Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Hello people, fist post here so be gentle, please.

I think there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that Zhaitan was sadly poorly handled, whether it was because of technical limitations or a lack of solid ideas for the fight, the current fight is unfortunately easier than fighting bandits in Caudeceus’ Manor. This confused me greatly, the game is a gem, its lore is a jewel and then suddenly this anti- climactic ending baffled me.

With this ,I aim to try and shoot some ideas that might have made the fight more involving and better overall, both on a story standpoint AND and gameplay one.

If you’re still reading, good on ya! I know long posts about ideas can be annoying.

First off, Zhaitan should not be a single boss fight, it should be cut into various encounters, each one sort of taking place separately with events ongoing such as killing champions, defending people and capturing points . To clarify, you engage Zhaintan in the air, win that event, proceed to next part but with a pause. You’ll understand should you decide to read the long blabberings below.

Fight 1: The Glory of Tyria

You’re aboard ‘The Glory of Tyria’ with Destiny’s Edge, Trahaerne and all the NPCs that played a role in the story of the person that entered. You reach what appears to be a giant, tall building, the royal palace of Orr and open fire on it to draw out Zhaitan, since it’s presumably his lair. After a brief while you hear a thundering roar.

Zhaitan emerges, flying from the back of the ship and breaking off its tip with a single fly by. As he currently does. Very epic scene!
The fight consists of using various on board engines, weapons and machines to try and make Zhaitan land or lost his ability of flight.

The cannons would be able to fire at his flank during a fly-by. Various Charrzookas should be able to hit him during a hover movement or when he flies over you. The mega laser would charge continuously and fire when ready, each time dealing damage to Zhaitan’s wings. So long as its operator is alive and the laser is operative.

Zhaitan himself would spew minions on deck and not just 2-3 but loads, dozens at a time. These would attack your allies, the machines and the Mega Laser. After every 3 fly-by’s Zhaitan hovers over the ship and begins corrupting various areas on it, dealing massive damage to any inside, and creating oozes of his corrupted saliva that would attack allies. Occasionally, he’d fly over the ships deck, creating a giant airwave that would be able to knock players off the ship, this would be preceded by a very loud, angry roar to show he’s coming.

During this phase you could attack Zhaitan with Charrzookas, to wound him in vital areas. Assuming you aren’t brutally murdered by his minions while trying to do so. Such minions including mouths of Zhaitan, eyes of Zhaitan and champion Risen.

Zhaitan would make the fight harder and harder, at some point destroying both the laser and on board machines, leaving you with only the charrzookas to fight him. Various allies from the story would appear as Risen champions that would attack your team. Though Destiny’s Edge would help you greatly.

This fight would be a mixture between managing many enemies attacking you, dealing damage to Zhaitan at the right times and keeping your allies and yourselves alive while also trying to complete the events and objectives.

After Zhaitan’s wings have been damaged enough, he’d stop being able to use one of them and fly-by and slash the airship you’re flying on in half, making the back half fall down into Arah and the top half boring itself into the Palace. You survive the impact but are stranded up high.

The pacts main fleet breaks off its attacks on nearby dragons and moves in to attack Zhaitan, despite standing no chance. The fight part is over, a loot chest appears and talking to Trahaerne advances events into part 2.

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Fight 2: The Palace of Orr

Having rammed itself into the palace of Orr, you now need to get inside and somehow find another route to fight Zhaitan, who is fighting the pact air fleet while trying to keep himself in the air with just one wing. Various dragons are also still around, helping him.

The first part would be defending engineers making a hole in the wall of the palace so you can get inside while the risen are attacking your position. While Zhaitan is seen in the background fighting the pact. Losing the engineers would slow down the process and dragging it all out too long would attract Zhaitan’s attention, meaning he’d come toward you and try to kill you.

Once the entry is forced, you’d begin your ascent to the top of the palace with the remaining equipment left of the airship, you’d be beating various monstrosities of Zhaitan’s while getting to the top, occasionally, when revealed to the open world trough a missing wall section or just a open view, Zhaitan would see you and spew deadly goop at you, being hit meaning instantly getting downed. The goop would also spawn more of his corrupted saliva. Standing too long in the open would provoke a physical attack from Zhaitan, meaning instant defeat.

Once you reach the top, Destiny’s Edge would set up the weapons and attack Zhaitan. The top would be organized so that you can hide from him when he’s around. The next step would be trying to break Zhaitan’s other wing while keeping yourselves alive and doing so before the pact fleet is forced to retreat. You’d be facing Risen of various types, ascending up the palace to fight you, dragons and of course Zhaitan himself trying to find you and kill you.

Succeeding here would make Zhaitan try to grab onto the Palace while he loses his ability to fly, instead sliding down it and leaving giant claw marks on the walls. He vanishes into the mist below.
The pact fleet remaining ships meet up with you on top and speaking to Caithe would advance events, Trahaerne is too weakened to carry on for now and stays behind with various allies.

A loot chest appears on the tower. This part of the fight is over.

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Fight 3: Lair of the Elder Dragon

Boarding an airship you fly down, following Zhaitan’s claw marks down passing by the remains of the Glory of Tyria. At some point the marks stop, and the airship flies off in search of Zhaitan, followed by the entire Pact navy. This part would mostly be tense, with mournful roaring nearby and the occasional movement in the distance. Giving you a feeling of gloriously entering the unknown.

Finally, a ship to the side would be shattered and Zhaitan’s head would appear, striking at various airships at once. Using the guns, you’d have to try and hit him while he’s vulnerable. While also holding off veteran risen knights and his last airborne servants coming to his aid, dragons and such. This goes on until Zhaitan’s chest erupts in flames, making him flail around while staggering back and falling over, while losing several extremities.

Finally, Zhaitan would grab your airship with his mouth tendrils and crash you down with him. Onto the ground below you’d be split up from both Destiny’s Edge and your team, with waves of weak risen attacking you, your own personal moment of awesome while trying to find each other back while slaying hordes of enemies.

Finally, upon finding each other, you’d see Zhaitan, unclear through the mist, attacking some people down a gap, trapped inside with the pact ground troops, Blood legion, Vigil, Order of Whispers and Priory soldiers fighting legions of Risen down below. Then Trahearne would cast a final spell and clear the mists, with the help of his cleansing ritual, turning Orr itself against Zhaitan

With the mists cleared, you’d see Zhaitan, lying on his side, wounded, immobile, attacking Destiny’s Edge. With the mists cleared the Pact fleet, both naval and aerial would open glorious fire upon the elder dragon, you and your party would go down the hill to join the ground troops, helping them clear the last of the Risen.

Finally, with only Zhaitan left, the entire pact army would assault him, including you, shooting at his head, casting spells in his eyes, cutting off his face tendrils Until finally, the helpless monster would slam the ground, breaking it open, forcing everybody to flee while the ground of Orr swallowed the very being that raised it from the ocean. This would end the fight, with the pact firing into the ground, to assure Zhaitan is dead. But leaving no sign of its actual demise.

Trahearne would land with his airship and loot is awarded. The final place showing a clear visual of the Palace of Orr, with the ruined Glory of Turia stuck in it, and a battlefield with all the cheering pact soldiers.

I know this add some infamous ‘enrage’ mechanics to the events but it’d add some much needed tension and it’d be logical that without your help, the pact would lose. Standing in plain sight of Zhaitan should also not be an option. C’mon, he eats people like you not for breakfast but as a snack while watching a slaughter scene.

I feel the brief intervals between each encounter would add some much need epicness and drag out the whole scene making the fight more memorable.
It also leaves some mystery surrounding Zhaitan, where’d he go, is he really dead.

Arena Net has done a fantastic job crafting a game this polished, rich in lore and generally frikking awesome. Zhaitan, I was sure would be their crowning achievement and a final climax to the stunning first chapter or Guild Wars 2. Sadly, it wasn’t really that.

I’m a lorenoob and so I wrote this, Normally I’d have drawn some pictures to go along since I’m something of an artist but that somehow didn’t happen.

Any comments, ideas or input would be much appreciated. =)

Keep being awesome Arena Net, some must fight so all may be free!

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riku.4821


Much better than King Kong dragon edition.

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Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I really hope when they redo dungeons, they redo Arah story mode so that Zhaitan is the most epic fight in the game. Rob, I hope you’re reading this!

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


It could use some polish, but I will say – It certainly sounds more fun that what Arah story mode was. But you can’t put orr back under the sea. That kinda screws up the continuity with Arah Exp mode.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vasham.2408


I really hope when they redo dungeons, they redo Arah story mode so that Zhaitan is the most epic fight in the game. Rob, I hope you’re reading this!

Considering how the devs have been completely silent about the matter I doubt that will happen. How that fight made it past quality control I have no idea.

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Folk.2093


it could have ended with us being friends, but those dragons are known to burn bridges..

pun intended

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vasham.2408


Look at these gigantic creatures from other games:

With the development time Arenanet had it’s pathetic that the Zhaitan fight boils down to this:


And after nerfs it’s not even that. A developer response would be appreciated. I refuse to believe the lot of you are happy with how your final boss turned out.

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Levistis.8356


Look at these gigantic creatures from other games:

With the development time Arenanet had it’s pathetic that the Zhaitan fight boils down to this:


And after nerfs it’s not even that. A developer response would be appreciated. I refuse to believe the lot of you are happy with how your final boss turned out.

You know that those are all single player games?


Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vasham.2408


Look at these gigantic creatures from other games:

With the development time Arenanet had it’s pathetic that the Zhaitan fight boils down to this:


And after nerfs it’s not even that. A developer response would be appreciated. I refuse to believe the lot of you are happy with how your final boss turned out.

You know that those are all single player games?

I’m aware. I normally preach against the lack of the holy trinity in GW2, but I used single player games to show that Arenanet really has no excuse for making such a lousy final boss. If single player games can have epic monsters like that then there’s no excuse for a similar encounter in an MMO to be nothing but spamming an enviromental weapon for ten minutes. WoW was able to have an encounter similar to those videos with Deathwing. It’s ridiculous that Arenanet won’t hold itself to the same standard.

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


It could use some polish, but I will say – It certainly sounds more fun that what Arah story mode was. But you can’t put orr back under the sea. That kinda screws up the continuity with Arah Exp mode.

Wouldn’t put Orr back under, just create a giant crack in the ground in which Zhaitan vanished. He could be dead, he could have survived.

I find it very important first and foremost think of ‘what would an all powerful god-dragon do?’. Something that might not have been done in the current version, seeing how he’s basically playing a target dummy the whole fight.

Smashing the ground open to vanish under Orr sounds plausible for Zhaitan, he’d be gone, safe and could stay hidden and plot, maybe even recover. Or he could die from injury underneath, leaving us with a giant Elder Dragon corpse underneath Orr.

During the fight he’d basically have as a prio list: Stay alive – kill the most dangerous of the Pact (that’s you) – defend undead minions fighting pact – kill general pact troops.

During the fight, it should be so that he tries to stay alive most of all, and generally attempt to turn the situation around as effectively as possible.

I just feel it needed more epic moments, and of course it could use polish, I’m just one nerd, lore should be debated and thought over by many nerds!

Nerds unite!

Zhaitan: How it could have ended.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I would already be fine with the battle, if it was just the first suggested phase. I like the idea of having multiple options to fight him. Allow players to defend key weapons, or maybe revive allies and repair weapons that were destroyed by Zhaitan’s minions. But most importantly, have Zhaitan be an active threat during the battle. And allow the players to deal the final blow, not a cut scene. Have as little cut-aways as possible. Try to do as much of the battle in-game without cutting away from the action.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”