until the last boss, even on a game without these bugs, would be stupid enough (sometimes people need to leave – shouldn’t they be rewarded for the bosses they killed while they were there?). In GW2’s current buggy state, and on the week MoP comes out, the decision was suicidal.
This change should have been rolled back 10 minutes after it went live. The longer you keep the current system, the more players you’ll lose. I guess that’s the advantage of B2P… they’ve already paid, so who cares?
Leaving the ability for people to farm dungeons faster than you’d like hurts less players than forcing an incomplete set of code that harms innocent players.
Arena Net seems obsessed with punishing “moral criminals” for doing something that doesn’t affect other players, even if that negatively impacts or drives away everybody else.
(edited by Account.9832)
<——sad panda
still broken… hope for fix in monday patch….
I’ve experienced this bug since early access. I haven’t even tried a dungeon since the official launch date. I’m truly shocked that it’s still around.
How can this not be priority #1. Ask Blizzard how they do it, anything. Instead your adjusting tokens, nerfing dungeons for people who run it too fast and all kinds of things while the majority of people can’t even get a group into the same instance??
We have multiple teams working on different things. In the case of this issue, we have programmers working on this solution since it is purely based on background things.
Whereas tokens and exploit fixes/nerfing/buffing is largely a design thing with code support for things we currently aren’t capable of (see: DR system). We’re actively working on an assortment of issues, and I guarantee you that the party functionality is top priority for a team of very dedicated folks.
Only one question… WHEN? Its 5 days now… and weekend is here and still nothing…
They updated the stick for the dungeons mentioning they had found the fix for the tokens giving back low amounts of tokens, so my bet is hopefully a fix around then.
AFTER NEW PATCH this problem is back party members are not getting in same instance
I had this problem today.
We invited someone new after kicking a disconnected player and he couldn’t get in the instance with us.
I tried to zone out and back in and I was also unable to get into the instance with my party.
Had this problem today with two different parties, cross server. Tried relog and reparty multiple times which did not solve it. Any suggestions?
The only time this should happen these days is if someone in your party was from a different region. Someone on a US server cannot play with someone from a EU server. Otherwise, you have encountered a rare bug.
Also, please don’t necro really old threads. Start a new one for this case. This thread refers to the release problems when parties consistently could not join.
Hmm… it’s an odd one. I’ve had it happen maybe 4 or 5 times since release but it’s usually fixed if I join another party.
Happening to me today. I’ve never had this problem before. I would get a pop up for a dungeon, but i just can’t enter.