What is ANet trying to hide ? That they failed with No trinity concept?

What is ANet trying to hide ? That they failed with No trinity concept?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anon.3041


So Im just trying to figure this out why Anet is not even giving the less hardcore ppl the chance to know what their way of no trinity is all about in dungeons. Why on earth are they putting the orginal dungeons so that ppl that are just wanting to try the concept turn away from it with horror.

I would have thought that if Anet actually wanted ppl to play these dungeon and learn to play without the trinity – they would at least give ppl a chance to learn. Obviusly not and that to me just shows that Anet themselfs do not feel very confident in their no Trinity system.

I think its the wrong way of thinking about content in the game. I’ve heard almost nothing but bad rep about GW2 dungeons and more and more ppl will obviously never do it based on the difficulty level and learning curve at the start. I would think thats a shame – but obviously the developers dont realise that.

And before ppl talk about the story mode – Its not for casual either cause ppl that are trying the dungeons are not wearing the right gear to even try them while lvling.

Just horrendous mistake and something that ANet will not be able to turn around now. Meaning that they are litterally forced to create New content in GW2 that less than 10% of the player base even bothers with. ANd thats just a fact at this point.

What is ANet trying to hide ? That they failed with No trinity concept?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Voqar.2349


What in the world are you talking about?

Farming the bejesus out of dungeons isn’t “learning” them or getting exposed to them.

(I can only guess this is a horribly worded cry about dungeon changes to make them less farmable)