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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: snowywonder.2496


Seriously I don’t think they care about if you realize they are botting or not. First, think about all the bots running around on the map, I am pretty sure ppl report them, I do. Do you see them getting banned? Not always. If reporting them won’t get them banned, I don’t think anyone could scare them off. I know a few ppl who get frustrated on names and just randomly type one like 123fasd12. And some bots do have normal names. You won’t realize it until they stand together and there is a pattern between their names. Some bots even have guilds.

I think it takes them more time to find a group than just running around and botting. Besides, the stuff they get from dungeons, they can get elsewhere, except for tokens. However, things you get with tokens are account-bound, what is the point of them botting in dungeons for something they can’t sell? If they want to sell the account, why would they make a character with this kind of crappy name?

(edited by snowywonder.2496)

You could be next!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dead.7385



Was he any good at playing the game?

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Svarty.8019


@OP: He could have been a legitimate player (in which case your post could be reported for character assassination), or you could have had a farmer join your party. It is extremely unlikely to have been a bot. People seem to be interchanging the two terms and their meanings are very different.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dogblaster.6713


Bots dont care if you report them or whatever. I whispered many of them for fun sometimes got an answear like this: yes ofcours, or … ye whatever you say xD

They just dont give a shiat xD bots are runned by employes who dont care, not by owners

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hedition.7261


Bots probably don’t level by doing dungeons…that is stupid. And yea, they don’t care about what you say or do to them.

It might’ve been a Chinese/HK/TW legitimate player who do not speak English well. When he realized he was being made fun of, he left. My guess.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: gadenp.7586


If Bots can run dungeons, then GW2 is really in trouble. Also they most probably run their bot party. Aka 5 bots together doing the dungeon.

Actually if bots can run dungeons, I want their source code. As I believe that will be mighty fine coding.

But you never know, with the skill levels of some of these programmers and the tools at their disposal.

Maybe it is a Chinese account power leveler that wanted to do something different then the normal power leveling grind, whatever that might be.

(edited by gadenp.7586)