Will the new update stop skipping?
Just add the GW1 thingy, where you could kill all mobs in an area and gain some completion if you succeeded. This could be like the FotM daily chest, only giving extra dungeon tokens and maybe even a chance of dropping a precursor or something along those lines.
Actually this could work
Take note Mr.Hrouda for I will reveal the future for GW2; a simple progress bar like we have with hearts and other events. Obviously scale it to the dungeon and do not make it have to be a 100% clear. Let’s say AC has 5 bosses and 100 trash in a path, the counter needs 3 bosses and 70 trash killed in order to reward with a chest containing extra silver/tokens and perhaps lodestones based on the dungeon. Just make sure the counter still runs after path completion just in case we don’t finish it before the final boss + tokens.
This rules out speed clears for the most part as they need to kill for that extra bit of loot, hopefully this loot is worthwhile doing all the extra work. It keeps players fighting that much longer in dungeons and skipping less.
Also you would want to make sure that each dungeons counter is tailored to it’s size, as I mentioned AC above, here is a quick idea of Arah; let’s say it has 15 bosses and 500 foes, for our chest it needs 8-10 bosses and 300 foes. Again for Arah and the length of time accounted for the loot should be worth it; hell, let’s say a random chance of a precursor
(would still take up to 3-4 hours perhaps so no farming per se)
Well Robert, what do you think?
I really like this idea.
Take AC, for example. Skip to the final packs of geckos and farm them and the boss. Nothing has changed.
Did GW1 not reward loot to anything that was killed twice such as the bugs outside Doomlore? You could easily make anything summoned not count towards the counter I mentioned above, i.e. Lupicus’ grubs don’t count as he continually spawns them.
It’s one of those human things to do something with the path of least resistance and danger, especially when there is a reward at the end. I could make enemies never drop their aggro on players and force them to fight every single mob, but I don’t see that as a viable solution right now.
I think the better solution is to look at why people are skipping things, and approach from a different angle. Trash mobs have too much HP, and can’t be counted on for lucrative drops from a Risk/Time vs Reward, so people interested in making money (most groups) aren’t incentivized to do it, whereas the end chest/boss are more guaranteed and accountable returns on time and risk. I also think there is something to be said about interesting trash mob mechanics making them more enjoyable of a fight.
I can’t make the rewards from trash mobs so lucrative though that people just farm the first couple trash mobs/boss in a dungeon and then rinse/repeat. We encountered this when people just farmed the first boss in an instance and then restarted it (earlier around launch time), and we had to adjust the content as a result. It’s a fine line you have to walk to encourage players to get to the end, but make the process of getting there rewarding enough as well.I don’t imagine this next update will resolve all the skipping behavior. The path of least resistance is engrained in people, and even if I do everything I could to incentivize people, there will still be those who skip stuff. I have been fixing exploits that will require players to complete more of the events in dungeons, but I am sure people will still skip what they can to get to their end goal.
For now I would encourage those not looking to skip to find some folks who don’t like skipping and make a guild with them… or maybe look for guilds that are dedicated to not skipping, and tag along with them. I’m in a couple of them (anonymously), and it really is an effective solution to playing the game the way you want to play it: Find other people with similar interests and band together with them.
Well you pretty much hit the nail on the head. The trash mobs require too much time and effort to kill for little to no reward, which is why so many people want to skip them.
Now you could try and change things in a way that requires people to defeat all the mobs before moving on, but IMO that’s not the right way to go. Forcing people is never the right way. You have to find some way to make the time/risk/reward ratio appealing, either by increasing the rewards, decreasing the time/risk, or a combination of both.
One idea might be to have an extra reward given at the end of a path for having cleared it. This way those that want to skip aren’t forced to kill all, but could be enticed. And those that do kill everything get a little something extra at the end for the effort.
Just another 2 cents: as someone who has run TA over and over and over again in order to acquire the weapons and armor, I can honestly say that after the first few runs the joy is gone, and you really just want to get thru it as quickly as possible. The goal isn’t to do the dungeon, the goal is to get the blooms in order to get the armor/weapons.
Perhaps it’s time to rethink the current implementation of each dungeon giving a separate type of reward. Maybe a better way to do it would be to have one common dungeon currency that is awarded by all the dungeons and could be used at any of the dungeon vendors. This allows people to do whatever dungeon they like instead of forcing them into doing the same one over and over again until they are sick to death of it, which also happens to be a big motivation for skipping mobs.
(edited by CaptainFabulous.8410)
could be good to give bonus tokens as final reward based on number of mobs killed
I believe Koptev said it best: NO NO NO.
why are you against a small bonus
I mean like those bags you get after Killing champs….just based on a global mob counts for all the party (not on single players) rewarded just finishing the Whole path.
i don t see anything wrong with this….and couldn t be exploited in any form.
Why do you care if a speed run party gets 69 tokens, if a slow completionist party gets 90?
Basing bonus on % of dungeon mobs killed would be exploit proof
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
On a side note, there are a good amount of forum posters on exploiting for you guys to start a non-exploit group! glhf
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
why are you against a small bonus
Because your idea is to scale the bonus with amount of killed mobs. Just basing it on this logic, any mob that spawns adds (which WILL count towards the bonus, you can count on that) will be deliberately kept alive, thus unnecessarily prolonging a run.
Why do you care if a speed run party gets 69 tokens, if a slow completionist party gets 90?
Because then my group gets effectively punished for being good.
Also, Champion Destroyer Crab.
Basing bonus on % of dungeon mobs killed would be exploit proof
Yeah, no.
There’s already a counting system within the Sigil system that’s already excluding instances of infinite spawns or spawns of spawns for stacking purposes. Just grab the backend of that system and re-dress it onto the UI in a way that’ll make sense to players, give it a good thorough playtesting, and they should be good to go.
Hm! Turning dungeon runs into heart-ish events is also pretty darned clever. That is certainly something that would communicate what’s happening very clearly. GW2 sure does have a smarter than average O-board.
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
why are you against a small bonus
Because your idea is to scale the bonus with amount of killed mobs. Just basing it on this logic, any mob that spawns adds (which WILL count towards the bonus, you can count on that) will be deliberately kept alive, thus unnecessarily prolonging a run.
no because a breeder in AC is tagged as 1% of the dungeon population, spawned doesn t count for that.
there are already similar tags for examples in dregde fractals where spawned veteran by champion doesn t count for advancing for example.
exploit proof
Why do you care if a speed run party gets 69 tokens, if a slow completionist party gets 90?
Because then my group gets effectively punished for being good.
Absolutely not.
You can do more runs…you still get your 69 tokens in 15 mins…..a Group that spends 30 mins gets 90 <.<
You are not punished at all…its like kohler post patch, most Group will kill him for the loot while b4 was 100% skipped.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
no because a breeder in AC is tagged as 1% of the dungeon population, spawned doesn t count for that.
We both know perfectly well it’ll work as I describe. At least for the first few days/weeks/months until it’s “fixed”.
You can do more runs…you still get your 69 tokens in 15 mins…..a Group that spends 30 mins gets 90
DR, my good man. You’re effectively disincentiveizing speedruns (which are not a bad thing by themselves) because killing everything seems to be the “proper” way in someone’s distorted perception of reality.
You are not punished at all…its like kohler post patch, most Group will kill him for the loot while b4 was 100% skipped.
Difference being is that post-patch Kholer drops 15s. And AC is a faceroll easymode, so it didn’t affect my clear times much.
Now, if you apply the same logic to CoE or Arah, that’ll just be bollocks. No one ever clears Arah trash and a guaranteed precursor is pretty much the only good enough reason to do it.
Why would it work that way the first few days/weeks/months when similar systems don’t even work that way now?
Now, if you apply the same logic to CoE or Arah, that’ll just be bollocks. No one ever clears Arah trash and a guaranteed precursor is pretty much the only good enough reason to do it.
as they have already mentioned trash in its current state has too much HP, so once that is dropped killing them will be faster and less of a pain to do. add in reason (ie more tokens, better loot at end) and it becomes worth doing.
and really a precursor for clearing arah trash? great way to make them worth no gold at all and have no reason to kill trash LOL and its not like its that bad to kill the trash in Arah, it is better to skip but many pugs take longer to skip then to kill.
It’s not only loot.
I did arah p2 in a group full of first timers killing most things in the way: time spent ~=3h
After i did p3 with a pug (they explained me what to do since i was doing it for the 1st time): time spent 25minDungeons need trash mobs, something as to be in between some boss fights, but the time spent to clear a dungeon has to be reasonable enough for people to kill them.
Take fractals for example:
You don’t need to kill all the mobs at maw but some still do it because of loot and they’re not annoying to kill. (extra kill time 5-10min tops)
Dredge and grawl sometimes are a pain in the kitten but they go down easily enough and you get awesome loot from bags. (you got to kill them anyway but at least i don’t feel that it’s too boring).With the “regular dungeons” you only get a bunch of silver mobs with too much hp and a lot of annoying skills that even with an upgraded loot aren’t worth the time to kill.
Again with arah: the deadeyes and asura techs on p2 are just there to avoid runners. There’s no other explanation to have 1hit kills at distance and permanent stun if they didn’t already know that people would try to skip content.
Just make dungeons not last 4x longer when killing mobs and most people will actually take and extra couple minutes killing groups that may cross their way.Path 2 isn’t that long, good team will clear it in 30-40 minutes max while path 3 is 15-20 minutes. Problem is, most pugs prefer path of the least resistance.
Like i said we were mostly arah noobs doing p2 so we killed almost everything on the way just to be on the safe side.
Yet i still don’t think that even an experienced group will do less than 1h if they stop at every single group they find on the way.
If the mobs were like in the fractals, mostly vets with a few normal companions, I could take an extra min and actually enjoy slaughtering undead. As it is now you spend as much time killing 1 silver mob as killing a whole pack of vets and this isn’t anywhere near fun.
Just so i don’t get misunderstood, I’m not saying to remove all of those hp buffed kittens but make them only appear in a few checkpoints like in a door to prevent full dungeon running.
My view on dungeon running is that it should be allowed to some extent:
You could skip a few groups here and there, by sacrificing loot and having an harder time to run back in case of death, while still not being able to run through the whole thing.
It is ridiculous know on how much content you can skip at the moment but i hope it stays this way until they finally realize that trash mobs shouldn’t take that much time to kill.
Just give mobs a chance to drop dungeon tokens based on how many bosses have been killed
Edit: And give us something to spend dungeon tokens on once we have our sets
Like i said we were mostly arah noobs doing p2 so we killed almost everything on the way just to be on the safe side.
Yet i still don’t think that even an experienced group will do less than 1h if they stop at every single group they find on the way.If the mobs were like in the fractals, mostly vets with a few normal companions, I could take an extra min and actually enjoy slaughtering undead. As it is now you spend as much time killing 1 silver mob as killing a whole pack of vets and this isn’t anywhere near fun.
Just so i don’t get misunderstood, I’m not saying to remove all of those hp buffed kittens but make them only appear in a few checkpoints like in a door to prevent full dungeon running.My view on dungeon running is that it should be allowed to some extent:
You could skip a few groups here and there, by sacrificing loot and having an harder time to run back in case of death, while still not being able to run through the whole thing.
It is ridiculous know on how much content you can skip at the moment but i hope it stays this way until they finally realize that trash mobs shouldn’t take that much time to kill.
Arah needs to lose those trash,, it’s simply too many of them. But changing them to vets isn’t good idea.
Best way to handle this is simply to increase the loot on these skipped mobs in dungeons a bit. Just enough to where people feel it’s worth their time to kill them.
Like i said we were mostly arah noobs doing p2 so we killed almost everything on the way just to be on the safe side.
Yet i still don’t think that even an experienced group will do less than 1h if they stop at every single group they find on the way.If the mobs were like in the fractals, mostly vets with a few normal companions, I could take an extra min and actually enjoy slaughtering undead. As it is now you spend as much time killing 1 silver mob as killing a whole pack of vets and this isn’t anywhere near fun.
Just so i don’t get misunderstood, I’m not saying to remove all of those hp buffed kittens but make them only appear in a few checkpoints like in a door to prevent full dungeon running.My view on dungeon running is that it should be allowed to some extent:
You could skip a few groups here and there, by sacrificing loot and having an harder time to run back in case of death, while still not being able to run through the whole thing.
It is ridiculous know on how much content you can skip at the moment but i hope it stays this way until they finally realize that trash mobs shouldn’t take that much time to kill.Arah needs to lose those trash,, it’s simply too many of them. But changing them to vets isn’t good idea.
3silver > 1silver 2vet or 1silver 5vets and the problem is fixed
skip this skip that … the most common thing n dungeons, it makes me sick. I just leave the group, but the sad thing is that i ve dome 2 dungeons in two weeks because of that skip crap. Gg a net gg.
I think skipping 75% of a dungeon is a joke and the fact that Anet don’t even seem to care about it enough to change it is even worse. It makes dungeons have a bad feel about them.
Yeah some of the trash mobs are horrible and so boring for the rewards you get, but allowing people to skip boses like the second boss in AC is pathetic. AC path 2 requires you to kill the Spiders, the trash group after, then run straight to chains event, run straight to final event, kill those adds and kill boss. That’s 5 fights in a single Exp path, now tell me that isn’t making these dungeons look like a complete joke. If this is really want Anet want from their dungeons then I fail to see any hope for them in the future.
People will always skip the trash unless you make them kill them (which imo should be the case). What’s the point in doing a dungeon if you can skip it all and Anet themselves don’t even care about it.
I think we should have a system that doesn’t let you start the boss event untill atleast 75%ish of the trash leading upto that boss is killed, but lower the drop rates slightly, the fact that you can do 3 exp paths and not get a single rare really isn’t encouraging people to event look at the trash
I think skipping 75% of a dungeon is a joke and the fact that Anet don’t even seem to care about it enough to change it is even worse. It makes dungeons have a bad feel about them.
Yeah some of the trash mobs are horrible and so boring for the rewards you get, but allowing people to skip boses like the second boss in AC is pathetic. AC path 2 requires you to kill the Spiders, the trash group after, then run straight to chains event, run straight to final event, kill those adds and kill boss. That’s 5 fights in a single Exp path, now tell me that isn’t making these dungeons look like a complete joke. If this is really want Anet want from their dungeons then I fail to see any hope for them in the future.
People will always skip the trash unless you make them kill them (which imo should be the case). What’s the point in doing a dungeon if you can skip it all and Anet themselves don’t even care about it.
I think we should have a system that doesn’t let you start the boss event untill atleast 75%ish of the trash leading upto that boss is killed, but lower the drop rates slightly, the fact that you can do 3 exp paths and not get a single rare really isn’t encouraging people to event look at the trash
after playing several MMO’s i honestly think the system where if you “agro the mob it follows you until you die” works best. I think it just levels the playing field for all the groups clearing whatever path in whatever dungeon. No creative ways to leash and skip mobs. They could maybe tune the trash to go down a bit quicker but it would be nice to kill everything you have to kill. If your group can skirt certain groups creatively and not agro them then all the power to you otherwise make it so you have to kill whatever you have to kill. I never had a problem with that system in the past and i dont see myself having an issue with it if it were to be implemented here either. skipping bosses and or exploiting terrain to skip sections of the dungeon should definitely be dealt with though
Skipping trash won’t be patched, don’t get your hopes up. The optional encounters people are designed to be Able to skip. If you want to do a “full” run, explore the social side of the game, build a regular dungeon group (guild perhaps?) and run with those people.
actually arah p3, the very first trashmobs, was patched so you cant skip them, there is now a big fat door blocking your way untill you killed them…
this should be done with ALL trash mob area’s and they should be rebalanaced so they where fun to kill, more normal/bronze, less silver
so this guy you want to fight every mob maybe wipe for like no loot naw bro im one of the ones no loot im not gonna kill when i can just easily sneak on by them and they be on there merry way
“Thrash Mob” = Not worth killing (no reward)
Sure, getting rewards is great and all however there’s an entertainment value to some of the content. Is not killing stuff fun? Working your way to a goal?
I can see both sides of the coin here. Some players may set aside “x” amount of time to play an instance ONCE while others might of set aside the same or less time to RUN the instance multiple times.
The dev’s could make it that some door won’t open until the mob’s are cleared. They could make it more challenging for higher geared/leveled players if they ‘nerfed’ everyone’s gear so that it was the same. Play AC? Everyone gets geared in AC gear while in AC during the event.
I’d like to get enough tokens to buy a set of gear but I also want to enjoy/experience the game. (maybe I’m just in the minority)
I cut my gaming teeth on Adventure&ZorkI,II,III.
I actually find mobs that offer the pouches with tokens/gold/karma in them worth the time, maybe it’d be nice if trash had a decent chance of dropping them as well?
TA trash mobs deserve to be skipped though, just…. meh, that whole dungeon isn’t fun overall. Knights are just overpowered in so many ways, even with retaliation + protect, they’ll just one shot anyone nearly.
(edited by AjoraOaks.3659)
All I see is a bunch of QQ’in here. It’s two groups of people, more gold and I want to kill everything and spend an hour each path. Personally IMO, the dungeon is fine as is, why force your playing style onto us. The way I see it is, I just run dungeons for tokens so I will skip all I can, boohoo, I miss out on 50s, I’ll make that in the TP in a matter of a few flips. The problem here is the amount of skippers have the upper hand and the others can’t find parties. It’s like the argument on abortion, it’s impossible to fix because there will always be issues if you choose one side over another. Why not increase the loot table and drop rate, lower the hp and maybe add some sort of token. Skippers will skip and it will get up to a point where you stop all the skipping and the skippers will just do other stuff, thus, less people want to do dungeons. I’m already bored of dungeons and just roam around every dungeon trying to find exploits.
how is that so hard to understand…
Mobs have a tag as dungeon population (ex breeder in AC)
Mobs spawned doesn t have that tag (ex minions spawned by breeder) so they does not count.
When you complete the dungeon you receive a bonus based on % of tagged mobs killed by party.
If balanced properly, it doesn t punish speed runs, while giving some balance to pelpe wanting to clear the dungeon.
If you make any tagged mob spawn more mob is just a waste of time because they do not count…..
the truth is: you want people who doesn t skip to be punished because you like to speed run not the opposite……
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
the truth is: you want people who doesn t skip to be punished because you like to speed run not the opposite……
I couldn’t give a lesser kitten about people who kill everything. What I don’t want is to receive less loot for being better than 98% of the population.
an interesting phenomenon i observed in fractals: around level 22, 23 or so, people start asking “kill?” again instead of “skip?” when encountering groups of optional trash mobs, like the sons of svanir in the snowblind fractal or the trash in the solid ocean fractal.
Trash in fractals is usually big packs of veterans (with the occasional really big pack of total trash). Those packs are very lucrative to kill with any reasonably good group. They are low risk, and provide excellent returns – blowing up the first pack of Svanir in the snowblind fractal, for instance, takes <15 seconds and nets around 6-7 silver worth of loot – a rate of return of more than 14 gold per hour.
This is a whole lot different than dungeon silvers, which have horrendous drop tables and tons of health – you might average a single gold per hour killing dungeon silvers, if you’re lucky.
People have just been trained to run past everything in dungeons by the horrendous loot tables and gigantic health bars, and don’t stop to consider the efficiency of their play when doing fractals – unless you’re already swimming in cash, you should be murdering those veterans on sight.
People have just been trained to run past everything in dungeons by the horrendous loot tables and gigantic health bars, and don’t stop to consider the efficiency of their play when doing fractals – unless you’re already swimming in cash, you should be murdering those veterans on sight.
Especially when most profit in fractals comes from loot of mobs .
so ur basically saying u could just farm the hell out off that 1st pack
the truth is: you want people who doesn t skip to be punished because you like to speed run not the opposite……
I couldn’t give a lesser kitten about people who kill everything. What I don’t want is to receive less loot for being better than 98% of the population.
actually the problem is that you are not better then Others….
And for sure not good at math or tactic if you cannot grasp this little concept.
15 min per run you can do 4 runs in an hour (69*4)
30 min per run means you can do just 2 (98*2)
Also you get less than people that can kill fast as it should be….because lets say it most people that skips mobs aren t actually that good as they say……
Expecially since they don t even take in account that skipping mobs puts valuable skills in cooldowns for glasscannons (yes those mesmer helping you to get past cof1 because it seems so hard to avoid some rolling stones ._. despite being “pro”) that makes next battle slower.
Just to make an example….
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Cannot-parse-statement, rephrase.
yes those mesmer helping you to get past cof1 because it seems so hard to avoid some rolling stones ._. despite being “pro”
You’re a funny guy.
I believe most of the people who have the problem with skipping are the ones who regularly fail at running past mobs (that sometimes has to do with the prof-some have more tools to run trough mobs),and to them i just have to say l2p.
As for the people who have some other problem with it i ask you:why?-do you really want to waste 10 mins of your life killing mobs with an abnormal amount of hp that you have killed 50 times before for no reward whatsoever?
Another idea just appeared!
If you set a counter, which counts how many mobs not killed, at the last treasure chest or bonus chest.
The less mobs alive the better items drop from chest and slightly increase token reward.
This may really encourage player to kill every mobs.
Just because you’d like to waste your time fighting trash doesn’t mean we all should have to. It’s silly. If you don’t want to skip then make a group with the condition of no skipping. Is that so hard?
As for the people who have some other problem with it i ask you:why?-do you really want to waste 10 mins of your life killing mobs with an abnormal amount of hp that you have killed 50 times before for no reward whatsoever?
because differetly from you sometime it happens to have to help some pugs <.< and getting reward for that, considering i use more of my time, would be appreciated.
And i think is extremely egohistic few people wants other to have less despite their speed runs would still be the most efficient way to farm.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
There are just too much trash mobs in dungeons. Amount of those stupid risen in arah is just idiotic, thats why all ppl just skip it.
Make dungeons more like CoE path 1 or 2. Event → boss → event → boss.
In ascalon trash mobs are probably harder than bosses. For me it’s not fun at all to just kill 4 mobs, than 3 same mobs, than 2 ghost, than 5 ooze. It’s just waste of time. Skipping is just better. Events there are way better made and fun. Trash on the way is just waste of time and borring as hell.
I would just removed all “standing” on map trash mobs in all dungeons and instead of them add some events with trash mobs (escort, defend whatever, some puzzles).
For example in cof path 1 we have gate event. It’s way more fun than for example killing 6 mobs on the way. Add chest after each event and problem solved.
All I see is a bunch of QQ’in here. It’s two groups of people, more gold and I want to kill everything and spend an hour each path. Personally IMO, the dungeon is fine as is, why force your playing style onto us. The way I see it is, I just run dungeons for tokens so I will skip all I can, boohoo, I miss out on 50s, I’ll make that in the TP in a matter of a few flips. The problem here is the amount of skippers have the upper hand and the others can’t find parties. It’s like the argument on abortion, it’s impossible to fix because there will always be issues if you choose one side over another. Why not increase the loot table and drop rate, lower the hp and maybe add some sort of token. Skippers will skip and it will get up to a point where you stop all the skipping and the skippers will just do other stuff, thus, less people want to do dungeons. I’m already bored of dungeons and just roam around every dungeon trying to find exploits.
Hahaha, just WOW!!! AC runs is now almost the same as abortion? Just to clarify since you did not read more than 1 post before typing many people have suggested, myself included, that the mob counter be an optional measure for those players who want to kill more to make money. Since it would be a choice to do it then you can continue to run your little speed clears and cry when a player wants to actually do a dungeon correctly. As for abortion lol, it is the womans body, there is no other argument and if you think it is not their choice then there is something wrong with you. What a post… omg!
I’ll never understand why people will literally spend 5 minutes running around to skip a pack of mobs that takes 30 seconds to kill. I’d wager I’ve spent 4 times as long in my MMO career recovering from a skip-gone-wrong than I have just killing the mobs.
Plus, I play to play, not to skip as much as I can to chase the carrot.
That’s great, but when you’ve run a dungeon sufficiently many times (2), you’ll want to get your chests/tokens/dosh ASAP as possible and leave.
Not sure why some people wish to force their play style on others. The tools are already there for you to create a non skip party – communicate and form a party that doesn’t want to skip and let those that wish to skip do the same.
Tip – When you join party ask if they want to skip or clear, if 3+ say skip then you have the chance to leave and join a new party. Pretty simple really.
No changes required for this, there are far more important things that need to be looked at in the dungeons.
Fwiw – I go along with whatever the majority of the party want to do, skip or clear.
Really, people are not reading NOTHING in this post.
The major problem of skipping is, EVEN if you ask for non skipping group, or non exploiting group ou whatever. There will be always someone that will skip, bug or exploit and the rest will be left behind or will run with the skipper/exploiter.
There are lots of trolls in this game that will do this just for fun, and other that just want to get a group faster and will get ANY group even one that will not share his ideas.
So if people will cause grief to others not respecting it´s better to force people to do the dungeon in just one way. Or a dungeon made to skip everything or a dungeon with lot of things to force people to not skip.
You can see very good examples of griefing caused by people because they don´t want to do de dungeon like the resto of the group, and asked for skip or stay they just say whatever and do what they want, even if its opposite to what is asked in the beginning.
So, if people really respect what is asked from them, this SKIP or STAY discussion will be really a whinning.
Skipping, at least in areas where the level design doesn’t offer an obvious alternate path, is referred to as a problem for which solutions are being considered in the form of incentives. Even if you somehow manage to win an internet argument and label the two practices as ‘good’ and ‘bad’, it’s not a lasting or meaningful victory. Incentives aren’t being considered just for the heck of it, it’s being done as the first attempt to change things as we know them now. Arguing so heatedly over this, from either perspective, is like planting your stake in quicksand.
I’m not saying you can’t debate the good and badness of things recreationally, but, I am saying it just doesn’t matter at the end of the day.
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
Then stop your kittening and start your own no skipping allowed groups. Go ahead and kill the oozes in CoF2/3 as well.
Really, people are not reading NOTHING in this post.
The major problem of skipping is, EVEN if you ask for non skipping group, or non exploiting group ou whatever. There will be always someone that will skip, bug or exploit and the rest will be left behind or will run with the skipper/exploiter.
There are lots of trolls in this game that will do this just for fun, and other that just want to get a group faster and will get ANY group even one that will not share his ideas.
So if people will cause grief to others not respecting it´s better to force people to do the dungeon in just one way. Or a dungeon made to skip everything or a dungeon with lot of things to force people to not skip.
You can see very good examples of griefing caused by people because they don´t want to do de dungeon like the resto of the group, and asked for skip or stay they just say whatever and do what they want, even if its opposite to what is asked in the beginning.
So, if people really respect what is asked from them, this SKIP or STAY discussion will be really a whinning.
Then you kick them, plain and simple.
If I make a group and the majority agrees that we should skip and someone refuses to skip then I kick him. Don’t see why you wouldn’t do the same for someone who skips while the rest clear.
I’ll never understand why people will literally spend 5 minutes running around to skip a pack of mobs that takes 30 seconds to kill. I’d wager I’ve spent 4 times as long in my MMO career recovering from a skip-gone-wrong than I have just killing the mobs.
Plus, I play to play, not to skip as much as I can to chase the carrot.
I whole-heartedly agree with you but the problem is not the skipping itself, your numbers are off; the problem is that skipping trash (no loot) mobs is better because they take literally 5 mins to kill when they should take 30 seconds to kill. I tend to avoid these rush/speedclear groups as best as I can.
I’ll never understand why people will literally spend 5 minutes running around to skip a pack of mobs that takes 30 seconds to kill. I’d wager I’ve spent 4 times as long in my MMO career recovering from a skip-gone-wrong than I have just killing the mobs.
Plus, I play to play, not to skip as much as I can to chase the carrot.
I whole-heartedly agree with you but the problem is not the skipping itself, your numbers are off; the problem is that skipping trash (no loot) mobs is better because they take literally 5 mins to kill when they should take 30 seconds to kill. I tend to avoid these rush/speedclear groups as best as I can.
Edit: bad interpretation… sorry poor english skills.
Most of this problem is the pugs, they don´t coordinate, they don´t came with a fast dps build (some even use MF equips), and most time are most concentrated on the facebook than in playing the game (yeah, I made this one…)
(edited by evolverzilla.2359)
I like the idea of the more mobs you kill the better loot tables you get, that leaves it optional in both respects. You can do a quick run or tokens or kill everything in the dungeon for max rewards. That leaves the players with the option of balancing things out.
Forming/joining no skip guilds and friending like minded players is your best bet
Scale dungeon rewards with the percentage cleared. The more you skip, the less exp, tokens and silvers you should get at the end.
Scale dungeon rewards with the percentage cleared. The more you skip, the less exp, tokens and silvers you should get at the end.
You mean after they triples token rewards for longer and harder paths, right?