Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


(I wasn’t sure whether this was more lore or raid discussion, feel free to move it)

So in Wing 4 we are perpetually observed by the Eye of Janthir. For those who don’t know, in GW1 this object was used by the Hero to identify the Chosen ones (as the hero was Chosen himself). It is not quite clear what being chosen meant, but it allowed to you attempt the trials of ascension, as well as make you a suitable sacrifice for the Bloodstone which the mursaat used to keep the Gate of Komalie shut. Now, the hero, at the time, didn’t know the chosen he identified with the Eye were going to be sacrificed as the White Mantle was still sancta gratia at the time.

Fast forward to Guild Wars 2. The Eye of Janthir returns in the second raid (or 4th wing) where new functions are ascribed to it. namely: it sustained everyone around it with false immortality, and it turnt everyone to their own fears, regrets, and nightmares. After the death of Deimos, the Eye of Janthir fled, and the last surviving prisoner; Saul d’Alessio, was no long being sustained and died.

Now, here is where the interesting part begins, Lazarus is (partially) back. The raid has confirmed that the Eye of Janthir is still actively moving about. And considering how the raids were a teaser to future events, I cannot help but feel that the Eye of Janthir may just yet play a role to come. This role could be major, this role could be minor. But another thing caught my interest is, what if Janthir is a mursaat? obviously, dead, but a mursaat nonetheless. It’s a very theistic name when you look at all the other mursaats, like Lazarus, Optimus, Mercia. What makes it even more interesting is the depth of Glenna’s knowledge, and the desire to learn more about it, implying that it may be very relevant information for the future.

Please, share me your thoughts, I am very curious on this matter.

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


i think this belongs in the lore subforum.

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pie Flavor.1647

Pie Flavor.1647

i think this belongs in the lore subforum.

not everyone in the lore subforum does or has any intentions of doing raids, so posting this would be a massive spoiler.

And I am become kitten, the destroyer of kittens

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


it’s not a spoiler if someone has no intention of going through it anyway o.o + its a long time since release so we should feel free to talk about it + you can still use thread title or disclaimer for spoiler warning + this post starts with “so in wing 4 we are…” so everyone can stop reading before being spoilered.

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Feanor.2358


The Eye is far too much of a buzzword to leave it at that. I’m certain we’ll see it again.

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


i think this belongs in the lore subforum.

I thought so to at first, but I remember very few people raid (outside this forum section), so I think here is a more appropriate audience

(edited by Amaimon.7823)

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


no actually a lot of players raid, its one of the most populated areas of gw2. i would say very few people do dungeons but raids are like the main thing now

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Feanor.2358


no actually a lot of players raid, its one of the most populated areas of gw2. i would say very few people do dungeons but raids are like the main thing now

You need a reality check mate. Raid community is active, but small. Sure, dungeons aren’t popular, but that’s because they are targeted at pretty much the same players. The bulk of the player pop, however, is open-world players.

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


no actually a lot of players raid, its one of the most populated areas of gw2. i would say very few people do dungeons but raids are like the main thing now

You need a reality check mate. Raid community is active, but small. Sure, dungeons aren’t popular, but that’s because they are targeted at pretty much the same players. The bulk of the player pop, however, is open-world players.

I dunno mate, we’re talking about a fair community here.
I know at least 3 guilds who count 300 heads, then there’s always a good chunk of people in the aerodome, and many people form groups with friends to raid regularly with. Now, because it’s a nice content, most of the population is obscured by the majority. It’s quite hard to tell exactly how big the raiding community is, as most people who raid are usually members of larger communities.

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


i just joined a raiding guild with 400+ players of all levels of experience and thats just 1 guild. i never heard of any open world guilds except stuff like TxS or you have the world boss train in lfg and thats about it, some casuals will wander around the maps, some will do the story do some dragon’s stand and such (and it’s fine) but the dedicated playerbase is focused on raiding, fotm and pvp. open world is primarily for new players or people without a goal, people who farm silverwastes because they cant play more difficult content etc.

Wing 4 Eye of Janthir (microspoiler)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crinn.7864


i think this belongs in the lore subforum.

not everyone in the lore subforum does or has any intentions of doing raids, so posting this would be a massive spoiler.

Most of the people in the lore subforum care enough about lore to have looked up what lore was in the raid the moment it came out.

Sanity is for the weak minded.