Why is nobody doing SE? I can't get story mode done.
I went through my entire personal story save for the last mission, and since it has a dungeon requirement, I’d like to go back and do all the dungeons in Story Mode before finishing the personal story.
…Except I’m stuck on Sorrow’s Embrace because there’s nobody here. I don’t even have the option of using Henchmen. Is this dungeon unique in that regard, or am I going to find CoE and HotW equally abandoned? Really bad foresight on Anet’s part.
Sorrow’s Embrace is a dungeon that everyone should complete at least once, same with CoE. Both are so awesome.
CoE and HotW are just as unpopular.
Was able to do SE this weekend. Enjoyed the ending Awwnold
Only have Crucible and Honor of the Wave story to do, hope they are not deserted
Because there’s a boss fight in the dungeon that completely wrecks most pick-up groups and is generally unbearable. Nevermind the horrible optimization the dungeon has in general, chronic issues with meatwalls and too much trash, on top of dredge being extremely irritating enemies
SE just isn’t fun to repeat. The story is neat – the fights are interesting (the first time) but after you get over the “well that’s an interesting way to handle the boss” you’re just dreading doing it a 2nd time. That’s just my 2 cents. I enjoyed my first run but unlike AC or CM I don’t want to go back for story mode (I will for my lower level friends but it will be as a favor not cus I want to).