Why Can't (TA/Dragon) Bosses be Crit?

Why Can't (TA/Dragon) Bosses be Crit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ClinkyDink.9364


It was only recently pointed out to me that bosses cannot be crit. I hadn’t noticed until then, but now that I look out for it I can verify that this is true.

The same goes for Breakable Objects/Burrows & Dragons (at least Tequatl, haven’t tested on the others.)

Does anyone know if this is a bug or working as intended?

What could be the reasoning for this? It makes an entire stat invalid for all bosses, not to mention talents, sigils etc. that trigger on crits or increase their chance.

EDIT It seems that it’s only dragons and the end boss trees in TA that cannot be crit. It was suggested that this is because they cannot move and seem to be considered something like breakable objects.

This… doesn’t seem to be working as intended to me. Maybe it’s just an unintended side effect of the bosses being immobile.

(edited by ClinkyDink.9364)

Why Can't (TA/Dragon) Bosses be Crit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fony.5102


pretty sure only the dragons and environmental stuff can’t be crit. i sure as hell crit on every dungeon boss i fight.

Why Can't (TA/Dragon) Bosses be Crit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Whoever told you that doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You should probably test things like that out yourself before complaining on forums about something completely untrue and so obvious if you’ve ever run 1 dungeon or done 1 overworld boss like a dragon in your life.

You are correct on breakable objects, but dragons and any other “live” enemy can be crit. Basically if you can apply conditions to it, it can be crit. If you can’t apply conditions, it can’t be crit.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

(edited by Strifey.7215)

Why Can't (TA/Dragon) Bosses be Crit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ClinkyDink.9364


TA Tree bosses, can have conditions, cannot be crit. This is a bug then?

Why Can't (TA/Dragon) Bosses be Crit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellgaunt.1734


ClinkyDink I wonder why my screen splashes red with graphic that looks like crits… Must’ve just be me hitting really hard. Hephey

Why Can't (TA/Dragon) Bosses be Crit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lorana.2468


it’s because the TA tree much like the Dragon Champions count as a Bundle not an Enemy, because they never actually move.

you cannot crit bundles for w/e reason and yes it’s annoying when so many traits have on-crit effects.

Why Can't (TA/Dragon) Bosses be Crit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

i believe i have been able to apply burn conditions to the trebs in spvp.
its doesnt show as a condition though.