What GW1 did right & GW2 forgot.

What GW1 did right & GW2 forgot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ajpearman.2586


The one thing I miss the most from Guild Wars 1 is the fact that the PvE game was driven by an all-encompassing story that could be played through by a team of people. These missions had a great sense of scale, discovery, and mystery as you moved through the world and came upon new allies, enemies & creatures with friends. They weren’t amazing or anything, but I’ve never had a greater story-driven experience in an MMO than the first time I played through GW1 when it first came out. Revisiting the game over last summer brought the nostalgia back, and it was wonderful for the couple weeks I played it.

Do you guys think we’ll ever see such a thing again? I suppose GW2 somewhat does this with personal story and story mode dungeons, but both of these lack what made the GW1 missions so great. They focused around the fact that groups of heroes were needed. Those groups were the players. Now in GW2 it’s only about Destiny’s Edge (in dungeons) and kittening Trahearne (in personal story). I want to see my friends and I in cutscenes as we run with the game’s NPC heroes to save the day. The back and forth conversations between only 1 player and the NPCs needs to be done away with. At least recognize and show the presence of the players who helped achieve these things.

Involving things outside of lore, I’d love to see the return of hard modes and timed dungeons to the game. Fractals of the Mists seems to be the current attempt at making something like this, but it still lacks an obvious competitive aspect. There needs to exist some sort of leaderboard and competitive rewards system (titles, skins, minipets, tonics, etc.) for the hardcore players. Let people try and beat timed and hard mode dungeons and then track their accomplishments in the view of the public. It’s kitten these players want, so give them a way to compete. Update FotM to track everyone’s accounts in terms of how high they are in difficulty levels. For this we don’t necessarily need all-new dungeons, just an update to old explorable modes so that players want to go back and compete for speed runs. People love speed running, so instead of trying to stop them, take it and make it a whole new game mode. That way we can have story mode for well, story. And then explorable mode with an option to activate a hard mode option on entry.

What GW1 did right & GW2 forgot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: pdfrod.1948


Yes GW1 missions were close to epic when you gathered a group of people to do it together. To me, GW2 personal stories have felt quite forgettable when compared to GW1 missions.

What GW1 did right & GW2 forgot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draven.9521


GW1 pros: incredible story-driven game-play
GW1 cons: not such an appealing game-play, per say

GW2 pros: Incredible game-play
GW2 cons: not as near as epic as GW1

IMO just slap GW2 right on to GW1. But that’s just me.

Let me sing to you the song of my people.

What GW1 did right & GW2 forgot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


GW2 pros: Incredible game-play

Haw. Half the dungeons right now are how fast you can do them, not whether you can do them or not.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

(edited by Writetyper.1985)

What GW1 did right & GW2 forgot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaShi.1368


GW2 stories get better later on, taking on the length (though rarely the challenge) of GW1 missions. The earlier story missions have better stories, but are quite short and simple to complete.