Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IcemanSK.2106


There has been a fierce debate of pros and cons of GW2 dungeons and mainly lack of boss fight mechanics and insane diffculty of some dungeons. I must agree that I was shocked with difficulty as well and dont enjoy dungs at all as well. Loot system is very poor and devoting time and dying all the time in some dungs is no fun at all.

Anyway, as always there will be two sides of the coin whyt there is no official opinion poll for players to express their opinions about dungs. Results would clearly show if dungs are only for elite players and may be 5% of GW2 community or not. This would give Arena relevant data what tweaks and adjustment should be made to dungs.

GW2 is excellent game in many aspects and it surpasses other MMO in my opinion but current dungeon system is completely wrong but that is just my opinion. Let other voices speak up in official opinion poll on this forum

Thank you

Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThunderStorm.3140


I think some dungeons are very hard, even though some “pros” out there say they are easy (they use exploits and game mechanics that were not intended for the dungeons to clear them). What I don’t understand is how some mobs can kill you so easily and others hardly at all. I have only recently started with dungeons to get Flame Legion armour set and I have to say I feel it is more of a chore than anything else as I need to do it to get what I want. PvE is much more fun in my opinion, that is, until you reach Risen infested maps which are horrible as they all pull, stun, knock down, etc. They don’t kill you easily, but they make it horribly annoying to move around these maps. I tried Arrah (one of the paths, don’t remember which) and we all gave up after 2 hours and 30 or so silvers in repairs. Never had given up on any dungeon in any other mmo before.

Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mage.3570


I don’t really mind the challenge in some of the boss encounters in the dungeons.

My only gripe is that in many dungeons, the WP to the final boss is just way tooooo FAR…and this needs to change. We need WP closer to the final boss, or increase the time it takes for boss tor reset.

In GW1 Eye of the North, for example, we had a resurrection shrine in most boss rooms. Don’t you recall?

Been there, done that. What’s next?

Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ToadOfTruth.7325


I completely agree with the OP and would love to see a survey done or something along those lines.

Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


There wouldnt be a point to it. The people who take the poll would be same number of people who post on these forums. Think about it.

You dont see people randomly celebrating the game and its dungeons in these threads do you? Lol people post concerns and suggestions here so if you made a poll, it would completely swing one way. Negatively towards dungeons.

What would it ask anyway? Do you find dungeons too hard, too easy or just right?

I can already tell you most would answer too hard. But thats not because they are. Its just because everyones different and more often than not youll see posts about something negative (be it legit or not) than you will positive. Just the nature of forums.

Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThunderStorm.3140


Oreoz has a point. People who don’t have any problem or don’t do dungeons wouldn’t even come to this part of the forum, if they even visit the forums at all.

Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Now a good question to ask is:

What can we do to improve your dungeon experience?

Your choices would be based on LEGITIMATE player feedback, not the whiners. Lol this way, the devs can make improvements without dumbing down the overall experience for those who are having trouble while at the same time enriching the content for those who already find it satisfactory. I would advertise this poll on the log in screen over the course of a month in order to reach as many players as possible.

Heck, id do this for every facet of the game. Lol

Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zefiris.8297


(they use exploits and game mechanics that were not intended for the dungeons to clear them)

Contrary to popular belief, “moving out of the AOE” and “using dodge” are not, in fact, exploits.

This is all people that do the dungeons use. Ther exploiters are usually the people that cannot do the dungeons and are so desperate that they resort to them.

PS: Just died 5 times to Subject Alpha (including 3 times of not getting broken out of crystals). So I am hardly a perfect player. And yet manage dungeons fine.

Sometimes, the problem really is you.

Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shiren.9532


A poll would give almost completely useless data. ArenaNet is almost certainly already gathering internal data showing how many players have completed certain content, how many players are dieing during certain encounters (during BWE1 they had data showing a spike in player deaths during the flame shaman event in charr starting zones showing it to be overtuned) and we’ve already seen data which shows where player wealth comes from, so they can see how much silver players are making off of dungeons. A lot of variables can be gathered internally from the game, what useful data is a poll going to provide for them?

If you come to a forum and want to give feedback to the developers on how difficult content is, it’s better to put up a thought out post detailing your experience, what you did, what worked or didn’t work and why you didn’t/did enjoy it. Simply saying, “this is too hard please nerf it,” isn’t very helpful when you could say “chain knock-downs with no warning followed by a killing combo while I’m unable to do anything feels cheap and it makes this encounter about luck/perseverance, not skill, to get me through,”.

I’m not saying the content is too easy or too hard, I just think that a poll is a terrible way to gather information on this. It’s subjective to people who visit forums, it offers limited variables and has no follow up details. Using the forums to discuss issues you have with content allows others to expand the conversation to include other strategies and perspectives you may not have considered. It also gives the developers more context to understand the feedback they are getting, rather than simply gage the temperature of the dungeon community.

Why there is no opinion poll about dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


This ^

Topic over. Lol