Where does CM take us?
i think eventually we’re gonna get a “challenge mode on randomly generated fractal selection until your party wipes” type of deal in future updates given the content of the next xpac
So what so you think? Is this the solution for getting Legendary Armour by non-raiders?
Almost certainly not. At every opportunity, ANet has doubled down on their position that raid rewards should reflect the difficulty of the mode and are going to continue to gate the only design for legendary armor behind raids.
So far, they also don’t seem much interested in offering a legendary-lite type of rarity, in which only the stat-swapping feature is offered. My guess: they are planning something for saving and making it easier to swap builds. My hope: such a system will mean it’s far, far cheaper for most of us to stat+sigil|rune swap as needed rather than craft legendaries.
As for the idea behind challenge modes.
First, right now, only Nightmare has an important CM — it’s dramatically different for normal mode. The other challenges are (so far) one-time changes to difficulty or a timer; they don’t change the nature of the fight and therefore aren’t (in my opinion) worthy of different rewards.
I suspect that the other challenges were just an easy way to offer something specific for collections, without ANet having to implement new content. I think Nightmare was created to be special and maybe any new fractals will also see a challenge mote.
i wouldnt be surpised if they ended up adding a more elite version of ad infinitum (maybe a golden one like the golden fractal weapons which will require you to complete a number of (nightmare like) cm’s that new fractals will come with or even old ones (chaos ) and sink in another 1k to 500g into it for the more hardcore players ofc i would like that actually a golden ad infinitum also for the question if nightmare will remain 100 i think it will remain until we get the last fractal of the fractal story (the one that is currently running
(edited by zealex.9410)