Veteran Collosus, double projectile reflect

Veteran Collosus, double projectile reflect

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


As a staff ele, the mobs at Jade Maw drives me crazy. Since they have a full time buff that reflects projectiles. Since most of the Ele staff skills including all auto attacks are projectile, i really get bored at those mobs

But sometimes they activate another projectile reflect skill which lasts short that make me think the permament projectile reflect is just a bug or leftover from previous builds.


[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Veteran Collosus, double projectile reflect

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Yeah, I think it’s a bug. The constant passive effect “Reflect Projectiles” and the temporary active effect that also reflects projectiles? That makes no sense.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Veteran Collosus, double projectile reflect

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zencow.3651


Most likely they copy+pasted the Earth Elemental and re-skinned it and added the passive but forgot to remove the Magnetic Aura from their skillset.

Try using Lightning Hammer, its really awesome for taking these guys down given you dodge their Ring of Earth-like knockdown skill.

Quasi-elitist dungeoneer and missing Gw1 GvGs greatly.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”

Veteran Collosus, double projectile reflect

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I feel it’s a bug, because they have an active ability that reflects projectiles (Magnetic Aura) but they reflect projectiles anyway because it’s redundant.

Anyway by force of habit I normally initiate on an enemy with warrior axe 3 which often results in laughs. I’ll not mention the first time I ran 2 where I killed myself with Killshot.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer