Which raid boss kill was more satisfying?
I think the challenge itself is meant to be the greatest reward at first. The rewards are balanced around ‘farming’ them (1 hour per wing?), not around spending your first ours of training failing them. Also, this is but the first wing, there will be more wings to farm in the future. The magnitide shard drops from the bosses does seem a bit low.
Probably Vale Guardian. Spent probably over 10 hours wiping with various groups, until I finally managed to get the kill. Gorseval took significantly less and Sabetha took about as much.
Prob VG because it was the first.
For me it would be Gorseval I think. Sabetha was a bit disappointing since it took us only like three hours to clear it for the first time, although the fight was fun.
I hope this doesn’t come off as any offense to people, but people who have killed gorseval after videos and guides were released for it won’t experience the same satisfaction as people who killed it during progression with no shared strats or builds. I think most of the big raiding guilds would agree that their first Gorseval kill was the most hype they felt during the raid.
I’ll go with Sabetha, our first Gorseval kill was pretty smooth and we had a good 40+ seconda left on the timer. O8verall Sabetha took us more time to take down and the fight itself is more mechanicaly intertaining to me. I won’t lie, being part of the first known team (except for DnT) to kill her made it my favorite.
However having done it over 50 times, Gorseval is definitely my favorite.
Probably Gorseval, as a druid. My first and second kill on the same day resulted in no death and everyone got their title. I’m pretty satisfied with it
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Gorseval for the reason Nike stated and also because its just a much more fun and engaging fight. Also the most visually awesome boss of the three.
Vale has so much room for error i cant say it gave any satisfaction other than “finally! We should have beaten that much sooner”. Plus we already knew about it from beta.
Sabetha just feels too much like a fight against the arena rather than a boss. The boss needs to take a bit more centre stage for it to be fun. Plus we never had dps problems on that fight so the satisfaction wasnt there since initial failures were just because people were missing launches or getting firewalled stupidly. Not because the enrage was tight or the mechanics were particularly challenging.
For me, none of them were very satisfying. In most cases it was just watching a few people picking up the mechanics piece by piece so they don’t royally mess up the fight.
I got carried in all 3 fights and my “team” killed 1st time VG and gorsi without me (how to blame them); they then came back to “help carry” me, stating that they “didn’t mind” as long as we did it for all the ones who missed it (clearly carrying me alone would’ve been such a bother, not like we’ve been knowing each other for 2-5 years! apparently I’m a pug), so all I felt when we—I beat the raid was bitterness (vale), frustration for not killing it earlier (gorseval) and numb guilt for getting carried (sabetha).
Currently stopped raiding (temporarily, I presume?) and it’s much better. I’m bored, yeah, but at least I don’t have to scramble to get people only to have them whine because they have to “wait” (excuse me if I don’t instantly summon raid-slaves which blindly follow my lead within 2 minutes from the convocation) or we don’t down the boss 1st try, or pm spam me while I’m trying to focus and get 2-4 zombies who don’t talk on ts to collaborate and confirm we’re all on the same page.
Apparently it’s my fault if we never have enough people to fill all the slots.
I got carried in all 3 fights and my “team” killed 1st time VG and gorsi without me (how to blame them); they then came back to “help carry” me, stating that they “didn’t mind” as long as we did it for all the ones who missed it (clearly carrying me alone would’ve been such a bother, not like we’ve been knowing each other for 2-5 years! apparently I’m a pug), so all I felt when we—I beat the raid was bitterness (vale), frustration for not killing it earlier (gorseval) and numb guilt for getting carried (sabetha).
Currently stopped raiding (temporarily, I presume?) and it’s much better. I’m bored, yeah, but at least I don’t have to scramble to get people only to have them whine because they have to “wait” (excuse me if I don’t instantly summon raid-slaves which blindly follow my lead within 2 minutes from the convocation) or we don’t down the boss 1st try, or pm spam me while I’m trying to focus and get 2-4 zombies who don’t talk on ts to collaborate and confirm we’re all on the same page.
Apparently it’s my fault if we never have enough people to fill all the slots.
deSalt is real
I think Sabetha. VG is like train, you just go in and kill it, 90% of work is on tank (good kiting for win). Gorsi is more “dont kitten up with eggs on last phase”. But on Sabetha when 1 ppl dead its usually a wipe (especially when its a cannon runner). One mistake and hell breaks loose. You need to make near-flawless fight to kill her without serious kitten.
I think most of the big raiding guilds would agree that their first Gorseval kill was the most hype they felt during the raid.
Spent so kittenin long on Goresval, most satisfying of all definitely.
(not so much after you figure out the break bar strat)
The Prestige [pTg]