Where's the problem ?

Where's the problem ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xnorb.8207


Yesterday i did a run with 4 of my colleagues in AC Storymode (2 in the low 30s, 3 are 80)
Average leveling setup, equip whatever we found, no tactics.

Yes, we died and i somewhat zerged the last boss as it tended to one-hit me and
i simply couldn’t see when he was doing his attack (meelees are really screwed in
that regard … a burning enemy + swings of my weapon + i’m a big charr and chances
are very high i don’t see them charging …) but it was perfectly doable.

Nothing like people here complain.
(I actually told all of my colleagues how horrible dungeons are and that we should
not try them too early because of the feedback here …)

Now i’m really interested how easy the 2nd dungeon will be, as AC is said to be
the tougher one …

Good Juju … big … hairy … Charr Guardian

Where's the problem ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mercucial.6759


People are complaining about exactly what you complained about.

Zerging, not being able to clearly see what a boss is going to do and melee being shotted over and over.

We’re not saying it isn’t doable, it’s just not fun.