Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zoltar.2873


First, PuGing dungeon groups is very tiresome, it takes quite long to get a group and then you get a group which is not suitable for your playing style (youngsters which tend to skip mob packs and not to pay attention to other people in party).

But one thing is starting to be symptomatic; everyone suddenly looking for heavy armored professions. People consider light armored professions to be too squishy and dungeon runs take longer with squishy party members. Even if you have more vitality, toughness and playing for example earth elementalist, it’s still considered for squishy. Not exactly sure why, I haven’t had problems with survivability when party is playing proper strategy.

Unfortunately this makes PuGing even harder.
Yes, I know you should probably have good guild group for dungeon runs, but sometimes you just can’t get that.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deathfrost.9145


It’s not really sudden, from week one Ive seen some map chat looking for tankish types.

To be fair, people also don’t like a full party of melee either.

A lot of people are looking for balanced party makeup, as those tend to play off of each other’s strengths. Ive seen plenty of groups looking for elementals specifically, or engineers for AC.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zoltar.2873


Today, all day long everyone just looking for warriors and guradians. Well it’s kinda simple, if I can’t get a group with elementalist, I’ll reroll guardian. But then I’m asking myself, what if this does bunch of other folks?

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lorana.2468


tbh it’s because Warrior & Guardian are by far the 2 strongest classes in PVE right now.
no other class beats a warrior on damage, you couldnt even get close to a 20k Hundred blades so dont even try and Guardian brings an amazing amount of support especially with most always built for defence & support, you can be almost certain you wont find a pug guardian going glass cannon which is one less worry.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sera.6539


Along with what others said, apparently having more toughness actually draws more aggro. So it can be good for survivability outside of dungeons, it may be worse inside. On both my Necromancer and Elementalist, I have more toughness than anyone I party with most of the time. I’m usually the one circle strafeing mobs after me.

Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Are you for real OP? “Youngsters which tend to skip…”? It seems like you are trying to tell other people how to play the game – please don’t.

Also, Guardians and Warriors are popular because there is nothing that can rival them in raw damage / support. It’s just how it is. You may not like it, and you can complain about the fact that it is the case as much as you want, but you can’t deny it.

Try to do any dungeon with a group of only guardians / warriors and then with a mixed group of 5 different professions. I promise you will notice a difference.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tweek.3190


Are those people looking for a team with like 3-4 heavy armors, or are they parties with already 4 light armor and wanting to fill the last slot with a heavy?
This is in fact a major difference, not just for the fact that they are heavy armored but also for having a melee ranged fighter in your team.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zoltar.2873


Are you for real OP? “Youngsters which tend to skip…”? It seems like you are trying to tell other people how to play the game – please don’t.

Also, Guardians and Warriors are popular because there is nothing that can rival them in raw damage / support. It’s just how it is. You may not like it, and you can complain about the fact that it is the case as much as you want, but you can’t deny it.

Try to do any dungeon with a group of only guardians / warriors and then with a mixed group of 5 different professions. I promise you will notice a difference.

I totally agree with you about warrior and guardian; I’m just asking what will happen when more people come to conclusion that it’s best to reroll warrior or guardian!? Is this going to show AN that game in unbalanced?

And I totally agree with your statement about not telling people how to play the game; same thing works in both directions you know. I have every right to play it as I want, and I have every right to say I want to clear path to boss and not to skip mob packs.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zoltar.2873


Are those people looking for a team with like 3-4 heavy armors, or are they parties with already 4 light armor and wanting to fill the last slot with a heavy?
This is in fact a major difference, not just for the fact that they are heavy armored but also for having a melee ranged fighter in your team.

This particular guy wrote in map chat “LF3M, prefer warriors and guardians”. Figure it out for yourself…

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tweek.3190


That sounds like something I could write. I try to look at what we have in the team and see what we could use (dps/support/control/combo) and I ask for that by saying that it would be preferred. Though if a light armor would come and ask for the last spot I would probably accept him.
And that fact that he said prefer at 3 more needed could be to give it more time. If he would start looking for “the missing profession” at last slot it would be a lot harder to fill it.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

Build your ele with healing/toughness/vitality and laugh at guardians that try to provide as much support as you can. Support ele is an absolutely exceptional build, and more people should make use of it.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Are you for real OP? “Youngsters which tend to skip…”? It seems like you are trying to tell other people how to play the game – please don’t.

Also, Guardians and Warriors are popular because there is nothing that can rival them in raw damage / support. It’s just how it is. You may not like it, and you can complain about the fact that it is the case as much as you want, but you can’t deny it.

Try to do any dungeon with a group of only guardians / warriors and then with a mixed group of 5 different professions. I promise you will notice a difference.

I totally agree with you about warrior and guardian; I’m just asking what will happen when more people come to conclusion that it’s best to reroll warrior or guardian!? Is this going to show AN that game in unbalanced?

And I totally agree with your statement about not telling people how to play the game; same thing works in both directions you know. I have every right to play it as I want, and I have every right to say I want to clear path to boss and not to skip mob packs.

“…and then you get a group which is not suitable for your playing style”

This makes it seem like the group you joined used tactics that you didnt like, in which case – leave the group or don’t complain.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shados.1306


The game is new, and has mechanics unfamiliar to a lot of MMO players because most of the more recent MMOs were all clone of each other (there used to be a lot more variety, FFXI, DDO, Lineage…they weren’t all good, but they were not carbon copy of each other. WoW, Rift, SWTOR however….).

Guardians and Warriors have very low barrier for entry. If you can’t read skill descriptions and just randomly mash your keyboard, you’ll have more success with them. During the beta I tried every class one by one, and leveled them all to 30 (yeah, I didn’t have a life for a while). I picked up warrior because it felt like the best by far. Now that I’m leveling other classes and understand the subtleties in the combo system, in all the debuffs and support options, etc, I can now see, warrior is good. Its awesome even…but its not the end all be all.

Elementalist’s control and healing options can easily surpass a hammer/mace warrior or a shout healer warrior. And the armor difference is honestly not that big unless warrior spec full defense. The damage output of hundred blade is cute until you look at the cooldown or you take a ton of damage from not moving during the cast. Switching between dual axe and greatsword is great but you then have limited ranged option.

Even when i’m partying on my warrior (I’ve done pretty much every path of every dungeon or almost…definately did all the hard ones aside for the hardest arah path), I’m definately not just looking for heavy armor classes. They’re good, but all classes are good =P

mesmer timewarp anyone?

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Supadrumma.6914


The biggest reason guardians are wanted in groups is because they have a huge amount of variety. One guard can buff the party with full retaliation/protection and regen, while the other focuses on cond. removal and burning everything in sight, while a third can be a “tank”. My guardian is specced and geared full power, toughness and vitality and I ALLWAYS have the enemy mobbs and bosses fighting me. You say there aren’t any tank classess in gw2 anet, i beg to differ =P

And warriors are wanted allot because they have the highest burst/resilience ratio of a damage dealer in the game. They have a reliable burst with their F1 skills plus u don’t have to babysit them like you have to with a ranger or an elementalist.

However this doesn’t mean that anyone can roll a guard and think they will steamroll every dungeon just because they are a guard. A well skilled guard can make an ordinary group extraordinary while a unskilled one or (as i like to call them) “wannabe warriors with magic swords instead of normal ones” can serioursly hurt a party.

Guardians have no where near as much dps as a warrior and if u try to be one, i hate to say it, but your gonna fail.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zoltar.2873


Build your ele with healing/toughness/vitality and laugh at guardians that try to provide as much support as you can. Support ele is an absolutely exceptional build, and more people should make use of it.

I mean, I don’t have problem in dungeon. My build isn’t perfect and it could be better.

However subject of this topic is NOT my playing style.
Subject of this topic is NOT my build.

Subject of this topic is feeling that game is unbalanced and that heavy armored classes have advantage finding groups than others, which could lead to imbalance of professions within game.
I’m definitely rerolling guardian.

p.s. I actually asked that LF3M guy if I can join, as soon as he realized I’m elementalist he resolutely responded “no”, and this actually confirms my theory.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zoltar.2873


“…and then you get a group which is not suitable for your playing style”

This makes it seem like the group you joined used tactics that you didnt like, in which case – leave the group or don’t complain.

But of course. I have good experience in MMO’s, including few years of raid leading. And I can say; skipping mob packs, no matter which MMO we are talking about, can lead to more wiping and more wiping. And this is what happened here; one very loud person led PuG into skipping mobs, which led into mess and chaos and 5 or 6 unnecessary wipes on people just trying to reach boss and jump over 2 or 3 packs of mobs (3-6 mobs in each pack). Well, I’m patient person, but everything has limits. When you see that skipped mobs are kitten whole group badly then you start thinking that maybe classical approach would work better. But nooo, this loud person insisted that we should skip mobs, just because this can be done and he did it before. So, with 3 people waiting just before first mob in order to clear path and 2 others trying to skip mobs, I’d say our group pretty much fell victim to a person who thinks that chaos in dungeon is just a test for skills…. It’s not, whole group should strive to get together, to get agreement on how and what is done and to bring order in chaos.

So I’d say you are badly jumping to conclusions. Or you are that kind of person who thinks that everything must be your way or highway; showing exactly the opposite of what you’re trying to preach here.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Citrus Finale.8621

Citrus Finale.8621

Well i have a guardian myself and most of the time run dungeons with guildies sometime with pugs depends on if the guildies want to do a dungeon.

When i run with the guildies they are alway’s amazing on how much damage i can get without landing on my but and crying for help to get revived. (When i do dungeons with a ranger and a pet necro i won’t die at all). So yeah i got an unkillable build but there is one problem with it. When there aren’t any pets or others close by i tend to die allot faster because i can’t heal myself that much on my own.

Yesterday i had an awesome group of players doing AC dungeon. (me the guardian, thief, engineer, necro and elementist). The biggest reason this group was that good because every one knew there strengst and weakness.

The biggest problem i see when running pugs with light armor classes is that they don’t know there weakness so they die often. Or they don’t know what abilities other proffessions have.

Example: in CMS you got allot of hard shooting mobs that will even do more damage if you move. As a guardian i try to stay before my team so i can use my shield bubble, and wall of reflection yets sometimes i see other players running before and getting killed.

So in my opinion if you play an heavy armor proffession you can make a big mistake with out dying (most of the time) yet with a light armor proffession you can not (also most of the time).
So a bad player can do good on a warrior/guardian yet a bad player on a necro/elem will suck badly.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gorge Express.7163

Gorge Express.7163

Do you really want to group with people that only accept certain classes into their party? They are doing you a favor if anything.

And i do not see people asking for certain classes. However, i have not done easier instances like AC and TA in a long time so i would not know what it is like. I mostly stick to CoE and Arah.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Norax.2405


imo heavy clases are overrated.

A warrior can do a lot of dmg with 100b, but when he gets wounded, he switch to rifle, aaaaand the dmg is gone. Also is less supportive than any well played light armor class, and they are usually traited for full dmg instead something more supportive.

Going with guardians is going the easy mode. The ones that think the guardian is a must, is because they dont know how to avoid dmg with their classes and die way too often. Now I can say that any dungeon can be done without them.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lithen.3642


imo heavy clases are overrated.

A warrior can do a lot of dmg with 100b, but when he gets wounded, he switch to rifle, aaaaand the dmg is gone. Also is less supportive than any well played light armor class, and they are usually traited for full dmg instead something more supportive.

Going with guardians is going the easy mode. The ones that think the guardian is a must, is because they dont know how to avoid dmg with their classes and die way too often. Now I can say that any dungeon can be done without them.

As a warrior, i do about 20k with 100b. When I need to switch into rifle for ranged damage or more safety, my rapid fire ends up around 9k. However in rifle I add a lot more control to fights. Cripple and knockback, as well as bleeding and vulnerability, add a lot of support role to the warrior. then you add utility skills like banners and for great justice and youve got the full package all in one class. sure warriors can’t heal other players, but if you’re running 5 warriors you don’t need much healing.

Warriors and Guardians are getting too much momentum

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


As someone who does speed runs with guildies and friends and has a large majority of paths completed in under 20 min, heavy armor classes are just better for dungeons right now.

I regularly run 2 guard, 2 warrior, 1 mesmer groups and we just blow through everything. Guards for boons and tanking, warriors specced for pure dps with shouts and banners, and then a mesmer for time warp and more damage.

Most dungeons are easy mode, also axe & GS for sustained dps on warrior which is what you want in dungeons.

Videos can be found in the link in my sig, was uploading SE1 and 3 right now but I guess the SE1 is useless now :x

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides: