We need some other noob Arah runners in Asia
What times do you guys usually run Arahs?
I would love to team up with some people who aren’t interested in ‘speed’ runs through Arah Explorer and learn how to survive those paths.
I usually play Singapore +3 hours, as I am from Australia.
On most evenings until 12 am (australian time that is – probably 9pm your time)
I am from India and i can come as well. I am free in the evenings till late night. PM me in-game if you interested.
From Singapore here myself and I main a Guardian and can play any role with one. Just send a tell or a friend request anytime you need me.
Join [Ph]‘s mumble server. I’m sure there are a couple of guildies that might want to run Arah.
thanks for the replies i will add you and message you soon.
ok added you adn set the nickname to arah runner hopefully see you online tonight,
hi i from sg n i interested too
thank you for path 1 tonight. that was amazing. anyways upgrading my runes then onwards to path 2 tomorrow. Hendry whisper to me in game.
i willl be out of town starting tomorrow so we’ll try path 2 and path 4 next week.
(edited by Laurel McFang.7159)