Why are players malignant in this game?
Let me guess, it’s Arah P1? or Arah P2 before Brie?
Then the answer to your question is probably you were in a position that is hard to rez. No one would risk their entire run back just to rez you if it is deemed impossible. The usual etiquette is to stay out of combat before engaging the boss so those that fall behind can waypoint and redo their skip. If the dead people refuse to move an inch from their dying spot then after a while, it makes sense for others to start the boss and finish the dungeons.
I think your problem is to expect other PuGs to babysit you and be responsible for your completion. Which is not alright! From my perspective, you were already carried by other teammates who completed the instance without your contribution. What could you have done in your situation? Asking them to stay OOC so you can redo the skip. Learning how to skip trash is an essential part to build up your “experienced” status in Arah and graduate from depending on others’ mercy.
tl;dr – get good.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Let me guess, it’s Arah P1? or Arah P2 before Brie?
Then the answer to your question is probably you were in a position that is hard to rez. No one would risk their entire run back just to rez you if it is deemed impossible. The usual etiquette is to stay out of combat before engaging the boss so those that fall behind can waypoint and redo their skip. If the dead people refuse to move an inch from their dying spot then after a while, it makes sense for others to start the boss and finish the dungeons.
I think your problem is to expect other PuGs to babysit you and be responsible for your completion. Which is not alright! From my perspective, you were already carried by other teammates who completed the instance without your contribution. What could you have done in your situation? Asking them to stay OOC so you can redo the skip. Learning how to skip trash is an essential part to build up your “experienced” status in Arah and graduate from depending on others’ mercy.
tl;dr – get good.
That I completely understand, there are certain places that are just not feasible or worth going back for a res.
But this was Ascalonian Catacombs, right before the Howling King (P1). I was literally at the exit/entrance to him with NO aggro and mobs, while the entire party went ahead and killed boss, gather loot, and leave.
Just to clarify I rush ARAH with my thief and I know exactly when to wait for other players instead of rushing. Often times I even go out of my way to waypoint back to get black powder and SR ready for those that can’t make it.
(edited by Zantet.4167)
Why didn’t you just use waypoint te resurrect?
Why didn’t you just use waypoint te resurrect?
You can’t waypoint when all 4 players are in COMBAT. Once they downed the boss, they gathered loot and left, then I could waypoint. By then its pointless, you might as well leave.
Same thing. If there is no aggro, just waypoint.
Can’t waypoint if all 4 players are in combat with the boss, gathering loot, and leaving right after. Game becomes pointless after that.
Why didn’t you just use waypoint te resurrect?
You can’t waypoint when all 4 players are in COMBAT. Once they downed the boss, they gathered loot and left, then I could waypoint. By then its pointless, you might as well leave.
Yes, but couldn’t you use wp after the other bosses? Or where they still in combat right after beating a boss?
Why didn’t you just use waypoint te resurrect?
You can’t waypoint when all 4 players are in COMBAT. Once they downed the boss, they gathered loot and left, then I could waypoint. By then its pointless, you might as well leave.
Yes, but couldn’t you use wp after the other bosses? Or where they still in combat right after beating a boss?
Sure I could but what would be the point?
There won’t be any loot box since I didn’t participate in combat.
The only reward is dungeon completion and bonus chest that’s it.
This is also how people sell P4 Arah.
Don’t die, if you can’t skip trash there are plenty of videos to help you with the 3 year old dungeons, could also make your own group that says “Everyone Welcome” but let’s be honest, you won’t do any of that will you?
Don’t die, if you can’t skip trash there are plenty of videos to help you with the 3 year old dungeons, could also make your own group that says “Everyone Welcome” but let’s be honest, you won’t do any of that will you?
Why would I need to watch videos when my guild has already shown me how to run it?
Your post and the other post are exactly whats wrong with this community.
You guys look down on other players expecting them to learn-2-play or get-better, that kind of assumption is the elitism that new players despise.
People just want to be fast and if I should die at the place you died I can accept if they finish the boss. You get your credit, usually people rush all the easier dungeon paths and people don’t care if one is dead, it’s faster than wait and rez although your example is a bit extreme.
The point is: we did those dungeons so many times, it just doesn’t matter if one is dead, they rush through to get the rewards and done. There is no thrill, nothing relevant, it’s just the reward they want.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
People just want to be fast and if I should die at the place you died I can accept if they finish the boss. You get your credit, usually people rush all the easier dungeon paths and people don’t care if one is dead, it’s faster than wait and rez although your example is a bit extreme.
The point is: we did those dungeons so many times, it just doesn’t matter if one is dead, they rush through to get the rewards and done. There is no thrill, nothing relevant, it’s just the reward they want.
I would have done the same but when the player is LITERALLY at the entrance zone to the boss (with no aggro, no traps) I would have resurrected.
I pug allmost everything, and i never ancountered this kind of people in 3 years.
I can’t really say that this type of behavior occurs in 95% of PUG’s. I wouldn’t even say this happens 10% of the time. Though I tend to walk away from a group within the first minute if I sense it’s “one of those” kinds of teams so I prevent coming across that behavior to begin with.
In a group, I’ll go out of my way to rez someone if I have relatively good chance to bring you up. The only times I refrain from rezzing are:
- It’s a lost cause: you’re being devoured by mobs, or the boss is going ham on you
- Too far: By the time I get to you you will have rezzed yourself or wiped to the point where you can check/waypoint.
- The nth time you down: If you’re constantly going down over and over again it simply gets annoying spending my time picking up a player.
But again, in PUG’s players generally will take care of one another. I honestly feel that you’re either exaggerating or are doing something that repeated causes players to not care for you. Otherwise, you have a horrible case of bad luck with teams.
Sounds like a lame group. Chalk it up to the RNG of pugging and find a good guild :-)
I think it’s safe to say that most people I play with would have certainly ressed you before fighting the boss, unless we just didn’t notice you were down. AC runs are sort of on autopilot at this point, people may have just not seen you before they aggro’d the boss.
(edited by dlonie.6547)
I would have done the same but when the player is LITERALLY at the entrance zone to the boss (with no aggro, no traps) I would have resurrected.
Yeah, I already mentioned it is an extreme example. I almost never had such a situation, maybe 1 or 2 in a couple of hundreds runs. Don’t judge the whole dungeon ‘scene’ on one bad experience.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I can’t really say that this type of behavior occurs in 95% of PUG’s.
In a group, I’ll go out of my way to rez someone if I have relatively good chance to bring you up. The only times I refrain from rezzing are:
- It’s a lost cause: you’re being devoured by mobs, or the boss is going ham on you
- Too far: By the time I get to you you will have rezzed yourself or wiped to the point where you can check/waypoint.
- The nth time you down: If you’re constantly going down over and over again it simply gets annoying spending my time picking up a player.
But again, in PUG’s players generally will take care of one another. I honestly feel that you’re either exaggerating or are doing something that repeated causes players to not care for you. Otherwise, you have a horrible case of bad luck with teams.
Probably my luck and time-zone. The other 4 players did not know each other and watching them each say “gl, try better next time, it was fun, bye, you got your loot, srry cant rez boss fight, time to go” was by-far the worst experience you could imagine when you could have been resurrected to participate in the fight.
I would have been happy if my character was not resurrectable, but knowing full well that the 4 players could have resurrected me when they did not, just irks.
You’re going to have to forgive me if I am skeptical as to what your guild showed you, you said you couldn’t skip the trash mobs, you died and then expected a res I am just going to assume someone as clueless as yourself was actually expecting people to clear the trash just to res you, when you could have waypointed and gotten back in half the time. I know that clearly you don’t want to get better and still want everything on a silver platter, but if you want to learn how to get better at dungeons at least join a guild that will teach people how to skip mobs. No offence to your guild of course.
You’re going to have to forgive me if I am skeptical as to what your guild showed you, you said you couldn’t skip the trash mobs, you died and then expected a res I am just going to assume someone as clueless as yourself was actually expecting people to clear the trash just to res you, when you could have waypointed and gotten back in half the time. I know that clearly you don’t want to get better and still want everything on a silver platter, but if you want to learn how to get better at dungeons at least join a guild that will teach people how to skip mobs. No offence to your guild of course.
Why would I expect the players and myself to clear the trash? The entire run was titled 80s exp zerker only. I had all that and even pinged it, was on top of it throughout the entire run until right at the entrance of the last boss, a gravedigger knocked me down, with 0 dodges left, I was left dead. The entire mob left, I was free of aggro and mobs and not a single soul decided to ressurect me. They went straight for the boss, gathered loot, and left the game.
What I said stands, when I wanted to get better at the game I stopped doing dungeons in 5 man and only solo, the only time I group I associate myself with 2 really good players and we clear the dungeon/fractal faster than most 5 mans. Pugging is a terrible experience.
Personally, in AC I just want to get out ASAP… I don’t know if I would have rushed the boss, but I’d have been tempted. When it comes to anything outside Arah and Fractals I just want to get it over with. Can’t blame other people for feeling the same way. And, in the end 1 champ bag, ehh. This is hardly worth calling malignant imo, rude, sure.
You’re better off asking why humans in general are malignant and embarking on a philosophical journey.
Personally, in AC I just want to get out ASAP… I don’t know if I would have rushed the boss, but I’d have been tempted. When it comes to anything outside Arah and Fractals I just want to get it over with. Can’t blame other people for feeling the same way. And, in the end 1 champ bag, ehh. This is hardly worth calling malignant imo, rude, sure.
Everything else feels like a huge chore to me outside of arah/fotm.
Turn left at the second tunnel instead of the first, the second tunnel only has breeders and hatchlings which are unable to cripple or knock you down, and you can avoid their hits if you have a speed boost when running by.
And, in the end 1 champ bag, ehh.
omg it had a dusk in it 100%, how can you say this!!!!!
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
I always like the tunnel with the little ledge on the right side.
If I notice someone struggling with the skip I’ll run up there and kite the gravelings until they catch up, then jump down when they arrive so they can follow to the boss. The gravelings stay out of the way and let them get through it. ofc, the difficult part is the ‘maze’ area before this, but those final gravelings can rek if the newbie has blown their cds already.
Plus that entire area at the end of AC is actually pretty fun to explore. Someone put a lot of work into detailing that dungeon.
I don’t rez people on skips in AC. Number one pet peeve is people dying to those spikes because they tried to yolo it. Even if someone pulled the switch, I will just run by. Is it kind of a d move? Sure but ain’t no one got time for dat.
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
Calling players malignant for leaving you dead in a video game is pretty harsh. With regards to your AC example, they were inconsiderate; that’s about it.
If you are asking why players don’t revive others that die on trash runs, it is because it will often get themselves killed unless they do something like use Battle Standard. A Guardian can help by giving out Aegis during the run to try to help players stay out of combat, and Thieves can help a lot to with Stealth. If you don’t have people trying to do this stuff though, it’s pretty much every man for himself.
The usual etiquettes would be for them getting out of combat, having you wp and running through the tunnel again. I did encountered once or twice people just ignoring your being dead and killed the boss. But almost 99% will give people at least a second chance.
Waiting an extra minute for you to run back, or taking 15secs to kill the boss. I’d assume the loss of 2 blues, a green and a champ bag with probably another green wasn’t worth the time.
No there was totally a dusk in that chest and you kitteners never ressed me.
This happens in at least 95% of the time in every single PUG I join, the worst is ARAH.
Something tells me that if any 1 of us were to join you with 3 other pugs, that night somehow this “at least 95%” would magically go to pretty much 0%. Extreme hyperboles like this sentence make your entire post’s legitimacy come into question.
This happens in at least 95% of the time in every single PUG I join, the worst is ARAH.
Something tells me that if any 1 of us were to join you with 3 other pugs, that night somehow this “at least 95%” would magically go to pretty much 0%. Extreme hyperboles like this sentence make your entire post’s legitimacy come into question.
^^ Everyone I play with regularly from this forum would either start chit chatting about random stuff, laughing at the people that died, offering to help or most likely putting on a fashion show for those that made it.
This happens in at least 95% of the time in every single PUG I join, the worst is ARAH.
Something tells me that if any 1 of us were to join you with 3 other pugs, that night somehow this “at least 95%” would magically go to pretty much 0%. Extreme hyperboles like this sentence make your entire post’s legitimacy come into question.
Ofcourse not obviously that 1 or 6 or 25 hours you played with s/he and they dident get kicked once was in the 5% bracket.
Zantet, you’re the problem, not the group you ran with. There are many resources out there to help you learn how to deal with the content and turn you into an expert overnight, including these forums. But you decide to remain ignorant and burden others who have done this content hundreds and hundreds of time before. Sure, some people in groups will help you out and tell you what you’re doing wrong (and sometimes, even tell you how to fix it without being rude, sometimes) but you’re not entitled to that behavior. You have no right to make demands of others to carry you and hold your hand through absolutely trivial content.
While it’s obviously rude of a group to not let someone rez up and go through the trash skipping hoops one more time, it’s certainly within the realm of possibility that they noticed that you were clueless and decided that waiting for you wasn’t worth the time and that they’d be better off killing the boss without you.
If you don’t want to this kind of scenario to repeat itself when playing GW2 or other MMOs, educate yourself and ask questions instead of going in blind (or nearly blind) and wasting everyone’s time.
TL;DR: get good.
I was once called “inhuman” after refusing to clear the whole tunnel area of the lizards so our guard could get to boss. That’s after I wp’d with him several times to run with him, but hey, everytime he stopped in middle of lizard swarm to staff 4.
OP, man up, if you think your time is worth complaining on forums cos one party decided to rush to boss, maybe don’t play online games?
My personal advice is this:
Open or join a party on LFG with “all welcome” in the description.
From my experience this will give you an overall more positive group experience on average.
TL;DR: get good.
Nicely put. Next time read all my posts in this thread.
I’ve noticed the same a lot, but as I keep rezzing others, they seem to take the hint ^^
I also like to mark downed allies as target in pvp, seems to work most of the time
Also don’t care if you missed a dodge, I’ll still top you to 100%, supporting people is the most fun you can ever have, it’s mentally a completely different game
I’ve noticed the same a lot, but as I keep rezzing others, they seem to take the hint ^^
I also like to mark downed allies as target in pvp, seems to work most of the timeAlso don’t care if you missed a dodge, I’ll still top you to 100%, supporting people is the most fun you can ever have, it’s mentally a completely different game
Rezzing in pvp is different. You can tell the quality of game you are in based on the team Rezzing power. Low level play, you will rarely see power rezzes mid team fight.
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
Every dungeon I’ve been in has either players seeking zerker or 80 or expert. That I’m ok with getting kicked from, because that’s a party leaders personal preference but…
Whats the deal with not bothering to resurrect another player?
I was in a PUG and ALL 4 players (they don’t know each other) decided to just RUSH straight to the boss, trigger all traps, gather all aggro and leave me dead the entire run while they kill the boss, gather loot and leave.This happens in at least 95% of the time in every single PUG I join, the worst is ARAH.
I honestly don’t see the appeal in PUG dungeons if this continues, its actually the only reason why I VoIP with my guild to get things done.
I sincerely hope ANET puts counter-measures against these kind of tactics and at least place a READY check before a BOSS fight or next event so kittens can learn to respect other players.
L2p? L2stealth? L2skip mobs?