Wishlist for Training Area

Wishlist for Training Area

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


I think it’s time to compile a wishlist for the training area!

1. New engineer buff
2. Thorn rune stacks – let us apply 5 of them or/and make the golem attack us for 1dmg (actually the “attack” option is better to test traits like "when enemy is using a skill/retaliate/etc)
3. Someone suggested reset skill cd on special action key
4. Seriously add some ambient killable creatures to replenish life force quickly
5. The ability to imitate 18 +5 stat infusions for the cheap queens
6. Bloodlust and sigils as such – let us also apply their bonuses

(edited by Sublimatio.6981)

Wishlist for Training Area

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


The boss moves.

Mechanics that require the player to move, and dodge, are implemented.

Mechanics that immunity or condition clear the boss are implemented.

Wishlist for Training Area

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coconut.7082


The boss moves.

Mechanics that require the player to move, and dodge, are implemented.

Mechanics that immunity or condition clear the boss are implemented.

I fail to see a reason to do that unless the mechanics are an exact replica of some raid mechanics.
I understand that you probably want to see even more “realistic DPS” on the Golem, but it really varies for every boss, so Golem numbers with random mechanics will be meaningless.

Totally agree with the wishlist, different food buffs could be nice too.

Wishlist for Training Area

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Food and utility buffs

Anet make Rev great again.

Wishlist for Training Area

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


The boss moves.

Mechanics that require the player to move, and dodge, are implemented.

Mechanics that immunity or condition clear the boss are implemented.

I fail to see a reason to do that unless the mechanics are an exact replica of some raid mechanics. I understand that you probably want to see even more “realistic DPS” on the Golem, but it really varies for every boss, so Golem numbers with random mechanics will be meaningless.

Less meaningless, though. I mean, really, what I’d like is SimulationCraft for GW2, so that we can get out of the business of using single sample Patchwerk fights as a measure of DPS at all, but moving on, something akin to these events: https://github.com/simulationcraft/simc/wiki/RaidEvents

That is, player and boss movement, invulnerability, and not present in that list, dodge required, since those are at heart the basic elements that sit behind fight mechanics in gw2.

It’s not about “perfect simulation”, or about improving the player “ability to improve / execute”, but rather, about having less terrible numbers because a punching-bag target is the worst case for understanding relative class performance.

I should probably just pull my finger out and consider slapping together a basic simulation for GW2 myself, just to be done with the idea. I’m just lazy.

edit: oh! and not “random mechanics”, but rather, “absolutely predictable mechanics”, which you can turn on and off, so they play out the same every single time. because random would be useless, but “dodge/move required every 5 seconds or 20k damage” is useful, if you apply it to different classes.