Why hate the zerkers

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

You’re right, in a way. But some people don’t see this as a slaughter all kind of game. Diablo games are slaughter games. Loot tables encourage slaughter. Guild wars 2 has difficultish elite mobs which are difficult to kill (in dungeons). They drop nothing. Developers made it that way to prevent farming, which is something “slaughter” games encourage. This is not that game, in dungeons.

In open world, yes. Definitely.

Very true, far from the best game for that. Probably a bad phrasing of what I meant.

Sometimes I like to know that I can mistime a Subject Alpha roll and not splat. It’s as simple as that, sometimes I like to have that stress taken out of the game. My goal those nights isn’t to finish fast, it’s just to get through it, kill stuff and have some fun before I head to bed.

Considering this is a GAME, and it’s played for FUN. Sometimes it’s more fun to take that stress off, making those non zerk optoins better in that regard. Is it being lazy, sure as hell is, but there’s nothing wrong with being lazy in a game that’s supposed to be just played for fun.

That’s totally fair. I don’t think anyone here disagrees with you that regardless of play style we do it to have fun. We just all have different definitions of what that is. When I play with my hubby, I put on my sentinel gear because he likes to do the slaughtering and feels bad if I’m the one up close and personal, killing what he wants to kill. I understand that. If you want to run Dungeons like that, more power to you. The issue is here, people who list what they want in lfg on both sides of the fence are being ridiculed for how they enjoy playing. And the truth is, we are all able to play how we want. There’s nothing wrong with asking for X or Y in an lfg. The problem comes when others try to force their playing ideals down throats.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


You’re right, in a way. But some people don’t see this as a slaughter all kind of game. Diablo games are slaughter games. Loot tables encourage slaughter. Guild wars 2 has difficultish elite mobs which are difficult to kill (in dungeons). They drop nothing. Developers made it that way to prevent farming, which is something “slaughter” games encourage. This is not that game, in dungeons.

In open world, yes. Definitely.

Very true, far from the best game for that. Probably a bad phrasing of what I meant.

Sometimes I like to know that I can mistime a Subject Alpha roll and not splat. It’s as simple as that, sometimes I like to have that stress taken out of the game. My goal those nights isn’t to finish fast, it’s just to get through it, kill stuff and have some fun before I head to bed.

Considering this is a GAME, and it’s played for FUN. Sometimes it’s more fun to take that stress off, making those non zerk optoins better in that regard. Is it being lazy, sure as hell is, but there’s nothing wrong with being lazy in a game that’s supposed to be just played for fun.

I love these double standards.
Btw aren’t we talked about efficiency of zerker gear previously or this is an intended derail of the topic to win an argument?

Well, the topic is “why do people hate zerkers?” and really the answer is summed up by you and Cookie there very well. It is the semantics.

“using other gear is putting on training wheels”
“using other gear is much less stressful”

Saying the same thing but from different points of view. Why do people hate zerkers? because they usually choose the first one. It may be “just semantics” but that’s a major cause of the animosity.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

The problem with “zerkers” is that it makes people think that wearing zerker gear is all you need to be efficient. You can be an AH guard, GS mesmer, healshout (now Phalanx?) warrior, etc. and be in zerk gear.

We should probably come up with a new collective catchall for “meta DPS”. I usually list for “max DPS only.”

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


The problem with “zerkers” is that it makes people think that wearing zerker gear is all you need to be efficient. You can be an AH guard, GS mesmer, healshout (now Phalanx?) warrior, etc. and be in zerk gear.

We should probably come up with a new collective catchall for “meta DPS”. I usually list for “max DPS only.”

But if you are not a forum dweller, where should a new player get any reliable info about this?

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hendo.1940


Ask in map chat and hope to god somebody from a respectable dungeon guild gives you the advice you need?

Rezardi – [DnT]
Game over, yo.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anierna.6918


But if you are not a forum dweller, where should a new player get any reliable info about this?

PM me. That’s how.

Why hate the zerkers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hachimaro.6234


My guild is actively recruiting people who are inexperienced in the game but are willing to learn. Unfortunately, many guilds are either extremely elitist, or have no idea how much they really suck. My first big guild was claiming to be the best Polish guild on the server. They tried to teach me Arah p3 – it took almost 2 hours and 9 wipes on Lupicus; the entire party (except me) was wearing full soldier gear with Dolly runes, while not wasting times for those silly reflects. On the other hand, they were using full zerker in WvW. I’m sooo glad they kicked me after a month :P