Was Dwayna bugged?
Get better gear and better dps
Also fighting her with 5 people and not using one person to ONLY throw the tears could help.
It’s not impossible that a boss like Dwayna bugs, but if she didn’t bug then the stuff you described could come from very low DPS.
We once killed her 4 or 5 man, I don’t remember, with bones (picked up @ grenth) autoattack tho – so I guess she must’ve been bugged.
The likelihood is you were luring the sparks too slowly. In order to deal too poorly of damage, it has to be really low. She heals while she’s hidden so the longer it takes for you to lure the sparks then the more she heals and the more damage is required to surpass the amount of hp she heals overtime.
So the truth is you could all be wearing full soldiers or something really crappy like that and still be able to win as long as you lure the sparks fast enough consistently.
Thanks to everyone who replied! I ended up running the same path with my guild last night, and we beat her. =P
I think we lacked coordination the first time around because it was ur first time doing path 4, and this time around we knew what we were doing. Damage is not really an issue. My guild mates run a mix of different armors depending on what class we choose to play. We don’t all run beserker armor. I think our mistake last time was that we just had someone standing too close to the pillar with the tears and it threw the sparks off.