Why not 1 island and 1 boss?
What ever my best run was 29min until last boss and last boss 4 min ..
in HOT if I can do 1 run in less than 10 min and get a skin I’m happiest man in the world ….i think people are sick or farming it and just continue because “Well I’ve frmed for years and now to give up ? Hell no!!” Point of no return I think its a good decision to make them faster
Why not just do multiple fractals each day?
I really hope they make the repeat rewards worthwhile. A standard daily chest for each specific level would AMAZING by that I mean worthwhile one. But it sounds like they’re increasing the reward for the standard chest. Then adding Dailies which will be your “bonus chest” for pristine/ascended/skins.
So doing a set of them hopefully will be worthwhile even if you finish dailies early.
Well, if they don’t rework the rewards, this “amazing” update will drag fractals down to the level of any other dungeon, and we all know how great those are.
I dont understand the problem with 3 fractals and a boss. It made it so that smooth runs actually felt satisfying like I had accomplished something, and bad runs make me want to get better or just rage i didnt even get a skin. My best fractal runs even with bad rolls were around 30 mins long which honestly isnt that bad. Why should casuals suddenly be able to have easy access to skins -_-
Yeah, and the new ‘prestigious’ golden fractal weapons are actually insulting. An ugly re-color with sparkles? … Eww. Have some class, Anet. I’m not a skritt.