Warrior Solo Arah p3 Corrosive Light
The Simps… I mean Brazil did it!
I see, very nice. I figured someone from rT or DnT would do it :P.
Don’t really know why he bothered with the Clerics Gear though, not really neccessary, more bag space filled with junk -.-.
He did it with Cleric’s, but I suppose it’s even easier with Magi’s as your base life pool will be bigger. It might actually allow some room for error, which he completely lacked in his video. (Unless Light of orb deals damage based on the actual life, of course.)
He did it with Cleric’s, but I suppose it’s even easier with Magi’s as your base life pool will be bigger. It might actually allow some room for error, which he completely lacked in his video. (Unless Light of orb deals damage based on the actual life, of course.)
It deals a percentage of your total health, so adding more HP does absolutely nothing. The Cleric’s armor / trinkets actually gets you a lot of extra distance, and it’s not really a problem to keep it in your inventory. You are going out to retrait anyways, so you could just put it into your bank while retrait if it bothers you to have it in your inventory.
Youtube Channel – http://www.youtube.com/t3llularman
Except makes your heals weaker.
Yes, to both of you. That’s why included the parenthesis
Hmm, Idk, what I did was use one shout before my heal, healed at ~700 hp to full, and one shout after, leaving me at 700 hp at the end when I put it in. I was in full zerk and I ended with one last tic of life left, just as you did.
Also Clerics is around 1k healing power? That should only give around 2k more health (1k per shout) which is less than one tick, but if you were at around 2k extra health then it would put you around 4k which could absorb one more.
Either way, I don’t think it actually helps at all if you do end up using one shout before heal and one shout after. As you will take the same amount of hits from the orb either way. I could be wrong though.