Warrior obsession in AC.
I’d like to think they’re simply unaware that warriors are not the “one class to rule them all”, so to speak.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
“one class to rule them all”
That would be Ele =D
In general the dungeon running portion of the player base has had an uncanny obsession with Warriors.
For a long time they were considered the highest DPS, which coupled with their high base-line survivability, made Warrior-heavy runs fast and safe. So I guess it caught on and never changed, even though other classes can easily match the Warrior#s DPS.
But I guess Thieves are too squishy and have a bad reputation for dying a lot and Eles, well Eles have to be built for group support, which isn’t always the case.
TL,DR: Warriors are seen as a safe choice both in terms of DPS and survivability.
thinking of a comment against eles Hmm, never mind
Why do pugs always want multiple warriors for AC, preferably at least 3 or 4?
Is there something I don’t know or are all those just kittened?
That isn’t an AC issue only. I got kicked again from CoE as a second ele, because they wanted 3 warrior, 1 guard and 1 ele only. :/
Of course the reason was the usual “warr deepz is da bestest”.
Why do pugs always want multiple warriors for AC, preferably at least 3 or 4?
Is there something I don’t know or are all those just kittened?That isn’t an AC issue only. I got kicked again from CoE as a second ele, because they wanted 3 warrior, 1 guard and 1 ele only. :/
Of course the reason was the usual “warr deepz is da bestest”.
Thats stupid aswell, but in CoE warriors at least have their uses.
thinking of a comment against eles Hmm, never mind
Dying like flies OR losing out on rotations/dps in a non fgsfgsfgsfgsfgsfgs (pug) run.
That isn’t an AC issue only. I got kicked again from CoE as a second ele, because they wanted 3 warrior, 1 guard and 1 ele only. :/
So in the 2 dungeons where 3 Ele’s are optimal, they kick the 2nd Ele before even considering a 3rd. lol?
thinking of a comment against eles Hmm, never mind
Can’t stack might as good as a warrior.
Game over, yo.
In other news it didnt take long for the average player to forget about ferocity and immediately start creating more nerf zerker threads. While also making it clear that they dont understand the game.
heh yesterday i joined for ac and one elementalist got kicked and me on elementalist was forced to relog to warrior otherwise i’d be kicked. I explained to them ele has better dps and fgs, icebow is useful. They told me i was wrong.
creating more nerf zerker threads.
And then when it happens again, we can all tell them what Nike told them.
You were ready to dance on our graves, but, as it turns out, you were dancing on your own.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Pugging AC is solid proof people hate themselves. It’s one of the worst things you can do.
Even if you have to pug because no one in your crappy guild has time for you, why join some crappy pug group that is already made? Either A) Make your own pug group as this is extremely easy and puts you in control or make sure you are the first one to enter the instance in someone else’s pug group, so that kicking you later on or so would kill the dungeon. Now B doesn’t solve being kicked at start of dungeon, but whatever.
Point of story, be the first one in the instance whether it is your group or someone else’s group, and maybe find a better guild.
Pugging AC is solid proof people hate themselves. It’s one of the worst things you can do.
I rolled a new warrior lvl34 @ the time and I was soloing and killing story mode mobs before the other 4 60+ players could kill one.
I killed 2 Rangers from up the stairs before they could kill the warrior who lollygags around and does the most obvious “I am healing myself” ability.
Funny thing was these werent sub1k apers these were 2-5k ap.
maybe find a better guild.
Lol. Op is from an elite dungeon guild.
I think it just comes down to lack of knowledge. Our ‘lead’ guild runner has an 80 mesmer and 80 warrior which he swaps between on dungeons/fractals. Last night we did all 3 AC paths and on the last one we ended up having 3 ele’s (including myself). 2 of us were S/D ele’s using a mix of LH/FGS/Frost Bow, the other one was a fire staff ele with 5k+ AP.
I was over the moon because I knew we had a brilliant combo in 3 ele’s, a warrior and a guard. He was like “meh, this is gonna be tough with 3 ele’s”.
Anyway I couldn’t believe my eyes, luckily we proved him wrong and flew through the run using a combination of our conjures and just pure pwnage. As much as people disagree, I think this is why some sort of combat log would help show that one class isn’t the best on the planet and that other classes are perfectly good. The only character he hadn’t really played is an ele and he automatically assumed they were rubbish even though I was doing 5-6k crits with my hammer scaled down to a level 35.
im pretty sure thse are the bots of someone conducting a Turing Test on us
they are failing miserably btw
Even if you have to pug because no one in your crappy guild has time for you, why join some crappy pug group that is already made? Either A) Make your own pug group as this is extremely easy and puts you in control or
make sure you are the first one to enter the instance in someone else’s pug group, so that kicking you later on or so would kill the dungeon. Now B doesn’t solve being kicked at start of dungeon, but whatever.
Point of story, be the first one in the instance whether it is your group or someone else’s group, and maybe find a better guild.
lol…this guy.
I think PuGs stack Wars because it’s fairly easy for them all to stay alive and put out acceptable DPS. If you look at their builds, most of them run wonky setups with signet utilities. A few might run a banner or something. That’s basically the reason why. You could get a PuG Thief, Ele, Guard, etc… but with those classes you risk them being horrible AND dead. With a War you really just accept that they will be horrible but at least put in the damage up-time. Such is the PuGlogic.
Yes, Dub, join a better guild! sarcasm
Pugging AC is solid proof people hate themselves. It’s one of the worst things you can do.
This morning I had a great PUG run — I went as ele, and the other random ele was better than me at might stacking (I generally get 15 stacks, they were getting 20+ … I think using weapon swapping). 2 LH eles (though I dropped LH some to put up fire fields); it was a fun run. Granted, 3 of us were from a guild, but the other random ele wasn’t; I’ve had other decent experiences with AC PUGs. OTOH, I wouldn’t join one advertising for warriors only even if I was playing my warrior…
Why do pugs always want multiple warriors for AC, preferably at least 3 or 4?
Is there something I don’t know or are all those just kittened?That isn’t an AC issue only. I got kicked again from CoE as a second ele, because they wanted 3 warrior, 1 guard and 1 ele only. :/
Of course the reason was the usual “warr deepz is da bestest”.
You mean “RED warr deeps is da bestest becuz theyz gotz the biggest dakka (GS)”
creating more nerf zerker threads.
And then when it happens again, we can all tell them what Nike told them.
You were ready to dance on our graves, but, as it turns out, you were dancing on your own.
The best part is the complaint always goes “I had a mix of Soldiers and Valkyrie gear, now with the crit damage nerf I have to go full zerker to get any damage etc.”
As if they were even doing any damage in the first place with their Soldier/Valk combos.
I’ve been pugging AC 1&3 for what, the last year? Never had any of these issues. Of course, I am an Ele so perhaps that may have something to do with it.
It’s a normal misconception that warriors have the highest DPS of all classes although they’re arguably the less punishing class in the game, meaning a bad warrior will not hinder a group as much as a bad thief or elementalist for instance as all they need to do to be effective is properly position themselves and press “Hundred Blades”.
Most things that are trendy at some point are already outdated or have just been so exhaustively imbued into every player’s mentality that it is all they know.
Take the stacking strategy in every boss, in some fights it is beneficial while in others the fight mechanics punish you for it and yet people insist on stacking because they simply don’t know any better… This is also very dependent on your team composition, it would be counter-productive to stack up when you have 3 rangers and 2 thieves as your group for example.
Rolling with PUGs is a totally different world and you should always expect the worst of your teammates be it concerning their attitude or abilities, of course there’s also the rare occasions where you meet a few nice people that happened to be grouped together and you have an enjoyable PUG dungeon run.
But if you’re a player that prefers being guildless and opts to run with PUGs all the time… I suggest you buy GW1, never miss a Living Story chapter and WvW season so you can gather all those precious and meaningless achievement points and always play a meta favorite profession. Under those conditions you should be okay
(edited by Veckna.9621)
Why do pugs always want multiple warriors for AC, preferably at least 3 or 4?
Is there something I don’t know or are all those just kittened?That isn’t an AC issue only. I got kicked again from CoE as a second ele, because they wanted 3 warrior, 1 guard and 1 ele only. :/
Of course the reason was the usual “warr deepz is da bestest”.You mean “RED warr deeps is da bestest becuz theyz gotz the biggest dakka (GS)”
Um, wasnt it “red is faster”? And wasn’kitten“more dakka” and maybe bigger/heavier cleaver might be more appropriate?
I admit though dakka reads better and I’m not entirely certain it was used only for guns. It’s been a while.
Unless you were referencing something else and I misinterpreted. In that case, sorry for my rambling.
As for the actual topic. I think it’s due to the fact that a warrior, even a zerk build, can survive the spider queen more or less without dodging and can eat most of the Kohler pull/whirlwind combination without going down.
It’s a failsafe for some people. Though I will never ever understand why people don’t want at least one elementalist in AC. It makes certain things so much easier.
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
Though I will never ever understand why people don’t want at least one elementalist in AC. It makes certain things so much easier.
Easier isn’t what people always want. heck ive just /sleep in ac p3 groups because it had more than 1 ele. No point in me even moving. Makes me wonder why they dont just solo/duo it.
It’s the easiest class to deal damage and survive in such a PvE situation. Better than staff guards, bearbow rangers, condi necros, D/D thieves that don’t backstab, etc.
Pug teams goes with the assumption that you will get crappy players. With that assumption some people takes it far enough that they’d only want warriors since even if they’re bad, they can still survive and do some damage.
I personally could care less since with the recent update lowlevel dungeons had become a joke, but old habits die hard I guess.
Pugging AC is solid proof people hate themselves. It’s one of the worst things you can do.
Pugging CM can be more painful
Well yeah red is faster and dakka is gun. The melee weapon is the choppa. But dakka sounds much better than choppa. Blue should also provide more MF and FGJ should be “WAAAGHHH!!” :P
Elite groups who have looked for optimum classes have their own ideas about the best classes to suit their narrow requirements. For PUGs it’s pretty obvious that heavies are the best. They can miss a dodge and live, or can get unlucky and live. Lots of buffs. PuG tactics were designed by heavies for heavies. Warriors are simple to play and bring dps. Other classes need skilled play to match them.
They want your Shoutheals /duh
Warrior epic deeps z3rkz0r 1337 DPS
Who needs Ele’s when you can have another Warrior!
Why do pugs always want multiple warriors for AC, preferably at least 3 or 4?
Is there something I don’t know or are all those just kittened?
they forgot how to ice bow….
Though I will never ever understand why people don’t want at least one elementalist in AC. It makes certain things so much easier.
Easier isn’t what people always want. heck ive just /sleep in ac p3 groups because it had more than 1 ele. No point in me even moving. Makes me wonder why they dont just solo/duo it.
I was referring to the kind of people who put class restrictions/class wanted notions into their lfg for AC. That is usually done with the idea of making things easier (even if in some cases it doesn’t).
From that point of view I can’t understand the notion of not taking an elementalist. Or a guardian/mesmer for p2.
I very well recognize the need for a challenge and would like to see a hardmode implemented for dungeons (if done properly that is, more mob-hp is not a hardmode).
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
Because pugs are slow to learn.
Just now they are adopting(some) the meta of 2012.
Even if you have to pug because no one in your crappy guild has time for you, why join some crappy pug group that is already made? Either A) Make your own pug group as this is extremely easy and puts you in control or
make sure you are the first one to enter the instance in someone else’s pug group, so that kicking you later on or so would kill the dungeon. Now B doesn’t solve being kicked at start of dungeon, but whatever.
Point of story, be the first one in the instance whether it is your group or someone else’s group, and maybe find a better guild.
Yeah, how dare I founding such a kittenty guild.
On another note, is there a reson pugs run into some corner, waiting 3 minutes before they engage the boss? I got called noob when I engaged instantly and 2 people left, one went full ragemode. Luckily I opened the dungeon and the raging guy stopped writing when I had killed the boss – solo. :/
Pugs do this all the time with wraithlord. I just yolo in, one guy always says “stack” and I say “why” and then they just run in.
I love when they stack for no reason whatsoever.
Game over, yo.
Dont ever leave the Stack!
It’s a dangerous and hard world out of the Stack
Dont ever leave the Stack!
It’s a dangerous and hard world out of the Stack
I recommend reading the Altered Carbon series from Richard Morgan. then you’ll see how true those words are indeed.
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
Dont ever leave the Stack!
It’s a dangerous and hard world out of the Stack
Is that like “Don’t go into the tall grass” or “It’s dangerous to go alone take one of these”?
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
Icebow splojts /kick
He went down slower than ele/ranger duo without using a wall. Those pugs are really something.
Did a full AC run with a PUG a few hours ago. Everyone was full zerk, we had 3 Ele’s, 1 Guard and 1 Mesmer. Took us 36 minutes for all three paths, probably one of the best runs of my life. Those FGS just rule the world.
3 Ele’s, 1 Guard and 1 Mesmer
Those FGS just rule the world
Exactly. FGS is OP. Which is why we use 3 eles for ac and coe, and 2 eles everywhere else. 2x fgs for spider and subsequent gravelings, 4x fgs for kholer. Your runs would have been faster with a war and thief instead of mes and guard though.