(edited by TheAngryLuddite.1834)
Why Skip the Pre-Boss Jade Maw Mobs?
Sure, most groups opt to kill them and most people show they have no preference, but I still ask because I don’t know what kind of time restraints the other 4 members in my group may have.
Sure, most groups opt to kill them and most people show they have no preference, but I still ask because I don’t know what kind of time restraints the other 4 members in my group may have.
I guess, but in the grand scheme of things (and in most cases), an additional 5 minutes probably isn’t going to make that much of a difference.
5mins is what you keep saying, which isn’t always the case. Since you want to bring time into this, a 5second conversation asking for kill/skip isn’t that big of a deal either.
I actually don’t mind either way, but some people are just in there for the end rewards. If they wanted to farm, they might as well be in cursed shore with MF gear or doing other dungeons because it’s more profitable if you’re aiming for money. My static team skips mainly, so we can squeeze in as many dungeon runs as possible because a lot of our members have limited time to play. Fractals is our method of waiting out DR.
I honestly haven’t found fractals any more rewarding in gold than other dungeons or good farming methods, and killing those mobs doesn’t necessarily guarantee anything. If people have time to kill, they will kill the mobs for the hell of it. If they have something else they want to do or don’t have enough time, skipping is a better option. Asking for skip or kill, in my opinion, is a sign that someone in the group is being considerate of the intent of the others in the party. I prefer that over someone that just demands one or the other, especially when such a thing wasn’t enforced through the grouping advertisement.
Fair enough. Asking is courteous and only takes a moment, makes sense.
It’s been my overwhelming experience that it’s worth the short amount of extra time it takes to kill the mobs, but it’s always good to see other perspectives.
For me it entirely depends upon what fractals I got in the RNG. If it was all quick runs like swamp, city, water, or snowblind, I have no problem killing these enemies. That said, if I roll dredge and cliffside, I usually just feel like getting the hell out of fractals, and would prefer to skip as much as possible.
That said, if people started randomly attacking the mobs, you better believe I’m going to throw on my MF armor, sigh heavily, and smash my face into the keyboard to kill the mobs even if I don’t feel like it. I think the courtesy of asking is a nice thing, and certainly appreciate it as opposed to people just making assumptions.
It varies on how much time I have, sometimes I need to get off soonish ( 10 – 20 minutes) and skipping those mobs is how I can still finish the fractal with the group. (Such events would develop after the fact, I don’t go in knowing I have something to do in a bit). Or if the series is taking a long while to complete (long fractals, lots of deaths, etc…). Usually I’m totally down for killing them all though, I even got a neat exotic off one in there, ha.
Well for me I only do fractals to get the skins i couldn’t care less about other drops. If someone wants to kill i dont mind but if its a group where we wiped in the previous fractals over and over i would run.
(edited by RoRo.8270)
I always want to kill but I ask in pugs because I recognize that not everyone wants to kill them even though they drop tons of awesome stuff. If people say that they want to skip I point out how awesome the loot is they drop but also concede that I don’t mind skipping because I am in a party of 5 and it’s not ALWAYS ABOUT WHAT I WANT TO DO.
I believe they call those things respect and consideration for others so I don’t understand why asking is a bad thing.
Knight Templars
SoR Mesmer of Madness
I ask in pugs, I dont mind killing or skipping the handful of times killing them I dont get any better loot than any where else.
it is called respecting others. you should learn what courtesy means.
(edited by DanH.5879)
I believe they call those things respect and consideration for others so I don’t understand why asking is a bad thing.
it is called respecting others. you should learn what courtesy means.
Man, I always forget how people get angry at the drop of a pin on forums.
My suggestion to just dive into the mobs was to reverse the stigma that the mobs are not worth killing, when – in my experience – they are worth the relatively short amount of time it takes to kill them.
However, I acknowledged that it’s worth asking the group first in the posts above. There is really no need to rage and be insulting.
I was going to leave it, but I’ll edit that part of my initial post so that the responses like this discontinue.
I always get at least a Powerful Venom Sac off these mobs. That’s 10-15s (depending on market prices). Not to mention other drops – as others have mentioned, it’s a good place to get Vials/Globs/Shards and Onyx Lodestones. Skipping just seems silly.
I tell my groups up front on the LFG site that we’re killing Maw trash. No “skip/kill” conversation needed.
I tell my groups up front on the LFG site that we’re killing Maw trash. No “skip/kill” conversation needed.
That’s a good idea. I think I’ll try that from now on.
I believe they call those things respect and consideration for others so I don’t understand why asking is a bad thing.
Man, I always forget how people get angry at the drop of a pin on forums.
I was going to leave it, but I’ll edit that part of my initial post so that the responses like this discontinue.
I also dont understand how this was raging or being insulting, though my caps earlier in the post may have been. Then again maybe I should stop replying to forums at 5am :P
I guess really I didn’t understand why there even needed to be a conversation about whether or not to have a conversation. I thought generally when people asked at Maw it was just being polite but then again I have a tendency to be more social and talkative and friendly than most of the people I end up grouped with. ( weird right)
Lately I have gotten the impression that even talking at all in some pugs is wasting time and people get annoyed which makes me sad. <sob>
Knight Templars
SoR Mesmer of Madness
I believe they call those things respect and consideration for others so I don’t understand why asking is a bad thing.
Man, I always forget how people get angry at the drop of a pin on forums.
I was going to leave it, but I’ll edit that part of my initial post so that the responses like this discontinue.
I also dont understand how this was raging or being insulting, though my caps earlier in the post may have been. Then again maybe I should stop replying to forums at 5am :P
I guess really I didn’t understand why there even needed to be a conversation about whether or not to have a conversation. I thought generally when people asked at Maw it was just being polite but then again I have a tendency to be more social and talkative and friendly than most of the people I end up grouped with. ( weird right)
Lately I have gotten the impression that even talking at all in some pugs is wasting time and people get annoyed which makes me sad. <sob>
No harm done.
I think I accidentally derailed the intent of my own post by bringing up the conversation aspect at all.
Oops! Oh well.
I’m a little surprised by the answers, but then again, that’s why I asked.
The T6 sack drop rate is pretty decent. Im keen to farm them. People talk about precursors and gear, im not so keen for that reason but the mats you get from them. The best drops Ive got are from the colossus at the end who drop alot of lodestones.
some people want to farm, some people just want to finish early and lvl up fotm…. not everyone have the same preference…..
Archeage = Farmville with PK
I don’t mind killing them, most groups are pretty understanding anyway. My group earlier wanted to, but I explained I was running short on time and asked if we could skip, and none of them minded. I guess it just depends on the people, but with most people you can reach a consensus pretty easily without upsetting anyone.
i ask Always…
But their drop are really bad…
I ve done 1000+ fotm and i can tell you that i may have gotten 3 lodestones maximum from them and som venom Sacks that Worth near to nothing due to market saturation….
that is why if i could i’d skip them…but almost any Group insist to kill them.
Also an even run of fotm is really long and saving little time would help.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
It is just common courtesy to ask. I do it not only for Fotm but normal dungeons too. Potentially be useful to avoid negativity due to misunderstanding and different expectations.
I generally just go straight to killing, usually everyone does the same if I’m already off killing. Twice someone has said they’d like to skip due to time constraints, so we said ok and ran the rest. No biggie either way really.
You should realize most are doing fractals lower than their actual frac level for daily chest for a chance of skins.
In any case, pre 20 i skip, post 20 i kill.
It’s called being nice and checking to see what the group wants. If there’s trash anywhere, I almost always ask skip or kill
You should realize most are doing fractals lower than their actual frac level for daily chest for a chance of skins.
Doesn’t this statement really only apply to level 26+ fractal runs?
I’ll do a level 10 daily for the chest and loot and love to kill all the adds. Someone in party almost always gets something nice, even if it isn’t me.
I prefer to skip for the sake of time. Yeah, I get the argument that they have a chance at decent loot drops, but the chance is so low I’d rather not waste the time. Ultimately I guess it all boils down to what you’re doing the fractals for. I’m there for rings, not loot. The cores and occasional lodestone are just an added bonus, but I run so many dungeons in a given day anyway that I don’t really care about that kind of stuff.
It depends for the guild group I go with and how greedy we feel at the end.
If we get low drop fractals (Underwater, Snowblind, and Cliffside) then we normally go for the kill all option. If we get no drops from the infamous great drops fractals (Asca, Dredge) then we probably will go for the kill all option. If people feel they got their money worth of drops or we had a hard time getting to Maw then we skip.
Keep in mind that the guys I party with make tones of money from dungeons and CS farming so that fractal runs aren’t really profitable in comparison. So saving 5 mins is worthwhile to them.
I just agree because I do fractals to level my fractal level, get relics, get rings, or get mists materials – so no harm done if I skip 20 -30 mobs.
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
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In my experience, pugs were skipping by default until mid-december or thereabouts. And the “skip or kill” question arose as a way to make people see killing as a valid option. (Which is why I adopted it.)
Personally, I wouldn’t mind if killing became the default behaviour. But, as others have said, it’s polite and no effort to ask, and occasionally I just want to gtfo, so I’m gonna keep asking…
I like killing them because the Irukandji can drop Powerful Venom Sacs and the Jades can drop Onyx, especially if I still have an Omnomberry bar up from a previous fractal.
I’ve only skipped these mobs once, when it was 20 minutes before the daily reset and we wanted to make sure we finished quickly!
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IGN: Optimus Maleficus
my groups vote to skip most of the time even during Frac 40+ dailies.