WTS Arah Path..
Look at all of those warriors, lol.
Nothing wrong with selling paths. If you don’t want to pay, do it yourself
Why anybody would pay 5g?
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Why would you buy food from McDonald’s?
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
I’ve been putting up my LFG: ‘Buying Arah p… 23 silver & 3x princess miya’s wig" for a while, but noone wants to help me out
Anyway, I don’t see a problem. They provide a service for people who don’t want to play through the content for whatever reason. Happens quite often on long or difficult things (like Arah, although it’s not bad at all once you know how to do it). Your gain their loss.
Things like this will always occur, even GW1 you had droks run, underworld spider pet run, powerlevelling, doing missions and more – people selling them for gold. Personally I did a lot of droks run on my ranger back in the day, people were always happy to get there and me having fun and earning a few extra coins too. I bet it’s the same for these guys, they solo/duo Arah for fun and then get some extra profit from it, keep it up
If you don’t want to run the dungeon, I don’t see the big deal with people selling paths.
People in GW1 used to sell mission clears with all the bonuses all the time. If someone can do something that a lot of people can’t, they’re going to sell it. That’s just the way it works.
As long as it doesn’t get to the point where LFG turns into a “pay us 5G a piece and won’t kick you”, its probably ok.
Sometimes I miss vertical progression… I would just save my money, wait for the xpac and solo it at level 90 :P.
don’t see the problem tbh…
there is who farms ore/wood/whatever and sell them, aswell there is who sells a run in a dungeon for ppl unable or lazy to do it…what’s the point?
The problem, if you run the paths to last boss and these a.holes kick the members because there are 2 of them, then throw up LFG Party Selling Path.
I completed all Arah paths this week actually. Benn putting it off and putting it off since launch. (I don’t love most of the dungeons in this game) I was able to find groups for all without paying anything. Few of them too longer than others but I was able to find groups all the same.
I don’t see an issue.
I completed all Arah paths this week actually. Benn putting it off and putting it off since launch. (I don’t love most of the dungeons in this game) I was able to find groups for all without paying anything. Few of them too longer than others but I was able to find groups all the same.
I don’t see an issue.
i did the same. I just ignore the selling messages and only focus on casual ones (or i start a run myself asking for good attitude players willing to help)
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
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The reason why the sellers are the only ones that show in your LFG screen is because those take longest to fill up, so they will appear in the LFG screen for an extended period of time. Normal runs usually fill up within a minute, maybe slightly more.
If you only find people selling arah, and you wish to do a normal run, why don’t you post an LFG yourself? It takes nothing more than a few clicks on your keyboard to get that done.
As long as people are willing to pay for a dungeon running service, people will keep doing it, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
The reason why the sellers are the only ones that show in your LFG screen is because those take longest to fill up
This is true. Advertise a regular run and be sure as kitten it it’ll fill up almost immediately. Albeit with 2 Rangers, a Necro and a Cleric Staff Guardian.
Also, thread #27471 regarding the matter.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
If there are people willing to provide a service, and people willing and wanting to pay for the service provided, who is anyone else to say that they shouldn’t be allowed to do so? Maybe if it affected you in some way then your complaint might have some validity, but it clearly doesn’t. To say that it shouldn’t be allowed is beyond ludicrous.
jelly people without skills don’t want people to sell arah cuz it makes ’em to feel bad how someone alone manages to complete a dungeon and sell in the same time while he got wiped a lot of times with 4 more people who have no skills.
It’s the economy, stupid
Its getting a bit silly.
Its getting a bit silly.
Man I wish our prices were that low
But the only reason you’re seeing the parties is because they aren’t filling quickly enough. So no, it isn’t getting silly.
Its getting a bit silly.
Yes it is, but that’s only because of the exploits. When will they kitten fix them. It’ll be an absolute gold mine when they fix anything that allows lupi to be skipped.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Its getting a bit silly.
It doesn’t affect you in any way, shape or form, does it? It’s not like there’s a reachable cap of LFG ads, so you can always start your own.
I really don’t get why people want to get rid of things that impact them in no way at all.
It doesn’t affect you in any way, shape or form, does it? It’s not like there’s a reachable cap of LFG ads, so you can always start your own.
I really don’t get why people want to get rid of things that impact them in no way at all.
I never said I wanted to get rid of it. I’ve always stated exactly the opposite.
It doesn’t affect you in any way, shape or form, does it? It’s not like there’s a reachable cap of LFG ads, so you can always start your own.
I really don’t get why people want to get rid of things that impact them in no way at all.
I never said I wanted to get rid of it. I’ve always stated exactly the opposite.
Ah, this is starting to become a habit. I apologize if I sounded hostile.
I log on, do WvW, my guild run ends, I look at the LFG. Someones selling a path for 4-5g, I get 3.26g + some greens and possibly rares. Sell those. At worst I lose a few silvers and get a few silvers if I am lucky. I get my 66% of a level and 60 badge garunteed. Pretty good for doing nothing.
I don’t find Arah boring or hard, but if I can get a trouble free run in while I watch TV, why not?
Note: those sellers are not preventing you from doing Arah, they aren’t blocking the entrance and forcing you to pay them to get through.
Ah, this is starting to become a habit. I apologize if I sounded hostile.
That’s alright, apologies accepted darling. To clarify, I can see that having so many dungeon sellers is an issue. The point of dungeons, is that you enjoy them with other players for free, and hopefully earn some nice loot along the way.
Now back in GW1 we had the so called Droknar runners. These were people who offered to run players from Beacons Perch to Droknar’s Forge for a small fee. This was a tricky run, through Lornar’s Pass and Snake Dance, but it allowed players to skip a large part of the game if they wanted. I was never against that either. Because doing the run was a challenge itself, and people simply paid for a short cut. It’s nice when people find a clever but honest way to make extra gold in the game, by offering a service to other players.
However, it shouldn’t dominate the game. Currently, there are way more people offering to run Arah for a large fee, than there are people forming normal parties. There’s also people finding ways to bug themselves outside the map, which is obviously not intended, and then killing all the bosses without them being able to attack back.
I definitely don’t think running dungeons should be removed from the game. Instead, I think the opposite should be encouraged. One way to do that, is to give the dungeons more chokepoints that force players to fight more. Another, is to simply make the dungeon more popular (either by making it more fun, or more lucrative). The latter has my vote. I think if all mobs in Arah were more lucrative, fewer people would want to skip them.
I noticed one thing whenever people post screens of these Arah LFG showing only selling partys. Namely that all of them were refreshed and that no time at all had elapsed when they took the pictures. So, I opened up the LFG and waited for 10 minutes.
I noticed one thing whenever people post screens of these Arah LFG showing only selling partys. Namely that all of them were refreshed and that no time at all had elapsed when they took the pictures. So, I opened up the LFG and waited for 10 minutes.
This is perfect evidence for what we have been saying. Thank you! <3
What I’ve noticed, is that there is far more running in GW2, than there ever was in GW1. Which is odd, considering the fact that GW2 even goes as far as to slow the player down if they are attacked, which is something GW1 never did. Perhaps some lessons can be learned from GW1? Because some of the things that deterred people from running in GW1 was:
- There weren’t that many invincibility skills
- Enemies had degen hexes, which would drain your health while you were running.
- Enemies were more tightly packed, and running into them was suicide.
- Enemies had better drops, so killing them was something you wanted to do.
- Some enemies would simply outrun the players.
I’ve been putting up my LFG: ‘Buying Arah p… 23 silver & 3x princess miya’s wig" for a while, but noone wants to help me out
Anyway, I don’t see a problem. They provide a service for people who don’t want to play through the content for whatever reason. Happens quite often on long or difficult things (like Arah, although it’s not bad at all once you know how to do it). Your gain their loss.
Things like this will always occur, even GW1 you had droks run, underworld spider pet run, powerlevelling, doing missions and more – people selling them for gold. Personally I did a lot of droks run on my ranger back in the day, people were always happy to get there and me having fun and earning a few extra coins too. I bet it’s the same for these guys, they solo/duo Arah for fun and then get some extra profit from it, keep it up
How do you feel confident about yourself and your skill after having the dungeon master achievement bought and not earned? Or you are just jealous of all the people having it and you being unable to grasp it?
If I have to do all the dungeons, it is because of the extra Achievement Points, not the title itself. Don’t go and put on silly prestige on that title. Because honestly, even Dungeon Masters wouldn’t want to visit certain dungeons like SE p2, HotW p2, 3 more than once.
And even if I had no skills, I would burst out my social skills to look for an experienced player to help me. Fortunately,…
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
godkitten dungeon master needs SOOOOO much skill to get! I guess not dying of boredom from HOTW 2/3 and SE 2 is a feat in itself.
What I’ve noticed, is that there is far more running in GW2, than there ever was in GW1
I strongly disagree with this. With the exception of Arah and occasional Fractal/AC P1, I really only see other dungeons being sold few and far-between by friends who did trios or otherwise, less than full parties.
In GW1, off the top of my head, these runs were all sold…
DoA, UW, FoW, Urgoz, Deep, Vloxen, Slavers, SoO, Ooze, Rragar’s, Sepulchre, Kathy, Frostmaw, Oola’s, (etc, EVERY EotN dungeon), EVERY vanquish, EVERY mission HM and NM (title selling), Gate of Desolation runs, Drok runs, desert tours, Ascalon -> ToA/Sanctum Cay… outposts such as Doomlore were almost entirely dedicated to selling.
(edited by OldSomalia.6180)
What I’ve noticed, is that there is far more running in GW2, than there ever was in GW1
I strongly disagree with this. With the exception of Arah and occasional Fractal/AC P1, I really only see other dungeons being sold few and far-between by friends who did trios or otherwise, less than full parties.
In GW1, off the top of my head, these runs were all sold…
DoA, UW, FoW, Urgoz, Deep, Vloxen, Slavers, SoO, Ooze, Rragar’s, Sepulchre, Kathy, Frostmaw, Oola’s, (etc, EVERY EotN dungeon), EVERY vanquish, EVERY mission HM and NM (title selling), Gate of Desolation runs, Drok runs, desert tours, Ascalon -> ToA/Sanctum Cay… outposts such as Doomlore were almost entirely dedicated to selling.
Yeah I agree, I paid to get ran to nearly every major city (or ran myself and sold the remaining slots) in gw1 whenever I made a new character. This includes ascalon > LA, LA > desert, beacons > droks, droks > grotto, etc. For everything I didn’t want to do, there was someone who would do it for me.
Selling Dungeons Paths – (Working as Intended)
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.
I’ve been putting up my LFG: ‘Buying Arah p… 23 silver & 3x princess miya’s wig" for a while, but noone wants to help me out
Anyway, I don’t see a problem. They provide a service for people who don’t want to play through the content for whatever reason. Happens quite often on long or difficult things (like Arah, although it’s not bad at all once you know how to do it). Your gain their loss.
Things like this will always occur, even GW1 you had droks run, underworld spider pet run, powerlevelling, doing missions and more – people selling them for gold. Personally I did a lot of droks run on my ranger back in the day, people were always happy to get there and me having fun and earning a few extra coins too. I bet it’s the same for these guys, they solo/duo Arah for fun and then get some extra profit from it, keep it up
How do you feel confident about yourself and your skill after having the dungeon master achievement bought and not earned? Or you are just jealous of all the people having it and you being unable to grasp it?
I don’t get yoour point. What you said has nothing to do with what the person you quoted said.