You know your dungeon fix failed when...

You know your dungeon fix failed when...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cainschwartz.7986


over 95% of people running CoF still go for Magg path.

Now, people found an exploit where you can easily go past the bombing part and even get extra tokens.
The worst part is if you don’t do the jump exploit, you get kicked out from the party.

I’m one of those people who find the new nerfed 2nd path challenging and actually not bad at all. Even with the fix, 2nd path is the easiest path. People whine about how the new fix is overnerfed or it is now impossible to do; they complain because they can’t do easy, quick token farm.
(Reward, in general not just the dungeon reward, is a different issue. That’s messed up.)

Now I’m trying to organize a dedicated group to do 1st path or 3rd path,
most wouldn’t join because they wouldn’t want to waste their time doing hard stuff,
or just leave after few failures and not talking/formulating any strategy.
I know it’s not supposed to be puggable and it needs coordination and experienced players, but have to start somewhere right???

Your fix on 2nd path was putting a bandaid on a structurally unstable building.

(edited by cainschwartz.7986)

You know your dungeon fix failed when...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kira Farcry.8436

Kira Farcry.8436

What’s the fun of a dungeon if it’s not a little challenging. After grinding out TA for almost a full set, after I had established a group of experienced players who understood the dungeon, we began going to the other more challenging routes rather than taking the upper path. We find the other routes to be perfectly manageable and it makes the final boss more interesting. Some people only are in it for the armor, but the armor is supposed to be an end gear item that was difficult and hard to achieve, not something you can easily grind out in 20 min or less. CoF has become a joke to me, and frankly I dislike the armor more than ever because everyone has it and it requires absolutely very little to no skill to farm. At least with TA, the runs took 45 minutes if you were really good, and you could still get easily wiped if you weren’t careful or had a bad group.

Elegance in simplicity; Beauty in design.

You know your dungeon fix failed when...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LED Head.2439

LED Head.2439

Your missing the point of the complaints, People are complaining about the dungeons nerf because ANet have now completely made them useless before we ran them for loot and the small coin they gave us, now they give us nothing of value at all your will get much better rewards for zerging a world boss than doing any dungeon.

This thanks to the dungeon loot cap they put in place last patch.

The second reason we all hate dungeons and just want to get in and out is because they suck and are not fun we only do them for the achievement or the tokens and we don’t want to stay in there any longer than we have too that is just the nature of a dungeon run that is boring and not fun or it has been done to death.

And no buffing boss HP does not count as making the content better or last longer it just pisses everybody off. Dungeons should have tactics and unique mechanics which they currently don’t at all every boss I have seen is the same thing its just a Zerg rush to down it while dieing as little as possible. Forget Skill and playing smart the way dungeons are setup as this very moment there is no benefit from being a good player its far more effective to for you and your team to just rush it zerg the whole thing leave and repeat until the loot cap kicks in and then we all log off and go to bed because at this point its senseless even going back in.

The Main reason is we just want zerg and get out is because the mechanics of the fights are kitten and for content that is meant to be the BEES KNEES that keeps PvE alive it does not even accurately reward our trouble doing them at best we break even on repair costs and get a lousy token trust me I only saw one and if that’s a level 40 instance then I am not interested in the rest I have seen much better instances in other mmo’ this is probably the worst of the mmo games I have played when it comes to end game content.

Which is hardly surprising seeing during the beta they tried very hard to limit where you could go and what you could do and hide all the high tier content for a game boasting claims such as they do currently that only told me one thing and that was that they probably ran out of time to do endgame and instead give is stupid filler crap until an expansion re invents all the stuff they had to rush to meet release dates.

I think you will find most of us here will tell you the same thing.

You know your dungeon fix failed when...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cainschwartz.7986


You do realize that I wrote “Reward, in general not just the dungeon reward, is a different issue. That’s messed up.”
I also wrote a lengthy suggestion about how ANet should improve rewards.

Perhaps I wasn’t so clear on “Your fix on 2nd path was putting a bandaid on a structurally unstable building.”
What I mean is…
Before doing a quick fix which doesn’t solve anything, try come up with a real effective solution like improved reward/more content/balanced difficulty among 3 paths/etc.

this is about asking ANet about fixing the darn exploiting issue.

(edited by cainschwartz.7986)