Wraithlord + ritual bugs

Wraithlord + ritual bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The amount of bugs in Arah P3 since the past few patches is frustrating the living daylights out of me and I want to know who else has experienced these all. Some of them I know happen for everyone but some of them my friends were baffled about.

They frustrate me to the point of not even wanting to bother with the path as much anymore which is sad, because it used to be my favorite.

Let me know if you guys have experienced any other ones or if you are familiar with all of the same problems I’ve had. The invisible wraithlord one in particular drives me NUTS. It’s happened 3 times total the past two weeks.

1. Wraiths in the ritual consistently go invulnerable unless you pretty much hug the center area, sometimes I’m unable to re-aggro them for 5-10 seconds again.

2. There is a knocked-down pillar perpendicular to one standing up on the opposite side of the platform from where you enter where people commonly LoSed the Wraithlord to burn down with FGS, but he goes invulnerable now which I’m not sure if is intended or unintended. Another spot that temporarily worked was on the left edge from the entrance, another knocked-down pillar, but he suddenly stopped coming all the way to it since one of the last builds. I find it highly peculiar for them to care about people using FGS rush on this boss that much.

3. Wraithlord was completely unattackable for me after the ritual two days ago and I had absolutely no way of finishing the path and had to crash the instance to redo from scratch.

4. Wraithlord went invisible on me during a duo with Goku about a week or so ago. We were confused as hell and had no idea where he was, and wiped as a result of it because we were getting corruption stacks from thin air and couldn’t see him. The same thing happened to me in a solo on my ele the other day— but I noticed he did it at a certain spot near the center of the area after rushing to the NPC. I find it hard to believe that the error could be on my end. I’ve seen Lupicus go invisible plenty of times after shadowstepping to people in phase 2, but he always reappears 5-10 seconds later. Wraithlord wasn’t reappearing for me and that’s just BS.


Warden Illyra bugging at the chicken cage is so annoying. I feel bad for anybody that doesn’t know to lure mobs over to her after reviving her, because wiping / leaving+re-entering doesn’t fix it and I imagine a lot of people quit out of the path if it happens.

She bugs if the spiders aggro on her after the cutscene and kill her, which happens maybe half the time if you actually get hit by them/engage in combat with them while running past.

Wraithlord + ritual bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oning rang.5016

oning rang.5016

1. Wraiths in the ritual consistently go invulnerable unless you pretty much hug the center area, sometimes I’m unable to re-aggro them for 5-10 seconds again.

This is the only issue i have had till now. I guess i am lucky i didn’t have the other problems.

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Wraithlord + ritual bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlitzX.4039


1. Have the same almost always.
2. Intended
3, 4. Didn’t happen.

Wraithlord + ritual bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Third one only happened to me that one time. I was pretty p*ssed. He just stayed invulnerable no matter how far away I ran or where I stood.

Fourth has only happened to me once during that duo with Goku, and twice when I solod on my ele. Never happened when I was on my warrior thus far. Also, I was on my ele when I was duoing with Goku. It clearly hates eles.

Wraithlord + ritual bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dutchiez.7502


The NPC can also bug out when she is holding the chicken on top of the platform. Idk what causes it and there is no way to fix it. It basically stops you from progressing to the ritual and forces you to restart.

Nova [rT]

Wraithlord + ritual bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Have actually had that happen in a pug run ages ago Nova… almost forgot about it. I joined at Lupicus or something like that so I didn’t really care and just left.

Wraithlord + ritual bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: No Pulse.2967

No Pulse.2967

The NPC can also bug out when she is holding the chicken on top of the platform. Idk what causes it and there is no way to fix it. It basically stops you from progressing to the ritual and forces you to restart.

I had that twice while soloing. The NPC just lost the chicken after taking it (she wasn’t holding it any more and it was not in the cage), thus the ritual couldn’t be started.

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Wraithlord + ritual bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

None of you have had the invisible glitch before? I somewhat want it to happen to someone else so I don’t feel so alone with the problem

Hesitant to bother with soloing on ele for this path again because of it. It still has not happened for me on warrior and I don’t know what caused it.