Hello everyone,
Since the story behind the exotic staff Final Rest was theorized, one of the drop places was listed as Zho’qafa Catacombs. Finding a guide on this has been painstakingly hard, so i decided to make one. After a lot of testing, timing, I’ve correctly learned how to start it, where it starts, how it ends, etc.
Entrances to the Catacomb: This is in Straights of Devastation, one entry is under the skill point in the lower west corner of the map, however after the part of the chain event that has you fighting the big boss starts, it will be closed off. Then there are two eastern entrances.
1. http://imgur.com/a/Vjsks#1
2. http://imgur.com/a/Vjsks#0
First, there are a total of 6 pre requisite events to be done before the final event that spawns the Boss Chest (like on dragons and temples).
First part: Destroying the coffins. This event will be in the middle of the Catacombs. Fairly easy, mostly just fighting normal spawns. This usually starts 10-20mins after the final event (the real final event happens after the boss fight. Nothing special, just escort the team out of the catacombs) is completed.
Second part: Killing a boss. Three bosses will spawn, each a different event.
Wraith: http://imgur.com/a/Vjsks#4
Abomination: http://imgur.com/a/Vjsks#6
Noble: http://imgur.com/a/Vjsks#5
Third part: There is usually a time limit of 15-30mins between when the last boss is killed and this part begins. It is in the marshes of Orr, in the south east. You must kill a anti aircraft gun.
Fourth Part: After killing the anti aircraft gun, a new event will start after a Pact Team is air dropped in. This is where you will encounter the first champion, a champion abomination
Fifth Part: After reaching the entry to the catacombs, they will stop to talk and the boss event will begin.
You will go into one room, fight a couple of monster spawns then fight a champion ooz http://imgur.com/a/CAYet#0
You will then go into another room, do the same thing except you fight a champion Abomination (One of the rooms you destroyed the coffins in, the one that the NPC wasn’t inside)
Then you will go into another room and fight a Divine Eye of Zhaitan (also was a orrian king). After killing it loot its body and open the big chest that spawns. http://imgur.com/a/CAYet#1
Sixth Part :
Escort the team out. You will escort them out and thats about it.
The pre reqs will start up again about 10-15 mins after the sixth part is completed.
Side Notes: On part 5 it glitched out on us and got stuck. After thinking it through, here are some of my theories on why it glitches out.
1. Someone talked to the main npc too fast after they were done talking and bugged him out/the rest of the npcs.
2. Someone killed all the enemies or a lot of the enemies inside the catacombs (while it was bugged, nothing was spawning in there).
As of right now my server’s catacomb event is bugged because of this, so I will be updating this with pictures on the final parts if it becomes unbugged. I have run it about 5-6 times and have yet to see Final Rest, however I believe this is the most logical place for it to be dropped. (Boss chest, just like on dragons, do not have good drop rates).
Recommendations: High MF gear and 10+ people, levels 70+
This guide is brought to you by Blackwater Vanguard [BV] on Yak’s Bend. Be sure to attend our server event this Saturday on Yak’s Bend (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Yak-s-Bend-BV-Event-Thread/first#post1103740)
(edited by Deified.7520)