What's the Deal?

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Why do “Casuals” come to the forums complaining about be forced to meet requirements asked by PuG groups? No one is forcing them to group with the group that are looking for specific requirements, if a group has requirements that you don’t agree with why try to join them by lying and risk being discriminated against because of it?

All that is required of you is to learn the mechanics of the fights( it takes about 10 minutes tops to view videos that are posted to help players learn the fights) , have exotics as a minimum and the ability to work with others and know your class/role.

I have seen quite a few “Casuals” spout off ways to lie to get in these groups, even though they say they hate their playstyle and players that impose requirements.

There are multiple reasonable options before them to get into groups that have similar views as them.

1. Make your own group for Raids how you want.
2. Join a casual raiding guild. They exist and they clear the content. It can take sometime, (I found the guild I raid with by being a pug and they asked me to raid with them whenever I was on no set raid times very casual friendly with very few requirements).
3.be willing to take advice and make compromises to accomplish your goal at completing raids.
4. Find a PuG without requirements.
5.Prioritize your time spent in game attempt to clear one boss each time you log on if you have limited time.

And last but not least
6. Raids are not for everyone, just like pvp and WvW aren’t for everyone, take pleasure where you can.

If you find any of those suggestions offensive or unreasonable maybe you have to look in a mirror at yourself and decide if Raiding is worth it or if complaining about it is all your going to do.

Anet is not Forcing requirements on you, it’s not their issue.

Players aren’t forcing requirements on you, it’s your choice to join the group and to meet their requirements if you so choose.

It takes a little bit of effort on your part to compromise to make your goals, and to accomplish them.

You can make your own group with your playstyle in mind.

(edited by BlaqueFyre.5678)

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


There’s generally two types of people that fall into this category:

  • The lazy casual
  • The actual casual

The lazy casual could care less about what you (the general you) say and did not read your requirements and just wants to play the game. They bought the game and want to play it exactly the way they want to. Read a guide or “get gud”? Very very unlikely. They will call you out, call you an elitist or whatever simply because you have set a standard (reasonable or not) that he/she could care less about meeting. And yes, that same person will yell and scream at you for being a noob and a try-hard for kicking them even though that person clearly was waaay out of their league.

The actual casual player realistically has little to no time to improve their skills or be able to regularly practice the encounters’ mechanics. The initial glamour of the Raids has died so at this point they might be pretty desperate to join anything. Right now, most folks are wanting experienced players and even ask for pings on Insights or title checks. Said causal player missed the initial days of the Raids launch and no one has extended a helping hand to them. So what does said person do? Anything they can to get into the raids. If that means lying and crossing fingers hoping to not get caught? Well, I guess if that’s what it takes. I realize there are plenty of resources out there for newer players to Raids, but for this type of player it’s generally a time constraint as far as being able to do the research or being able to meet the times other players can work with them.

The lesson here? Welcome to working with PUG’s. You can find gems hidden in the dirt, but you’ll also come across a lot of dirt. If you’re posting LFG’s you can easily alleviate your disappointment/frustration by realizing not everyone is who they say they are (GASP! The Internet lied to me!!). If they look good on paper? Great, give ’em a shot and hope for the best. If they are the worst player ever and lied about everything? Give ’em a boot, maybe add a snarky remark or two, and play the PUG roulette again and hope for a better one.

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


See I’m in a casual raiding guild, I get maybe an hour sometimes two of play time every other day, I make it into raids since I found a guild that has a flexible play/raid schedule I didn’t start raiding till 2 weeks ago. It just perplexes me of all the QQ posts on the forums that pop up daily About requirements and such.

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Came here expecting Jerry Seinfeld, but just found another random rage-y forum poster.

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Could be considered Ragey I guess but that is what 90% of the threads are right?
Always was never a fan of Jerry Seinfeld never thought he was funny.

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


90% of thread being ragey? Depends what sub-forum you’re at (a moment of silence for our thief broski’s).

If you’re looking to rage on this thread? Congrats, you did it! Grab the popcorn and watch the commentary roll in. My advice? Add something constructive. Rather than rage how about adding a note or two about what makes your guild successful or even offer advice to other who may be in the same boat. PUG’s lying about they qualifications? That’s been going on since the beginning of times, so we’re not getting anything new out of your rant.

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


90% of thread being ragey? Depends what sub-forum you’re at (a moment of silence for our thief broski’s).

If you’re looking to rage on this thread? Congrats, you did it! Grab the popcorn and watch the commentary roll in. My advice? Add something constructive. Rather than rage how about adding a note or two about what makes your guild successful or even offer advice to other who may be in the same boat. PUG’s lying about they qualifications? That’s been going on since the beginning of times, so we’re not getting anything new out of your rant.

If you read the post the problem isn’t the lying the problem is the people crying/complaining about being forced to meet requirements when no one is forcing them to do anything, I will go through and rephrase it to get that point across more clearly I guess.

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


See I’m in a casual raiding guild, I get maybe an hour sometimes two of play time every other day, I make it into raids since I found a guild that has a flexible play/raid schedule I didn’t start raiding till 2 weeks ago. It just perplexes me of all the QQ posts on the forums that pop up daily About requirements and such.

If it is on EU server, can you maybe invite me there?

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


See I’m in a casual raiding guild, I get maybe an hour sometimes two of play time every other day, I make it into raids since I found a guild that has a flexible play/raid schedule I didn’t start raiding till 2 weeks ago. It just perplexes me of all the QQ posts on the forums that pop up daily About requirements and such.

If it is on EU server, can you maybe invite me there?

Sadly NA

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kira Wei.2361

Kira Wei.2361

See I’m in a casual raiding guild, I get maybe an hour sometimes two of play time every other day, I make it into raids since I found a guild that has a flexible play/raid schedule I didn’t start raiding till 2 weeks ago. It just perplexes me of all the QQ posts on the forums that pop up daily About requirements and such.

I am new to Raids (Veteran since Launch) and was wondering what guild you are apart of? And how to one would join? Thanks

What's the Deal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: reapex.8546


90% of thread being ragey? Depends what sub-forum you’re at (a moment of silence for our thief broski’s).

If you’re looking to rage on this thread? Congrats, you did it! Grab the popcorn and watch the commentary roll in. My advice? Add something constructive. Rather than rage how about adding a note or two about what makes your guild successful or even offer advice to other who may be in the same boat. PUG’s lying about they qualifications? That’s been going on since the beginning of times, so we’re not getting anything new out of your rant.

If you read the post the problem isn’t the lying the problem is the people crying/complaining about being forced to meet requirements when no one is forcing them to do anything, I will go through and rephrase it to get that point across more clearly I guess.

If you need another for raids, feel free to message. I don’t mind doing raids with any experience level, I find I learn something from each group I join up with. Since, many groups have their own way of doing the encounter.