Why not just do this?

Why not just do this?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Instead of this DR system which you guys thus far have had trouble implementing and which we the players couldn’t try to explain to someone else without having notes or something in front of us, why not just put a 24 hour block on dungeon paths a player has completed?

That’s it. You’ve done a path. Now you can’t for the next 24 hours. Did you do all three paths of a dungeon in a day? Congratulations, here’s a bonus to reward your efforts. See you tomorrow!

It’d be similar to WoW’s format concerning Heroic Cata dungeons whereas a player can only complete one every 24 hours. You guys would have it even easier since the token rewards would be a static drop and unlike WoW, a player wouldn’t have to hope to God X armor drops or X weapon drops.

Why not just do that instead of this DR system? Why make it harder on yourselves? For the sake of us being able to have fun without the wait?

I thank you for that and i’m sure everyone else does as well but I personally believe reliability equates to fun in this instance. I have fun when I’m rewarded the correct amount reliably and I can reliably work towards my goals without having to wonder whether or not my acquisition of said goals is going to be stunted by some infernal invisible system.

I just want to know why a simple 24 hour block upon the death of the last boss of a path (in case someone gets kicked or DC’d beforehand) is not being considered. It’d be so much easier. SO much easier.

Why not just do this?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I just don’t see how someone can farm/exploit a dungeon if they’re only rewarded at the end and they can’t go back after it’s completed.

Bosses can still drop loot though. That’d be nice