Warrior Ranged Options

Warrior Ranged Options

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

For doing damage at range, all things equal, should I use Longbow or Rifle? Specifically in two cases: Against an inanimate object or regular mob.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

Warrior Ranged Options

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sages.3496


Rifle number 3 is going to do more dps than a longbow could ever do. so a rifle would be your best bet unless you want a blast finisher, then use a longbow.

Warrior Ranged Options

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


What does “all things equal” encompass?

Both have their uses. On the occasions I wanted to use ranged, I used to use Rifle, but nowadays I tend towards longbow. The fire field and blast finisher are very good to have in party situations. If you need a root, you’ve got that on longbow. If you need a knockback, you’ve got that instead on rifle.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Warrior Ranged Options

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192


for me its a matter of what i am doing,

if you are doing group stuff, even with one other person, Longbow. It has more utility and the fire field coupled with blast finisher is never a bad thing to add to a group.

if you are running Solo, and only functioning in that regard. I would say rifle.

I could be way off base for it. but that is at least how i usually run. rifle solo longbow groups. IF… i am even going to be using range.

Warrior Ranged Options

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: guanlongwucaii.3162


Rifle number 3 is going to do more dps than a longbow could ever do. so a rifle would be your best bet unless you want a blast finisher, then use a longbow.

this is perfect “my hundred blades does amazing deeeps cos its a big number”. I advise you to and read up on what dps actually is.

rifle does a bit more single target damage than lb, but has trash utility and isn’t as good for survivability (if you want dodges, lb burst is quick to cast, whereas rifle burst is a long kitten root + lb immobilise is really good too).

you will want to use lb most of the time on the few occasions that you go range.

Warrior Ranged Options

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raven.3248


axe 3, GS 4 or sword 4 those are excellent range options

Just another Arah veteran

Warrior Ranged Options

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


Against objects longbow is better. From what i remember my warrior hits for 1700 on rifle auto atack and 2×1400 on longbow auto. Longbow does more direct damage, and rifle shares its dps with the bleeding.

Warrior Ranged Options

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Neko.9021


Longbow has better sustained damage when Ranging.

Compare the autoattacks of the two:

Longbow also has generally superior utility. A Fire Field, a blast finisher, a blind, and a really quick and easy to land, long-duration Immobilize.

Rifle has a bleed on its autoattack but its more of a Burst-Damage Weapon than a Condi Weapon. Kill Shot and Volley do a nice spike of damage.

However, Arcing Arrow on the Longbow still does insane burst damage, and it’s ground-targeted, and it’s also a blast finisher.

Longbow’s sustained damage and utility is far superior, so you should use it if you find yourself in a situation where you want to Range and kite.

(edited by Neko.9021)