What's the easiest CM path?

What's the easiest CM path?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kiriwar.7382


Hey all, I haven’t hit up dungeons in a while and I want some gold CM weapons. I recall that every single CM path felt like someone prying my fingernails off. Instant 15 stacks of bleed and those frikking grenadiers and snipers. Wasn’t fun in the least.

Is there any path that is marginally ‘not as bad’ as the others that I could try to farm?

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What's the easiest CM path?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pazu.8320


The easiest path is path3, the butler path. The only really tricky part is the rocket turret room. Once you learn that, you’ll be set. Reflects are of course very nice in CM.

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What's the easiest CM path?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dramen Maidria.1034

Dramen Maidria.1034

Butler path has the easiest end boss and asura path has the easiest path but Frost is harder than Vallog

Dramen Maidria
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