(edited by Nuka Cola.8520)
Urban Battlefield best drops in the game
Because most people skip as much of it as possible so haven’t noticed?
Because most people skip as much of it as possible so haven’t noticed?
Of course i haven’t noticed,duh. But seriously, people want to farm, here’s a nice place to farm exotics/rares/shards. I haven’t even done it with full MF but only with MF food at level 30 you get at least 4-5rares if you kill everyone passed gates and high chance of exotics (got up to two exotics in one run) and this isn’t even counting end chest.
Yeah I got 1 exotic and 1 precursor in this map.
I find that the trash in Maw has really good drop rates too. Too bad many people skip it.
I find that the trash in Maw has really good drop rates too. Too bad many people skip it.
This is also true and absolutely EVERYONE skip it. Both of these fractals have veteran or higher grade enemies which makes me wonder, anet said that vets/champs will have a much higher chance of dropping a rare/exotic and this is NOT true in open world but looks like it is in fotm.
Trash in solid ocean seems to have a very high rate of dropping lodestones. Got a charged lodestone there yesterday.
well. thinking is superpower nowadays
My group I run with clear Maw’s trash.. The drops are amazing.
Might give this a go sometime, thanks :P
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
I have gotten most of my shards, globs and vials from Urban. I can’t really say I’ve noticed an enhanced amount of T5/T6 mats or rares/exotics from there though.
It’s really tough to tell with some fractals, because many of them have continually re-spawning mobs that don’t have frequent drops. And others that are puzzle based rather than combat based.
What I’ve noticed:
Good drops
Urban (part 2, after the gate only)
Dredge (part 2, after gates puzzle only)
Decent drops:
Maw (drops per mob are good, but just not a lot of mobs)
Aquatic (part 1, krait killing only)
Volcanic (at the very beginning, make sure to funnel mobs and tag everything)
Meh drops:
Harpy/Asura (harpies drop bloods frequently, but that’s it)
Swamp (puzzle and no mobs…but at least it finishes fast)
Snowblind has plenty of lootable mobs, but no one kills them. It belongs (at least) in the Decent drops category. Before the icewall the Icebrood Wolves summoned by hunters have loot, after the icewall there are 15 elementals to kill (that hardly anyone does) while taking out the big elemental, and then there are at least 3 groups of hunters and wolves to kill on the way to the boss. Easily as much if not more loot than Aquatic. Aquatic simply forces you to kill them.
Dredge and Urban are the best for drops.
I looted over 50 blues and greens just inside the castle in a single run, at the 2s a piece it was 1g just in drops.
Out of the 7 zotic drops ive had in this game (2 from the karka chest) in 900 hours of play.
3 of them came from the Urban fractal.
I’d agree that the loot tables here are pretty good XD
(edited by KingClash.3186)
Now if only I can find people willing to farm this place.
My group I run with clear Maw’s trash.. The drops are amazing.
Yepm I averg 3-5 t6 mats + 2 rares off the trash in Maw at 20+, it’s insane to skip it
I really think I must be cursed since I never find anything decent in either maw or battlefield when killing those mobs
At level 10 I don’t get kitten drops from there. When do I start to get good mob loot? (I run with 0 MF)…
Its really disappointing to get grouped with guys who skips everything. Its like someone was handing you a few free lottery tickets for free and you choose not take it. How stupid is that?
9/10 groups I’m with on tier 4, there will be the 1 guy who insists on skipping all mobs and will usually run far ahead leaving everyone behind. It takes awhile to reach Maw on that tier and I’m sure I’m not the only one who is hoping for a named exotic drops from the mobs. It really spoils it for everyone else in the party. If there’s anyone who is on 37 who wants to party up for Fractals without skipping mobs please add me.
All fotm maps have better drop rates then open world, because there is no DR (diminished returns) in FotM.
What are you guys smoking?
“Yay, the fractalz have best woot! There is ascended & ezotix! Rarez dropz like candy!
I have been in any single fractal more than 10 times, still AC have better gold/hour rate. Just the raw gold you get from AC bosses beats even the perfect 4 fractals.
The truth is that the low lvl fractals are easy enough for pug groups which will probably not be able to complete any path of … let say CM.
Ac is quick gold, but it gets boring (not that the whole game is getting more boring, but doing the same run tires me, so I switch to something else instead)
but if u really want some exotic item need to go to fotm (at least 36+).
Got a dagger that I sold for 8g and another legendary precursor. Then 2 lodestones dropped (around 4g). Beats going to ac if u r asking me.
On the other hand my friend got 2 exotics and around 12 rares on 1 fotm run at lvl 40.
(edited by Stridix.4260)
In my experience, fractal loot beats AC hands down. I receive 4-8 rare, the occasional exotic and lodestones every fractal run. AC never comes close to that for me.
In my experience, fractal loot beats AC hands down. I receive 4-8 rare, the occasional exotic and lodestones every fractal run. AC never comes close to that for me.
I think it’s all a matter of RNG, as an example, last night I did both fractals 31 and 32 and got a measly 1 gold worth of trash ( including some very poor salvages.) + no lodestones.
Doing all 3 paths of AC takes a fraction of the time, and I would have made more money.
The thing is, there is a certain amount of money that you can receive from AC that isn’t affected by RNG (unless the path bugs of course).. the boss mobs drop certain amount money, the champion breeders drop a certain amount of money, at the end you receive a certain amount of money. These factors are only affected by one thing -If you are using a food that causes 40% more money to drop from mobs. But you never receive less.
When doing fractals, it’s hit and miss, some days you come out more profitable, other days you feel you’ve wasted a good deal of time. When doing AC, you can always have a minimum expectation of the amount of money you will make for the 3 paths, anything on top (rare/exotic drops) is a bonus. So it’s good (if you can) to do both, maybe on those off days when fractals hates you, pop in and do a quick AC for guaranteed money.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Snowblind has plenty of lootable mobs, but no one kills them. It belongs (at least) in the Decent drops category. Before the icewall the Icebrood Wolves summoned by hunters have loot, after the icewall there are 15 elementals to kill (that hardly anyone does) while taking out the big elemental, and then there are at least 3 groups of hunters and wolves to kill on the way to the boss. Easily as much if not more loot than Aquatic. Aquatic simply forces you to kill them.
Yep, the Snowblind enemies on the way to the finial boss have awesome loot drop rates. Pretty much every one of them drop something. They blow up in seconds so there is really no loss of time.
In my experience, fractal loot beats AC hands down. I receive 4-8 rare, the occasional exotic and lodestones every fractal run. AC never comes close to that for me.
I think it’s all a matter of RNG, as an example, last night I did both fractals 31 and 32 and got a measly 1 gold worth of trash ( including some very poor salvages.) + no lodestones.
Doing all 3 paths of AC takes a fraction of the time, and I would have made more money.
The thing is, there is a certain amount of money that you can receive from AC that isn’t affected by RNG (unless the path bugs of course).. the boss mobs drop certain amount money, the champion breeders drop a certain amount of money, at the end you receive a certain amount of money. These factors are only affected by one thing -If you are using a food that causes 40% more money to drop from mobs. But you never receive less.
When doing fractals, it’s hit and miss, some days you come out more profitable, other days you feel you’ve wasted a good deal of time. When doing AC, you can always have a minimum expectation of the amount of money you will make for the 3 paths, anything on top (rare/exotic drops) is a bonus. So it’s good (if you can) to do both, maybe on those off days when fractals hates you, pop in and do a quick AC for guaranteed money.
Yes it’s definitely all RNG, but in my experience fractals 26+ are always more profitable than AC. I have never had only a gold worth of loot. If I actually sold all my ectos I’d almost always have over 1 gold right there. Not to mention the exotic drops I receive in ForM that I don’t in AC. But then again, it could just be luck.
Thanks for starting this topic. When will people learn not to do this.
So I’m up for farming this before the nerf… I’m in NA, can do up to lvl 30 fractal.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
(edited by Zogyark.4597)
if they nerf one fractal because of this thread i will LOL and go play xcom/FC3/BF3 until all their bs nerfs/DR goes away lmao. Anyway, add me if you want to do lev30-36 farms because finding full team just to farm urban on gw2lfg is hard since no1 does the farm YET.
(edited by Nuka Cola.8520)