Wing 2 Bugs

Wing 2 Bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Maybe, those are not buys, so If someone have an explanation go ahead. Otherwise, if you seen some other bugs, please list them.

- When you have a commander tag, you can see the Green Skull over your head, but not the purple icon when you are fixated. I couldn’t see it, and my teamate couldn’t see it over my head, but it was fine with everybody else and the Green Skull was fine.

- From time to time, the fixation swap super rapidly for a short period of time. I’m talking like 4-5 people in 10 seconds.

- When you are in grub form (not the word, but you know what I’m saying), sometime you see the life of one of your teamate in the squad UI just disappear for a couple of second then reappear. I suppose it because you are not in the same team anymore. Maybe it have to do with the WvW code that doesn’t let you see people from other server that are in your squad or party?

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Wing 2 Bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rhyav.4812


The first one does sound like a bug, but just deactivate the Tag, after all its not needed in the fight. The fixation will change if the fixated person gets downed, but if that was not the case, then it might be a bug indeed.
It didn’t happen to me that the grub person from the party would disappear, but is extremely annoying as the healer (I’m main healer) to see someone with low HP and until I target them realize they’re the grub and my pet is already attacking them. Would be SOOO good if the HP in the Squad UI appeared in full red.

Wing 2 Bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pazu.8320


Several times after breaking or cleansing the fear after the breakbar my character would still run away. The condition was not on my bar but the full fear duration would continue. No one else had this issue apart from myself. I was on chrono using shatter cleansing.

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Wing 2 Bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PanZielony.2843


Sometimes as a grub u can’t move.