Vastly increased dungeon difficulty
the way the game is designed you can ever go naked & still finish the dungeon.
I’m starting to think there is a bug with dungeon difficulty and it’s based on player name how difficult the dungeon is setup as. Not only are dungeons easy, they say. We can go naked and do them. Wow, the variance in description from player to player cannot be wider.
Almost made me laugh there, but that is the core of skill games, its not the dungeon that is hard is the skill that is lacking in that player.
the way the game is designed you can ever go naked & still finish the dungeon.
I’m starting to think there is a bug with dungeon difficulty and it’s based on player name how difficult the dungeon is setup as. Not only are dungeons easy, they say. We can go naked and do them. Wow, the variance in description from player to player cannot be wider.
Almost made me laugh there, but that is the core of skill games, its not the dungeon that is hard is the skill that is lacking in that player.
Sure it’s lacking, I asked for some builds and people hold on to them like fort knox, it’s pve for crying out loud. And this is a forum, why not some community help here? Or are you saying any build can pretty much romp a dungeon? Our group must be borderline in getting a blue card to hang from our car mirrors. But then we are used to other mmo efforts that have multple levels, where you learn as you go. Some find dying semi-often as a fail and winning that way is not satisfying at all. We suck, I can live with that, but I need some assistance, a link a good video?
Try running P/T/V gear with T/V runes until you’re comfortable with being more specialized in your build.
I can live with that, but I need some assistance, a link a good video?
I don’t know what profession you are, but this guy has some pretty helpful videos and builds. I think he plays a Mesmer, Warrior and Guardian.
(edited by Nokaru.7831)
I was thinking that AC is so laughably easy that no deathrushing shouldn’t affect that dungeon at all (nor CoF 1 n 2).
But they’ve made changes to downlevelling to lower the effectiveness of higher level people…so who knows. A full exotic 80 might have to pay attention to mechanics a bit more. Best thing to do is try it out
wait wait wait wait wait…people are complaining they can’t do these dungeons and they are trying to run them in blues and greens?
Jesus christ, even showing up to a dungeon group in that gear is offensive and you should feel bad.
So much lools
wait wait wait wait wait…people are complaining they can’t do these dungeons and they are trying to run them in blues and greens?
Jesus christ, even showing up to a dungeon group in that gear is offensive and you should feel bad.
I’ve done AC and CoF on 2 characters (4 runs each) since the patch and haven’t had an issue yet. If you aren’t running exotics and superior runes you should feel bad for wasting your parties time.
This is just ridiculous, if you are only able to do dungeons in full exo you re doing something wrong , the way the game is designed you can ever go naked & still finish the dungeon.
Now this is ridiculous, what basis do you have for this statement?
@Horrorscope i dont run anything particular full zerker necro skil: 30/0/10/0/30.
weapons : staff; axe/focus
support skils: well of suffering ( have it almost 100% of time equiped),signet of undead (prevention is always better also have it almost 100% of time) other i swich to acomodate the fight.
example COE alpha :well of blood, well of suffering,signet of undead ( althow on this fight is not nedded is the group does the stack tactic)/ or spectral wall,well of coruption, lich form.
If any1 on the group use an aoe heal just make a rotation & you ll always be toped off.Use wells to stack vuln or when someone gets into a crystal ( dont need to swich to attack the crystal or use only 1 well + swich to crystal & aply wall to get prot + stack vuln.When you use lich form you negate crystal prison.
alpha p1: you can dodge the spike cone ( wach tell)
alpha p2: save dodges for the aoe (count to 2)
alpha p2 save dodges for the aoe, spikes get negated by cycling aoe heals.
example2: lupy, utility well of suffering,signed of undead,signed of the locust, lich form,consume condition.
lupy p1: well helps kiling adds (not grubs, those go down fast 1 i dedicated grub killer), if someone dies eazzy rezz.
p2: wach tell dodge teleport (you can see direction from the shadow), poison dodge or i use Ds to soak dmg if necesary, if someone dies signet, signet of locust helps me avoiding poison.
p3: eazy can kitte him from downed players to eaz rezz, dodge siphon health
also i swich utilities on the run, example TA wolfs knockdown packs, cast fear if im first , cast well of darknes ( blindnes negate knockdown) spam wells coruption(only for dmg), suffering(dmg + vul), staf 1,2,3,Ds life transfer or save fear if someone gets knocked down in chain to give him the time to get up,
duno stuff like that also dont use dodge if not needed, youll have none when you need them.
Sry for my spelling.
(edited by Akame.1073)
wait wait wait wait wait…people are complaining they can’t do these dungeons and they are trying to run them in blues and greens?
Jesus christ, even showing up to a dungeon group in that gear is offensive and you should feel bad.
So much lools
wait wait wait wait wait…people are complaining they can’t do these dungeons and they are trying to run them in blues and greens?
Jesus christ, even showing up to a dungeon group in that gear is offensive and you should feel bad.
I’ve done AC and CoF on 2 characters (4 runs each) since the patch and haven’t had an issue yet. If you aren’t running exotics and superior runes you should feel bad for wasting your parties time.
This is just ridiculous, if you are only able to do dungeons in full exo you re doing something wrong , the way the game is designed you can ever go naked & still finish the dungeon.
Now this is ridiculous, what basis do you have for this statement?
I have actually done it with my exguildies, we were learning the ropes in arah story (first dungeon we entered ) mind you it was at realese = all buged & all hited like a truck,the boss wich spawn the grubs , the wrath thingy & gargoyle were done all with no gear we were sick of wasting gold on repairing + we had not a clue about builds ( random filing points) & we were all in greens & blues, we cleared almost all of the dungeons in blues & greens. we had no idea you could get gear from tokens , we actualy deleted tokens as we tought they were some x stuff for M Forge. Leveling profesions at that time was wery wery slow due to drop rates. That is it, it cane be done due to dodge mechanic = avoid 100% of dmg, & i have done it. Those are my basis.
I guarantee all of these chest thumping pve heroes already farmed all of their mats in the EZ mode.
Changing it now will just make people stop playing because pugging just got way harder.
wait wait wait wait wait…people are complaining they can’t do these dungeons and they are trying to run them in blues and greens?
Jesus christ, even showing up to a dungeon group in that gear is offensive and you should feel bad.
So much lools
wait wait wait wait wait…people are complaining they can’t do these dungeons and they are trying to run them in blues and greens?
Jesus christ, even showing up to a dungeon group in that gear is offensive and you should feel bad.
I’ve done AC and CoF on 2 characters (4 runs each) since the patch and haven’t had an issue yet. If you aren’t running exotics and superior runes you should feel bad for wasting your parties time.
This is just ridiculous, if you are only able to do dungeons in full exo you re doing something wrong , the way the game is designed you can ever go naked & still finish the dungeon.
Now this is ridiculous, what basis do you have for this statement?
I have actually done it with my exguildies, we were learning the ropes in arah story (first dungeon we entered ) mind you it was at realese = all buged & all hited like a truck,the boss wich spawn the grubs , the wrath thingy & gargoyle were done all with no gear we were sick of wasting gold on repairing + we had not a clue about builds ( random filing points) & we were all in greens & blues, we cleared almost all of the dungeons in blues & greens. we had no idea you could get gear from tokens , we actualy deleted tokens as we tought they were some x stuff for M Forge. Leveling profesions at that time was wery wery slow due to drop rates. That is it, it cane be done due to dodge mechanic = avoid 100% of dmg, & i have done it. Those are my basis.
Please tell me i am blind, or did i just read that you think dungeons was built to not not need exotic gear based on Arah story mode?
Please tell me i am blind, or did i just read that you think dungeons was built to not not need exotic gear based on Arah story mode?
I did them in blues and greens when game first came out. So yes its doable in blues/greens. We res zerged alot, took forever, and it was painful, but we did clear it. Its not impossible, just inefficient.
Please tell me i am blind, or did i just read that you think dungeons was built to not not need exotic gear based on Arah story mode?
Here’s some perspective:
-Go watch some dungeon solo videos. There have been some like Elementalist and Necromancer soloing AC or Warrior and Elementalist soloing Arah.
-They can do alot of damage but they are squishy as kitten…and they have to be in order to kill a boss with that much HP and NOT take hours doing so.
-A party can have 3 or even 5 players doing a fraction of that amount of damage and beat these dungeons 5x as fast.
To add that all up: If you’ve got 5 members dishing out as much damage as a dungeon soloer, you can kill a boss 5x faster than them but that is usually never the case because if you don’t know how to survive, you just die faster. It takes both damage AND survival to win. If you’re low on damage because you’re in green or blue gear, that just means you have more opportunities to study the boss’s attacks.
Basically, rare/exotic just lets you finish dungeons faster, not a requirement to success.
@Jacobin.8509 not rly im still working on my sets, for cond build TA for stats SE for looks.( need to farm dager & scepter for stats, gloves for skin). For my MF gear have almost full cultural T3 ( need helm).For my dager/war, axe/focus have chest & legs from CoE rest still farming. For staff, axe/focus need arah helm & boots. Im also working on my alts. Cof was the dungeon i did the least, got me chest & boots , but then i just salvage them, ahat was not even a dungeon for me, havent tried it yet in the new patch. Also i like doing dungeons so no im not a pve hero & did not get all my gear in nub mode spaming graveyard runs, i actualy left most of my runs at the first sign of skiping (althow sometimes i did skip , but its boring as hell) & i was out of the game for 2 months due to a broken arm. IMO most of the ppl whining were those who abused graveyards & never took the time to learn the bosses or even the core game mechanics.Dodge is such a powerful skill its unbelivable+ combined with class machanics & a bit of wit you can do incredible things , but the key to the game is managing those skills.
Have you seen the solo vids , do you think those ppl downed those bosses on a first try, it took them a fair amount of resing & perfecting their builds, skill traits, boss mechanics, game play mechanics.
Please tell me i am blind, or did i just read that you think dungeons was built to not not need exotic gear based on Arah story mode?
Here’s some perspective:
-Go watch some dungeon solo videos. There have been some like Elementalist and Necromancer soloing AC or Warrior and Elementalist soloing Arah.-They can do alot of damage but they are squishy as kitten…and they have to be in order to kill a boss with that much HP and NOT take hours doing so.
-A party can have 3 or even 5 players doing a fraction of that amount of damage and beat these dungeons 5x as fast.
To add that all up: If you’ve got 5 members dishing out as much damage as a dungeon soloer, you can kill a boss 5x faster than them but that is usually never the case because if you don’t know how to survive, you just die faster. It takes both damage AND survival to win. If you’re low on damage because you’re in green or blue gear, that just means you have more opportunities to study the boss’s attacks.
Basically, rare/exotic just lets you finish dungeons faster, not a requirement to success.
Come to think of it, i didnt get exotic gear till i had done Arah for about a month. I was using rare gear, i dont think i even changed my traits to survivability during that time. I am a necro which counts for a lot, we can go in there with fine gear and still not die. For warriors, guardians and elementalists, i cant say for certain but i highly doubt they can easily avoid dying without exo gear. Then again i havent used those classes yet.
I wouldnt say it is a requirement (depending on experience and skill) but i would say it is highly recommended, especially for melee heavy classes. I say this because the number of times i see alot of people die especially in Arah is very odd. It could mostly be because they simply dont use the class properly or they are over obsessed with doing damage and keep attacking mobs that have 70% with 20% hp
The point was not that you need Exotics and Runes to succeed, but that if you are having difficulty or joining a PUG (an unknown in terms of skill and surviveability) then it is a waste of everyone’s time to not be showing up in Exotics/Runes and then dying and wondering why – especially if you’re currently in Blues.
Like everyone else, I didn’t run my first dungeon in Exotics, but I was in a guild group and the first things I asked were “How do I notice/dodge that” and “what do we do here”. My first set was also P/T/V AC gear because I didn’t feel I was proficient enough to rock full berserkers (And shout Warriors are really nice in WvW).
Oh you have to run back for 3minutes? Big deal. Its a low punishment for wiping. I think wiping should cause the dungeon to fail so you have to restart completly.
Good thing you aren’t the one in charge of decisions about the game then.
If you did that GW2 would lose a pretty big portion of the player base in the first week.
Explorer dungeons are the elite areas of GW2. When you failed elite areas in GW1 you had to start over. Much better back then.
And its funny when people threaten to quit because they failed something. They should man up and get better. Its not like theres anything challanging in this game currently.
Wrong. This is a game, and it’s played for fun.
There’s a fine line between challenging and frustrating and this line exists at different levels for different people.
When you raise this line you risk alienating players, and unlike your unrealistic thinking they will simply quit and move on instead of “man up” since this is just a game.
The net result is gw2 will lose a portion of the player base unneccessarily, and revenue will suffer.
Which is why I stated previously, if your flawed, unrealistic thinking was followed by the devs, GW2 will lose most of its players and die out.
wait wait wait wait wait…people are complaining they can’t do these dungeons and they are trying to run them in blues and greens?
Jesus christ, even showing up to a dungeon group in that gear is offensive and you should feel bad.
I’ve done AC and CoF on 2 characters (4 runs each) since the patch and haven’t had an issue yet. If you aren’t running exotics and superior runes you should feel bad for wasting your parties time.
You are wrong, and totally clueless.
The whole POINT of doing these dungeon runs is to GET geared in exotics IN THE FIRST PLACE.
EVERY player in their career was in blues/greens/yellows at some point.
How do you expect them to show up in exotics and superior runes in these exp runs when these exp runs are where you get those things in the first place?
wait wait wait wait wait…people are complaining they can’t do these dungeons and they are trying to run them in blues and greens?
Jesus christ, even showing up to a dungeon group in that gear is offensive and you should feel bad.
I’ve done AC and CoF on 2 characters (4 runs each) since the patch and haven’t had an issue yet. If you aren’t running exotics and superior runes you should feel bad for wasting your parties time.
OMG, AC lvl35 dungeon CoF lvl65 Dungeon. Just how are they to get Exotics and Superior runes ? From my understanding. You dont get Exotic armour and Runes until lvl80.
Libertys Knight 80 Warrior, Mrs Liberty 80 Ranger
Hitechredneck 80 Guard, Legendary Bozo 80 Mez
If it all comes down to “skill” you should be able to handle it with white items anyway (I hope that’s how the ArenaNet Playtesters test, followed by a run on full legendary/exotics), but that aside if the party wipes do the mobs you are fighting regen to full health?
If so it may simply be to troublesome to participate in dungeons because I suspect a lot of “downtime”. :P Did dungeon loot get better to compensate? Getting thrashed for a mere 5 gold is a bad deal in my book.
If do the mobs you are fighting regen to full health?
Did dungeon loot get better to compensate? Getting thrashed for a mere 5 gold is a bad deal in my book.
1 .Yes, the are full health if atless 1 person isnt within close range.
2. No the loot has stayed the same. And its in no way even close to 5g. You might get something like 1.5g after selling everything. Not sure on gold. But its very low
Libertys Knight 80 Warrior, Mrs Liberty 80 Ranger
Hitechredneck 80 Guard, Legendary Bozo 80 Mez
(edited by Libertys Knight.4520)
Ah, thanks Libertys Knight. Will steer clear of dungeons until more favorable changes come through. If they’re keeping the difficulty they should up the loot, if they keep the loot they should lower the difficulty.
Ah, thanks Libertys Knight.
Will steer clear of dungeons until more favorable changes come through. If they’re keeping the difficulty they should up the loot, if they keep the loot they should lower the difficulty.
I think they’re going to add new tokens called Miracles to dungeons in the next update. With these Miracles, you’ll be able to cash them for cures to cancer and AIDS or even to end all war.
The achievement for earning 1 Miracle is a Nobel Peace Prize.
Leo G – LOL. Great irony there too. You can only get a “Nobel Peace Prize” by slaughtering countless creatures who were quietly trying to live in peace, out of the way of everyone.
In my case though I need to use one “miracle” to complete a dungeon, but the only way to earn one is by completing a dungeon…? cough :P
we need dedicated healer classes, and tanks, and DPS classes! Specific team builds…
Way to go devs, you just tripped on your own……well…yeah think about it.
And consider a switch, elitist vs noob switch, scale acccordingly.
And maybe if you want teams to actually gel you will get into the 21st scentury and implement ingame voice?
when someone goes down just kick them and bring another in.
That will teach them teamwork, right?
-Go watch some dungeon solo videos. There have been some like Elementalist and Necromancer soloing AC or Warrior and Elementalist soloing Arah.
not true also read patchnotes….
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I agree that the new way of things probably makes dungeons harder than they already are. I can’t say I’ve actually done one yet. I do, however, know about the whole “not enough waypoints” problem.
Honestly, though, I can’t say it’s the dungeons that actually make me hesitant to do them – it’s some of the players. From what I’ve read on a lot of the forum pages the “requirements” for getting into a lot of parties for dungeons is kind of high, especially for first-timers. They expect us to have full exotic? I am not sure how possible that is until you’ve actually started doing dungeons…
And running specific builds, as well. Shouldn’t the player use the build they are most comfortable with? That or at least the team could tell them how to adjust their build instead of just kicking them. Patience is also needed. My reasoning being that if you make a person use a new build you can’t be like, “You must perform perfectly.” or get mad at them if they don’t, considering the person has never used the build before.
Overall, I agree that for casuals or people who play this game just for fun (as it is intended to be played, I’d hope) the dungeons will be harder now than they were before. I just hope that finding a party for dungeons isn’t as bad as it sounds.
I agree that the new way of things probably makes dungeons harder than they already are. I can’t say I’ve actually done one yet. I do, however, know about the whole “not enough waypoints” problem.
Honestly, though, I can’t say it’s the dungeons that actually make me hesitant to do them – it’s some of the players. From what I’ve read on a lot of the forum pages the “requirements” for getting into a lot of parties for dungeons is kind of high, especially for first-timers. They expect us to have full exotic? I am not sure how possible that is until you’ve actually started doing dungeons…
And running specific builds, as well. Shouldn’t the player use the build they are most comfortable with? That or at least the team could tell them how to adjust their build instead of just kicking them. Patience is also needed. My reasoning being that if you make a person use a new build you can’t be like, “You must perform perfectly.” or get mad at them if they don’t, considering the person has never used the build before.
Overall, I agree that for casuals or people who play this game just for fun (as it is intended to be played, I’d hope) the dungeons will be harder now than they were before. I just hope that finding a party for dungeons isn’t as bad as it sounds.
Anyone who is insisting on a level greater than the minimum to enter the dungon, or requesting a specific RARE-ITY of gear, is just being an idiot and you probably don’t want to be in their group.
That said, type of spec, and type of gear is important. Every profession can fill any of the 3 roles in GW2, but that doesn’t mean that dungeon teams can be composed of any combination… you still need some representation of each of the 3 roles. So players asking for spec “are you a controller/dps/support” and gear type “umm, your a dps wearing clerics?” may be important for the tougher encounters, and should be expected.
Ran CoE Path 2 last night with a group
Level 80 Greatsword Warrior
Level 80 Mesmer
Level 80 Elementalist(stayed mostly fire)
Level 80 Elementalist(stayed mostly water)
and me a Level 80 1h/shield shout warrior.
The Mesmer and Eles were almost one shotted on every alpha fight. We made it through the dungeon just fine though. Learn the boss fights and you’ll be fine. It’s more challenging for sure but it’s more fun to me than res-rushing.
I agree that the new way of things probably makes dungeons harder than they already are. I can’t say I’ve actually done one yet. I do, however, know about the whole “not enough waypoints” problem.
Honestly, though, I can’t say it’s the dungeons that actually make me hesitant to do them – it’s some of the players. From what I’ve read on a lot of the forum pages the “requirements” for getting into a lot of parties for dungeons is kind of high, especially for first-timers. They expect us to have full exotic? I am not sure how possible that is until you’ve actually started doing dungeons…
And running specific builds, as well. Shouldn’t the player use the build they are most comfortable with? That or at least the team could tell them how to adjust their build instead of just kicking them. Patience is also needed. My reasoning being that if you make a person use a new build you can’t be like, “You must perform perfectly.” or get mad at them if they don’t, considering the person has never used the build before.
Overall, I agree that for casuals or people who play this game just for fun (as it is intended to be played, I’d hope) the dungeons will be harder now than they were before. I just hope that finding a party for dungeons isn’t as bad as it sounds.
Anyone who is insisting on a level greater than the minimum to enter the dungon, or requesting a specific RARE-ITY of gear, is just being an idiot and you probably don’t want to be in their group.
That said, type of spec, and type of gear is important. Every profession can fill any of the 3 roles in GW2, but that doesn’t mean that dungeon teams can be composed of any combination… you still need some representation of each of the 3 roles. So players asking for spec “are you a controller/dps/support” and gear type “umm, your a dps wearing clerics?” may be important for the tougher encounters, and should be expected.
Yup. I get that the type of gear is important. As long as the party can come to an agreement on who is playing what role, then I don’t mind at all.
Oh you have to run back for 3minutes? Big deal. Its a low punishment for wiping. I think wiping should cause the dungeon to fail so you have to restart completly.
Too weak. I think wiping should uninstall the game and format your hard disk.
i agree but it should also install a virus that will blow up your computer.
Why stop at the computer? Why not just kill you in RL? That is what I call hardcore. Screw this dungeon fail stuff.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
So many people saying its too hard, so many beating their drums and saying its too easy – honestly why cant we have normal and silly people ‘hard’ mode?
Give less tokens in normal so the gear is still hard to acquire and let everyone be happy, well not everyone – some trolls still complain and will insist this fair compromise is all wrong…
Please nay sayers, lets come to some sort of understanding and hope Anet will realize they can make this dungeon fun AND challenging, the content is there – it just needs a little difficulty adjuster. Oh and story mode doesn’t count as normal mode, it just doesn’t.
(edited by SirAmikVarse.2793)
So many people saying its too hard, so many beating their drums and saying its too easy – honestly why cant we have normal and silly people ‘hard’ mode?
Give less tokens in normal so the gear is still hard to acquire and let everyone be happy, well not everyone – some trolls still complain and will insist this fair compromise is all wrong…
Please nay sayers, lets come to some sort of understanding and hope Anet will realize they can make this dungeon fun AND challenging, the content is there – it just needs a little difficulty adjuster. Oh and story mode doesn’t count as normal mode, it just doesn’t.
I’ve always been for the idea of more dungeon modes…maybe even a puzzle mode where it’s nothing about combat and you just work through a series of traps, jump puzzles and retrieval missions (all solo) that rewards some simple tokens or gear but nothing else (no exp, no gold, no karma). Other hard modes and what not…but never would I want the current content made easier or harder. Even CoF has it’s place (as long as all the farmers stick to that and moonlight a path or two in CoE, I’m dandy).
That’s my opinion. There’s really no reason to go changing things drastically to make it more casual friendly or more hardcore focused…when you can just add more modes and more paths.
Kind of diggin in the graveyard on this month old thread, but I’ll bite. I would settle for an easy difficulty mode that would give half the tokens/cash of the current with only minor changes. Seeing red circles displayed whenever we need to dodge in order to forgo the animations on the bosses that are hard to see most times anyways. Dodge circles that never spawn faster than someone without vigor can regen his/her endurance and never one-hit kill so long as you have some toughens/vitality. Along with those changes I would ask that trash mobs be actually trash as opposed to being just slightly weaker than the bosses in most cases or at least given a better chance to drop something useful once in a while to make them worth doing.