Will they nerf Thief AA?

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GiftUngiven.7854



Hello, as the title says, what do you think about it? I wasted 650 gold gearing up condi warr, i dont wanna waste more money in something that will eventually get nerfed. Your thoughts?


Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192


does it matter???

how did you “waste” gold gearing a condie war. It is still perfectly usefull.

If you are concerned about the COST of gearing a “new” class. then I would not bother. Gear them out because you are playing them, or enjoy playing them.

What else are you using your gold for?

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


does it matter???

how did you “waste” gold gearing a condie war. It is still perfectly usefull.

If you are concerned about the COST of gearing a “new” class. then I would not bother. Gear them out because you are playing them, or enjoy playing them.

What else are you using your gold for?

This, furthermore all 3 medium armor classes are perfectly viable so if worst comes to worst you can always change it to a different class/stats for very little gold.

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cpchow.7416


Definitely they will do it. 10/10

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Hello, as the title says, what do you think about it? I wasted 650 gold gearing up condi warr, i dont wanna waste more money in something that will eventually get nerfed. Your thoughts?


Don’t go for fotm classes and builds.

I have a fully geared (99.4% condi duration) full ascended condi warrior. I made him fully aware that arenanet are going to addresse the issues (and am happy they are looking at that 0.5 seconds global limitation). Why? For the luls and because I could (that and I could always use a condi set on my rev for when they fix condi rev or maybe never). Were I restricted to not wanting to have to worry about my class/gear getting shafted with the next balance patch – I would not have taken the most complained about class at that point in time.

If your aim is to not get screwed by balance patches, here is a general guideline of things you want to watchout for:

A.) this is a MMO, balance (no matter how good or bad implemented) will rotate viability of classes and builds

B.) if you have to ask if something will get nerfed, it probably will

C.) while ascended is way more expensive than exotic gear, it allows for change of stats (weapons and armor) and is account bound. Doesn’t seem like a lot, but once you’ve made that 5th full set of exotic equipment chasing the next “uber build” costs add up. (so no, that gear on your warrior is not “wasted”)

D.) Fotm (flavor of the month) builds and classes are a thing. Only because arenanet went very soft on this subject with zerker gear in the first 3 years doesn’t mean they are doing so now.

E.) if going for your first set of full ascended, it makes sense to go by armor type. Pick the armor class where you enjoy the most classes of. That way, if say warrior gets changed, you are left with guardian or revenant who might make good use of the gear.

tl;dr: chasing the white rabbit will lead you down kitten which you get to plaster with gold

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

As far as PvE goes, Thief AA is not “too strong”. What it looks like in PvP will take a few months to settle out as people get used to the huge changes (different amulets, etc) and find niche builds that can beat other things. For the moment I would not expect it to be nerfed.

Otherwise, I agree with Cyninja.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Lots of good points from Cyninja. Totally agreed.

Also, I’m not really sold on thief being good enough to consider FotM anyways. Thieves now do competitive dps, but there’s other classes that seem to do just as much if not more while providing useful raid utility.

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


As far as PvE goes, Thief AA is not “too strong”. What it looks like in PvP will take a few months to settle out as people get used to the huge changes (different amulets, etc) and find niche builds that can beat other things. For the moment I would not expect it to be nerfed.

Otherwise, I agree with Cyninja.

I disagree. Its the same problem as pre patch revenant. Strong passive play and weaker active play is a poor balance and design decision.

Im less bothered by it on thief since its not a buff class. Its a rather selfish class outside of stealth. So dps should be one of its main strong suits. But it seems almost like auto attacking is better dps than using skills like heartseeker or they are marginally different. Thats some out of whack balancing. Best dps should be encouraged by rotational gameplay.

(edited by spoj.9672)

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryn.6459


Well, hope you are happy now: rev is out of the raid meta now. And I am sorry but rev was not a “just aa class”.

Learning English, any correction is very welcome.

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Well, hope you are happy now: rev is out of the raid meta now. And I am sorry but rev was not a “just aa class”.

Revs are still Raid meta they are still Boon bots. They just don’t get the best of both worlds.

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loop.8106


I hope so, any build that promotes Auto Attacking to achiev max dps just seems boring IMO.

Optimise [OP]

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I disagree. Its the same problem as pre patch revenant. Strong passive play and weaker active play is a poor balance and design decision.

The only reason why skills like Vault aren’t treated as “best DPS” is because they don’t benefit from quickness. In moments without quickness they shine just fine.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TPMN.1483


The problem is they are starting to rely on imitative for avoiding attacks after the dodge for thief which is its primary defense mechanism.
There are very few invulnerable / blocks on a thief outside the sword set (which is lower dps)
Any other attack than using autos will work heavily into its initiative pool quickly.

For ANET to make thief more plausible (which has a low health pool compared to Necro) would require increasing the invulnerable/active defenses (stealth still makes you take dmg).

The d/d will still hit harder with rotating in the back stabs – so it’s still not a case of auto only.

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Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Buffing the damages to an extend where AA damage would eclipse heartseeker/backstab in damage was wrong. What should have happened was increase AA a bit and then increase damage more on heartseeker/backstab so that thieves would actually have to manage their initiatives in pve. This is same thing with burnzerker warrior where pugs just tried to stack as many overpowered specs as possible just to get by the raid. Now tempest won’t be stacked by pugs due to low healthpool, lack of coordination, a rotation that seems a bit harder than burnzerker and definitely more difficult than thief auto attack and very little room for allowing mistakes.

I get that thieves have to use imitative as active defense but so do other classes such as engi, tempest, chronomancer and guardian. Tempest has to rely on group buff or dodges while doing maximum dps, chronomancers sacrifice personal dps to provide invul/blocks to groups in limited times, engies have to rely on managing cooldowns on skills while being aware of situations/mobs to play effectively, and dragonhunters/guardians back before HoT relied on well timed aegis and group buffs while actively engaging the enemy.

There is no way thieves should be an exception to this. Yes revenant auto attacks were a bit too strong but that was nerfed and it was just. Burnzerker burn ticks were completely overpowered with allowing bosses to get damaged from both fire fields which was fixed. Dagger Warhorn tempest may not seem that punishing while playing, but without protection buffs/competent teammates/situational awareness you might as well as just bring another revenant or a dps warrior. The point is passive play should not be more rewarding than active play.


Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


The problem is they are starting to rely on imitative for avoiding attacks after the dodge for thief which is its primary defense mechanism.
There are very few invulnerable / blocks on a thief outside the sword set (which is lower dps)
Any other attack than using autos will work heavily into its initiative pool quickly.

For ANET to make thief more plausible (which has a low health pool compared to Necro) would require increasing the invulnerable/active defenses (stealth still makes you take dmg).

The d/d will still hit harder with rotating in the back stabs – so it’s still not a case of auto only.

Thief has no invulns or blocks on the sword, they have no invulns anywhere for that matter, they have one block which is a utility that comes with Daredevil.

Also when the target reaches 50% health HS is used due to it producing higher damage and more so at 25% hp

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: perry.9645


Its funny how everybody complains about “OP” classes meanwhile there is Ele still doing more damage than everything else :’)

But i totally agree that thief should be more than just AA spam + dodge on staff to achieve highest dps, even with pre nerf CnD staff would still be stronger and more reliable but buffing the other skills would completely destroy everything in pvp. Thief is a hard to balance class especially with no split between pvp and pve (even tho pistolwhip and revealed is still split :P)

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryn.6459


Well, hope you are happy now: rev is out of the raid meta now. And I am sorry but rev was not a “just aa class”.

Revs are still Raid meta they are still Boon bots. They just don’t get the best of both worlds.


Learning English, any correction is very welcome.

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Poke Bird.5847

Poke Bird.5847

does it matter???

how did you “waste” gold gearing a condie war. It is still perfectly usefull.

If you are concerned about the COST of gearing a “new” class. then I would not bother. Gear them out because you are playing them, or enjoy playing them.

What else are you using your gold for?

Why is it perfectly useful? how is the new burnzerker compared to other top condi classes like scrapper, reaper and tempest? I am thinking of rolling a warrior if the burnzerker is still perfectly viable and somewhat strong too.

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192


Burn War is still perfectly fine Damage wise, it is within the same percentile block that Engie and Necro are in,

Necro gets higher if specific things happen. (epidemic and jagged horror spam)
Engie gets higher if they are a piano player. (Semi stagnant boss and good rotations.)
Warrior is still good and you still bring banners.

That being said after some random testing me and some friends did today, I dont know if it was a stealth fix or if we were just not paying attention. but scorched earth is more or less fixed. as in that a single target will take scorched earths from 2 different warriors. What does that little .5 sec internal cd do? It makes it so your entire scorched earth functions as a single fire field. Similar to that of the Ele skill. So inf you land 2 of the “fields” on a targets hit box, you will only get 3 or 4 stacks of burning. instead of 6 to 8.

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: doddbox.8153


Maybe? should that stop you from gearing one? not at all

I’d be looking forward to a reduction in AA damage and a buff to HS/BS personally, there is nothing fun about mashing 1.

very special guild tag [tX]

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I’d be looking forward to a reduction in AA damage and a buff to HS/BS personally, there is nothing fun about mashing 1.

Unfortunately I can say with certainty that a damage buff to HS/BS won’t happen. The reason this buff happened to auto attacks and not the other skills is because Thief burst in PvP is already very strong. The only thing I could see them potentially doing with D/D is reducing the aftercast on HS/CnD/BS since that doesn’t actually affect the burst potential much.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Well, hope you are happy now: rev is out of the raid meta now. And I am sorry but rev was not a “just aa class”.

Revs are still Raid meta they are still Boon bots. They just don’t get the best of both worlds.


See what? Someone have a opinion about Herald, why should we care?

Hammer guard isn’t the 3rd best dps because Reaper and Engineer can do better than that. True enough it’s easy to reach that kind of dps on a Guardian, but it’s not the 3rd best dps.

Revenant still bring some of the best CC, have the easiest way to keep perma fury, and the facet of nature allow PS Warrior to remplace boon duration food with dps food. For mesmer, perma quickness without a facet of nature is pretty hard except if you have sigil of concentration, which cost a lot of gold.

Guardian have some strength and Revenant have some strength. In the end of the day both are decent in raid.

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Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ryn.6459


Both are viable, true. But that doesn’t mean there are better alternatives than revs on parties now.
Anyway, it is true that I rage posted due to rev’s aa nerf when they buffed exactly the same thing on other classes.

Learning English, any correction is very welcome.

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mazut.4296


Its Revenant sword AA all over again

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Except thieves don’t bring utility like rev does, yes it was a lazy fix but it’s not the same as rev as everyone thinks

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hunter.4783


Revs are still preferred in raids for the obvious reasons. You just don’t STACK revs anymore. That’s about it. The nerfss and changes made more classes viable. That’s all

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I’d be looking forward to a reduction in AA damage and a buff to HS/BS personally, there is nothing fun about mashing 1.

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