Where are poeple calculating the gold from?
Maybe what they mean is you can get 8g from daily dungeon runs, meaning fast runs like cof, SE, AC, TA, CM, Arahs
You can earn over 1200 gold in a single run. But you’d need to get Dusk to drop for you.
shortish answer.
the amount of gold you get is related to the number of paths you do in the amount of time you get them done in.
dungeon guild tour usually involves around 3 hours (ish) and 17 paths.
you have all of the end reward gold.
all of the random silver and gold drops etc from the bags of wonderous goods.
all of the random armour and weapons of which you salvage and then sell the components on the BLTP.
translating to approximately 50 to 75 gold (depending on what dropped for you) per tour.
the catch is with the recent nerf in boss chests. being that you can only get even the boss chests once a day. it means you run your chosen paths once per day and then that’s it. So ultimately depending on how much time you have to play per day or how much you want to run. many other variables come into play.
the original 8 plus gold per hour running CoF 1 was a long time ago when the rewards were not gated to dailies.
(edited by Ropechef.6192)
I posted this before the change to dungeon rewards, but I think it’s still accurate, since I don’t feel like my daily tour rewards have been nerfed in any significant way.
There is obviously a disconnect between how long Anet expects dungeons to take and how long they actually take. As others have already said, the 1-time reward of gold at the end of the path, in addition to the DR effecting the 26 silver at the end, discourages doing the same path more than once per day. However, that does not prevent us farmers from making terrific cash.
Let’s look at the following dungeons I do every night, and their daily gold chests:
AC 1: 1.5g – AC 2: 1.5g – AC 3: 1.5g – CoF 1: 1g – CoF 2: 1g – CM 1: 1g – CM 3: 1g – TA up: 1g – TA fwd: 1g – SE 1: 1g – SE 3: 1g – HotW 1: 1g – CoE 1: 1g – CoE 2: 1g – CoE 3: 1g – Arah 2: 3g – Arah 3: 1.5g
That’s 17 paths, and a total of 21g from chests. Then your additional 26s * 17 = 4.42g. So you’re making 25.42g just from end-dungeon rewards. But that’s not all! I seem to be making 30-35g in cash each night, so where’s that coming from? Oh, right, there are those blue satchels that give you money bags, plus additional silver/copper from bosses/mobs.
Then you’re also getting a bunch of materials and blue/green/rare/exotic armor/weapons. I salvage the blues and greens with the infinite Copper Salvage-o-Matic, and the rares with a Mystic Salvage Kit. The exotics I either sell or salvage with a Black Lion kit, depending on the current broker price for them. My net cost of salvage kits is very close to zero, since it only costs 3c per blue/green, and because I get Mystic Forge Stones/BL kits from dailies/AP reward chests faster than I use them. Selling all the mats I get each day from drops/salvages is another 15-20g.
Then on top of all that, I happen to have half a dozen dungeon recipes. So that’s another 8g per day, just from making exotic jewelry from my daily tokens, minus 3g for the Orichalcum and listing fees, netting 5g.
In total, how much money is all this? 50-60g per daily dungeon tour.
Doing those 17 paths I listed takes about 4 hours with the guild each night, starting at reset. So I’m making 12.5 – 15g per hour, without path-selling or exploiting (unless you’re one of those “FGS is exploit!” morons), just by speedrunning. Did Anet intend this? I have no idea. All I know is that, if I were to pug these same dungeons, it would take me 8-10 hours instead, meaning I’d only be making 5 – 7.5g per hour.
Now I’ll compare this to various types of legit Arah path-selling.
You can speedrun Arah p4 is 30 mins, and sell 4 slots for 15g each, plus the 3.26g the opener gets (63.26g total). You then split that 5 ways, so 12.6g per person. However, it usually takes 15-30 mins to get 4x buyers in the party, so you’re still only making 12.6 – 16.8g per hour, only slightly higher than I make doing my nightly dungeon tour. And you can only do this once per day (maybe DnT or rT have enough buyers to do it twice or 3 times per day, but I don’t).
You used to be able to solo Arah p2 in 50 mins, but since the update, I’ve always had to call for backup at Alphard (I’m probably just a noob for not being able to solo him). Let’s assume that A) you can still solo in 50 mins, or B) whoever you call in to help at Alphard (and sometimes Lupi) doesn’t charge you. You can sell 4x slots for 6g each at the end, plus your own 3.26g (27.26g total). p2 fills faster than p4, so it’s usually full within 10-20 mins. That means 23.3 – 27.26g per hour. You can usually do this 2-3 times per day (once again, DnT or rT can probably do it a lot more each day, since they have more buyers). This is where the real money is. Did Anet intend this? Once again, I have no idea. I’d guess not. All I know is that I’d be very, very angry if they somehow prevented solo’ing by introducing something akin to the gate in CoF p1.
(edited by Anierna.6918)
1) Roll a bearbow.
2) Sit at 1500 auto-attacking the boss.
3) Open TP and flip stuff for money.
By the time the dungeon is done you’ll probably have made at least 20-30 gold depending on the size of your flips and you’ll get the end chest and tokens from the dungeon itself too.
Thank you Anierna, i had been looking for that write up for some time now. great way to break it all down.
You used to be able to solo Arah p2 in 50 mins, but since the update, I’ve always had to call for backup at Alphard (I’m probably just a noob for not being able to solo him). Let’s assume that A) you can still solo in 50 mins, or
whoever you call in to help at Alphard (and sometimes Lupi) doesn’t charge you. You can sell 4x slots for 6g each at the end, plus your own 3.26g (27.26g total). p2 fills faster than p4, so it’s usually full within 10-20 mins. That means 23.3 – 27.26g per hour. You can usually do this 2-3 times per day (once again, DnT or rT can probably do it a lot more each day, since they have more buyers). This is where the real money is.
No. I sell other dungeons and make about 20% more money.
As far as the dungeon tour goes though, I do it “casually” with my friends or with my guild.
AC (5,25g) + CM (2,5g) + TA (2,5g) + SE (2,5g) + CoF (2,5g) + CoE (2,5~3,75g) + Arah (9,75~11,5g) = at least 27,5g in the time it takes you to do your dungeon tour.
Arah is always good dollelrs + nice loot. You should do a daily 1 and 4.
Arah is always good dollelrs + nice loot. You should do a daily 1 and 4.
Arah 4 is time efficient money?
When you’re done with all the fast and lucrative paths, I find that a 15 minutes Arah P4 is better money than going for an Aetherblade or an other long dungeon.
It’s like 5g in 15 mins
Why is not arah p1 part of the tour but 3 is?
Selling p4 for 15g in 15min is a dream come true. It’s more like 10g max in 30.
I was talking about a regular P4 run. It’s not good anymore to sell it :/
Why do people do cof p2 instead of p3? P3 is faster. Also paths like CoE are kind of only worth it if you’ve done all the shorter paths + arah already and still have time.
Anyway im just a casual as i only do arah, ac, ta and se on a regular basis.
I’d say selling other paths than arah is more profitable (as filling is shorter).
Yeah it is but honestly props to anyone that can keep their mental health while trying to sell dungeon paths on a regular basis. I gave up on it because i didnt like waiting around and having so many idiots who cant read just put me right off selling any path.
Yeah it is but honestly props to anyone that can keep their mental health while trying to sell dungeon paths on a regular basis. I gave up on it because i didnt like waiting around and having so many idiots who cant read just put me right off selling any path.
“pay me 6g?”
(no response in 5 minutes)
“you there?”
(leaves party)
Yeah it is but honestly props to anyone that can keep their mental health while trying to sell dungeon paths on a regular basis. I gave up on it because i didnt like waiting around and having so many idiots who cant read just put me right off selling any path.
I dont think you qualify for retaining your mental health Sam.
Raging at crafting the other day.
But that wasn’t dungeon selling :/
And if you guys want it I can do a whole evening of being a normal guy. I’d just be plain boring :/
Doing HotWp1 and CoE1/3 but not doing Arah p1 is a big fail in terms of gold/hour. Even a 20 minute Arah p1 is more lucrative.
http://www.twitch.tv/tree_dnt || https://twitter.com/Tree_DnT
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
Me and a guildie or two usually do arah p4 every day or two and rarely sell less than 15g, generally selling at 20g per spot. We usually fill in about 30 minutes however we attempt to only sell around reset. During the time I sell I usually play the game on another machine/window. In duos it’s generally an hour and a half with selling, netting around 26g per hour. But if I didn’t include the time it took to sell it’d be 40g. I generally consider it to be the latter since I’m playing while selling regardless. It’s also more fun doing duos imo than soloing the other paths.
Why do people buy runs through arah? Dungeon Master achievement? Or do they still come out with a profit?
Why do people buy runs through arah? Dungeon Master achievement? Or do they still come out with a profit?
Tokens for skins.
P2 sells for 5-6 gp, you get 3.3gp back, so 2.5 gp for 60 tokens. That works out to 10-ish gp for a weapon skin, which isn’t bad.
P4 is the exception— people buy that for Dungeon Master, so the price is much higher (15-20 gp).