Your raid boss ideas
Add the Marionette as a raid boss but more challenging of course.
Probably won’t happen as the raids like follow the expansion’s theme.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
I would actually love to see The Battle on the Breachmaker/the Prime Hologram as raid boss, tweaked for 10 players and with additional and more punishing mechanics. Might just be because I actually enjoyed that fight a lot, but yeah.
I would like to see mechanics that require mobility and that require players to split up more. Vale guardian has this to an extent, though the mobility requirement is really pretty lax and the fight is so easy overall that it isn’t much of a test. Gorseval and Sabetha require some splitting but only for a short period of time, and not for very many players at once. The latter two fights are 90% everyone stacked hitting the boss and going through the same boss mechanics at the same time. I would like to see a fight where players spend large chunks of time or even most of the raid in small groups or alone in a situation where a specific skillset is needed. Would also like to see fights where swiftness/superspeed/blinks/leaps are not a slight benefit but are essentially required.
There are plenty of other game mechanics that I think it would be nice to have some relevance in a raid boss fight, like blind, resistance, and condi removal. Generally would be nice if many of the CCs in the game were actually used for what they did rather than just being taken to remove a break bar.
A set of NPCs that procedurally generates as your expected hard counter or mirrors your direct comp and plays perfectly.
They say that your greatest enemy is yourself, or perhaps your greatest enemy is your greatest flaws. Either way, it would be one hell of a fight.
Bullet hell type stuff.
Chwwwis ç_ç not only I can’t play the game atm, I gotta have nightmares about my druid being back to useless tier! I’m enjoying the “monk” reminescence… well, at least the part where I feel “needed” (not gonna last long) and save people [hunting things], definitely not the part where I can only play that and people blame me for everything that goes wrong, lol.
I’d like to seeee… more distinct phases. Like Lupi. Just more kitten. Less gimmicks, more boss actually being DANGEROUS. I wanna be able to see a boss and feel my knees turn to jelly. Like gorseval’s aesthetics, even if he turned out to be.. not that scary. A big mean boss needs to make you afraid to engage it head-on in melee. Yknow, having a kittenload of attacks, having multiple phases you gotta learn; the more attacks you give to a guy, the more it’ll feel like it’s doing different stuff all the time and you don’t know what to expect. It’d be nice if tells were clear and had a counterplay but you were never 100% certain of which attack the boss is gonna do next.
Could start by giving the boss multiple versions of each attack.
Sabetha just sits there and actually has ONE dangerous attack. It’s stupid. Environmental control and add spawn is fine, just… I don’t know! I just exhaled a mental /sigh whenever I had to fight that kitten. It’s not fun and I’m more afraid of my guildies tearing me a new one for failing to throw a bomb than the actual boss. /shrug
I hear I’m the only one; pretty much everyone else is in love with her and looks down at VG and Gorsepup.
I love Gorsepup. He’s adorable.
… why aren’t his phases more different -.-
Would be interesting to see something designed around our fields. Most of them don’t even have a good use in PvE. I’d much rather have our skills or abilities play a main role than gaining an object you have to use quickly (bombs during the sebetha fight for example).
Situations that would require you to use certain fields for their properties:
-Fire fields to burn an object or to light a fire
-Water fields to extinguish a fire
-Lightning field to electrify something
-Light field to damage some undead object
-Ice field to freeze something
The only downside is the imbalance between the amount of fields classes have. Still sounds interesting to me.
Chwwwis ç_ç not only I can’t play the game atm, I gotta have nightmares about my druid being back to useless tier! I’m enjoying the “monk” reminescence… well, at least the part where I feel “needed” (not gonna last long) and save people [hunting things], definitely not the part where I can only play that and people blame me for everything that goes wrong, lol.
I’d like to seeee… more distinct phases. Like Lupi. Just more kitten. Less gimmicks, more boss actually being DANGEROUS. I wanna be able to see a boss and feel my knees turn to jelly. Like gorseval’s aesthetics, even if he turned out to be.. not that scary. A big mean boss needs to make you afraid to engage it head-on in melee. Yknow, having a kittenload of attacks, having multiple phases you gotta learn; the more attacks you give to a guy, the more it’ll feel like it’s doing different stuff all the time and you don’t know what to expect. It’d be nice if tells were clear and had a counterplay but you were never 100% certain of which attack the boss is gonna do next.
Could start by giving the boss multiple versions of each attack.Sabetha just sits there and actually has ONE dangerous attack. It’s stupid. Environmental control and add spawn is fine, just… I don’t know! I just exhaled a mental /sigh whenever I had to fight that kitten. It’s not fun and I’m more afraid of my guildies tearing me a new one for failing to throw a bomb than the actual boss. /shrug
I hear I’m the only one; pretty much everyone else is in love with her and looks down at VG and Gorsepup.
I love Gorsepup. He’s adorable.
… why aren’t his phases more different -.-
lol, you know I wouldn’t want your ranger to be be useless. Just think though, you could do some damage in that fight
Gorseval is my favorite of the three right now, Not so much due to the DPS check as how he looks and the feel of the fight.
I still think a plant version of Lupi would be pretty cool, and your right more attacks with tells from lots of angles would keep us on our toes and make for some pretty fun fights.
I also like the use of mobility and fields playing more of a role. Always found it odd they moved away from the idea that light magic did more damage to undead. I guess because not everyone can have access to it now like in the first game with the subclasses. Still it would be kind of neat to see.
1) Inspiration Marionnette. Your group attack one or two lanes and then you need to fight maybe 5 mini bosses on a timer. That way, you need a group that work well together as a team of 5 or 10, but that is also able to work in team of 2-3. With all 5 mini boss really different from one another.
2) A boss that manipulate the arena around him. He can add trap, make the ground move under you and you need to move constantly during the fight to stay alive.
3) Insipiration Prime Hologram. Several AoE accross the arena with different color. You need to get hit by the right color AoE to be able to dps the boss. The difficulty would be to get hit by the right color and then don’t get hit by another color or you won’t have enough dps. The boss should change color over the fight so you need to adapt over time. Optionally, you could maybe get stack of the right color so you don’t just get hit by the right color once and then evade all AoE until the boss change color. You would need to get hit by the right color as much as possible to do as much dps as possible. You could also give a degen stronger the more stack you have so you have to deal with that. Getting hit by the wrong color could remove one stack or maybe all stack to be more punishing.
Additionally, I would love mechanics that push us to use a lot of the tools we have in game. Those would not be the main mechanics, but just added mechanics to give more difficulty to a boss.
- For exemple, a boss that give a lot of condition so you need to use resistance and condi removal a lot.
- A boss that get like all boons or a good amount of boons on a regular basis. The goal here would be to bring enough boons rip/corrupt to keep him boons less or he would be just too powerful.
- A boss that summon like a lot of small minions at a regular pace that need you to bring like a burst of blinds, aegis, protection, to stay alive long enough to kill them.
- A boss that a very high critical damage. You need to maintain perma weakness on him. Ideally, it should be not one boss, but maybe 3-4 mini boss because keeping perma weakness on 1 boss is too easy with 10 people.
- A boss that just does way too much damage in melee. Your team need to kite him, but he’s too fast for you and can’t be tanked. He doesn’t have a break bar and you can cc him constantly so that’s the goal here. Soft cc the hell out of him to keep him far from your team and maybe a burst of hard cc so you can go in melee. Ideally, the boss wouldn’t be the only source of damage because you don’t want to perma cc him and have an easy fight. But the difficulty would be to rotate your cc as a team to keep him from destroying your team in a couple of shots.
- A boss with projectile so you need to bring projectile defence. Maybe the boss with the arena traps. Like turret that shot at your projectile. The best would be that they attack from all side so you need to protect you. You could either use projectile reflect to kill the turret back quickly, or bring projectile destroys skills and kill turret from range slowly. The reason here is that projectile reflect are usually harder to maintain 360 degre around a team for a long period. See WoR and Feedback vs SoA, Field of Mist and Solace.
Always found it odd they moved away from the idea that light magic did more damage to undead.
Looks like I’m not the only one missing elemental/physical/dark/ethereal/holy damage it’s not something necessary to add depth to a game, but it was a nice touch of realism: why can I burn the fire elementals?
Gigantic Giganticus Lupicus: It’s like Giganticus Lupicus… except it’s gigantic.
Boss that have like 1k different mechanics so and you don’t know before what mechanic will come so you need balanced group and you can’t use your lame cheese specs. Boss fight will always be total boring fail if you can just choose right gear and spec before fight.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
(edited by Junkpile.7439)
Would be interesting to see something designed around our fields. Most of them don’t even have a good use in PvE. I’d much rather have our skills or abilities play a main role than gaining an object you have to use quickly (bombs during the sebetha fight for example).
Situations that would require you to use certain fields for their properties:
-Fire fields to burn an object or to light a fire
-Water fields to extinguish a fire
-Lightning field to electrify something
-Light field to damage some undead object
-Ice field to freeze somethingThe only downside is the imbalance between the amount of fields classes have. Still sounds interesting to me.
Wow i always wanted to be able to use fields in a realistic way, like that.
Also, the anime Log Horizon is fuuuuull of amazing raiding ideas :P (also, i’d love to be trapped inside a game.. hehe ) just watching this anime like 4/5 months ago made me wanna raid
And yes, i play [Teef] :)