Zerker Warriors for COF

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyFrog.9742


So, i wanna build a zerker warrior for cof p1 speed runs.
My question is, how do i build one? What do people need from me?

My guess is full zerker gear with ruby orbs, and a zerker greatsword right? Can someone post me some good traits build, and i want to know what skills should i use too!

Thank you for your help

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


1)Full exotic berserker armor with ruby orbs.
2)Full exotic or higher berserker accessories.
3)Berserker greatsword (sigil of smothering)
4)axe (smothering)
5)mace (sigil of night).
6)Powerful potion of flame legion slaying.

Traits and utility set up.
Full DPS (pugway):30/25/0/0/15
For Great Justice, Signet of Might, On my mark(can be subsituted for a banner).
Elite: Warbanner

Empower traits
FGJ!, Signet of Might, OMM (or banner)

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyFrog.9742


This is the best answeri could ever get! I owe you my friend!

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Quite honestly, beside getting full berserker and ruby orb, you really have to test out what you like.

Take for example, if you are in those elitist group, they will tell you to attack with axe only, OMM, healing signet, might signet, FGJ. But in reality most of the time I use mending, shake it off, GS for attacking and axe/sword warhorn for mobility. You can’t expect all pug to be that good.

It really depend on your party. Quite honestly if my group is really bad, I would use shake it off with lung capacity.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Quite honestly, beside getting full berserker and ruby orb, you really have to test out what you like.

Take for example, if you are in those elitist group, they will tell you to attack with axe only, OMM, healing signet, might signet, FGJ. But in reality most of the time I use mending, shake it off, GS for attacking and axe/sword warhorn for mobility. You can’t expect all pug to be that good.

It really depend on your party. Quite honestly if my group is really bad, I would use shake it off with lung capacity.

No. Warriors use greatsword with axe/mace as their swap. They do not just stand there attacking with axe. They swap to axe after the hundred blades / whirlwind combo for eviscerate. They also swap to it if they need to stun their target.

People are free to play however they want. If they prefer a certain setup then so be it. It’s their choice.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


No. Warriors use greatsword with axe/mace as their swap. They do not just stand there attacking with axe. They swap to axe after the hundred blades / whirlwind combo for eviscerate. They also swap to it if they need to stun their target.

People are free to play however they want. If they prefer a certain setup then so be it. It’s their choice.

I heard it like 1 billion times. I’m not saying you are wrong but how do you even prove your right.

My button line is https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/dungeons/Cough-P1-Thieves/first

Out of my 1500+ cof run with various group, like 10 ash of effigy recipe, I would say the fastest group I ever run with pretty much are all axe warrior only.

I’m more incline to believe people on the post I just linked. Because they are people actually bother to test things instead of just listening to people.

It’s just my guess but the thing is you never did any dps test or math calculation right? I’ll believe you if you say you actually test it, but my guess is y ou never test it.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


You didnt take a careful look to that thread it seems, because the fastest video in there is recorded from a GS/axe mace warrior perspective.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


You didnt take a careful look to that thread it seems, because the fastest video in there is recorded from a GS/axe mace warrior perspective.

There is only 2 video. One is from strife group, the other is from phira group.

Strife’s group shows the fastest complete video pre quickness. And he swap. But phira’s group have the fastest boss kill which show dps. They do indeed use GS/axe but they only use GS for mobility but only attack with axe.

I’m actually in the video. How am I not paying attention.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


The other video is pre quickness nerf. But it have 12 second slavedriver kill with no time warp. And last boss is like 10 second. Strife’s video take like 18 second on the last boss. The last boss isn’t stuck to the wall is it?

The truth is I don’t know. I’m more inclined to believe axe have more dps because I actually tried it. Base on my limited observation which could be wrong.

But that’s not the point. Did you guys ever tried it? If you tried it and tell me you think swaping is faster I’ll believe you.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delay.6908


this is the DPS test strife did, the axe only does more dps if the GS doesnt land the full 100b combo.. which in CoF should be no problem to land. also with WW against a wall you get even more burst dps from the GS before switching to axe for the sustain.

Dr Winston | [DnT]

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luke.2643


Also, its still convenient to use WW even if the target is not on a wall, swap, throw axe while coming back and start axe autoattack.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


ya that test is quite good. But a few things you don’t consider. you “only” auto attack with axe and use OMM since in a full warrior group you don’t need to press 2 and 4. The axe dps build have 30 in the first tree. And in cof you can have another dps boost from sigil of night.

And I’m not sure why his using 20/0/0/20/30 when he did his axe test?

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Konu.1826


Yes the test is somewhat inaccurate. GS has better self buffs (might). However gs also suffers from bad rotations (not being able to ww → swap, using rush while unable to land it losing even more than a whole second). Usage of axe skills other than 1 still gives you vmore vuln than gs which would mean in group situation gs would get more improvement in that section while axe would get the higher damage from autos. Axe aa is clearly superior to gs aa and if gs still wins that sustained dps test it should be safe to say using gs burst and not only axe gives far more dps. Honestly, I don’t know why people who play warrior themselves would even need video to test it, the difference you see while playing should be clear enough by far if you use good rotations, at least that is how I’ve been feeling.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

So, i wanna build a zerker warrior for cof p1 speed runs.
My question is, how do i build one? What do people need from me?

My guess is full zerker gear with ruby orbs, and a zerker greatsword right? Can someone post me some good traits build, and i want to know what skills should i use too!

Thank you for your help

You might actually test out your skills as a Glass Cannon before investing on all that gear…not saying you are a bad player…but some people are REALLY REALLY bad at glass cannon builds, well because they are VERY VERY squishy and people who run zerk warrior groups will drop you from the group with your first mistake/down…literally with your FIRST MISTAKE/DOWN…

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


So, i wanna build a zerker warrior for cof p1 speed runs.
My question is, how do i build one? What do people need from me?

My guess is full zerker gear with ruby orbs, and a zerker greatsword right? Can someone post me some good traits build, and i want to know what skills should i use too!

Thank you for your help

You might actually test out your skills as a Glass Cannon before investing on all that gear…not saying you are a bad player…but some people are REALLY REALLY bad at glass cannon builds, well because they are VERY VERY squishy and people who run zerk warrior groups will drop you from the group with your first mistake/down…literally with your FIRST MISTAKE/DOWN…

This is usually due to one member in the party not running optimal build, not being a zerker, having no ascended gear etc and is rarely/never the fault of the zerker warrior.

1 Noob = Zerkers will die. All pro zerkers = Wont die/1-2 might down but doesnt matter since enemy dies

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


In a CoF speed run, damage over time is not important. You will kill things so quickly that it’s more about your burst damage which is why gs + axe/mace is so popular. You do your HB and WW combo and switch to axe/mace for eviscerate. You’ll have a couple seconds to use skills before being able to swap back to gs and do the rotation over again. If you’re auto-attacking then you’re doing something wrong.

I did do actual tests and saw similar results as Strife. I don’t really trust player formulas. Using axe/mace as your primary damage is situational. In the majority of encounters, you will use it in the rotation.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


If you’re auto-attacking then you’re doing something wrong.

I know this is pre quickness nerf. At best I see the damage is similar. I’m not sure how you make the conclusion auto attacking is wrong.

Zerker Warriors for COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I was referring to gs. Someone was comparing gs auto attack to axe auto attack which is moot since you should not be auto attacking with gs.