Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deified.7520


Hello everyone,

Since the story behind the exotic staff Final Rest was theorized, one of the drop places was listed as Zho’qafa Catacombs. Finding a guide on this has been painstakingly hard, so i decided to make one. After a lot of testing, timing, I’ve correctly learned how to start it, where it starts, how it ends, etc.

Entrances to the Catacomb: This is in Straights of Devastation, one entry is under the skill point in the lower west corner of the map, however after the part of the chain event that has you fighting the big boss starts, it will be closed off. Then there are two eastern entrances.
1. http://imgur.com/a/Vjsks#1
2. http://imgur.com/a/Vjsks#0

First, there are a total of 6 pre requisite events to be done before the final event that spawns the Boss Chest (like on dragons and temples).

First part: Destroying the coffins. This event will be in the middle of the Catacombs. Fairly easy, mostly just fighting normal spawns. This usually starts 10-20mins after the final event (the real final event happens after the boss fight. Nothing special, just escort the team out of the catacombs) is completed.

Second part: Killing a boss. Three bosses will spawn, each a different event.
Wraith: http://imgur.com/a/Vjsks#4
Abomination: http://imgur.com/a/Vjsks#6
Noble: http://imgur.com/a/Vjsks#5

Third part: There is usually a time limit of 15-30mins between when the last boss is killed and this part begins. It is in the marshes of Orr, in the south east. You must kill a anti aircraft gun.

Fourth Part: After killing the anti aircraft gun, a new event will start after a Pact Team is air dropped in. This is where you will encounter the first champion, a champion abomination

Fifth Part: After reaching the entry to the catacombs, they will stop to talk and the boss event will begin.
You will go into one room, fight a couple of monster spawns then fight a champion ooz http://imgur.com/a/CAYet#0
You will then go into another room, do the same thing except you fight a champion Abomination (One of the rooms you destroyed the coffins in, the one that the NPC wasn’t inside)
Then you will go into another room and fight a Divine Eye of Zhaitan (also was a orrian king). After killing it loot its body and open the big chest that spawns. http://imgur.com/a/CAYet#1

Sixth Part :
Escort the team out. You will escort them out and thats about it.

The pre reqs will start up again about 10-15 mins after the sixth part is completed.

Side Notes: On part 5 it glitched out on us and got stuck. After thinking it through, here are some of my theories on why it glitches out.
1. Someone talked to the main npc too fast after they were done talking and bugged him out/the rest of the npcs.
2. Someone killed all the enemies or a lot of the enemies inside the catacombs (while it was bugged, nothing was spawning in there).

As of right now my server’s catacomb event is bugged because of this, so I will be updating this with pictures on the final parts if it becomes unbugged. I have run it about 5-6 times and have yet to see Final Rest, however I believe this is the most logical place for it to be dropped. (Boss chest, just like on dragons, do not have good drop rates).

Recommendations: High MF gear and 10+ people, levels 70+

This guide is brought to you by Blackwater Vanguard [BV] on Yak’s Bend. Be sure to attend our server event this Saturday on Yak’s Bend (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Yak-s-Bend-BV-Event-Thread/first#post1103740)

(edited by Deified.7520)

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deified.7520


Also, I wasn’t sure if i should put guides in general discussion or the dynamic event subsection (it seemed more about the pros/cons of dynamic events and not so much guides/helping on dynamic events)

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


Thanks. I didn’t know about all of the pre-requisites or the timing on them… now I FINALLY do.

I’ve only ran it 4 times so far myself. It is extremely difficult to find players to do it with, especially at night. The only events people like to mass up and do is the kittenty dragon events. Those events are so boring and crappy. Do people not realize that there are a couple dozen other events with chests in this game? Even saying “The chest from this event is rumoured to drop Final Rest staff.” means nothing because 100% of players are uninformed and don’t even know wtf that means.

The least amount of players I’ve did it with is 4, with difficulty at the Ooze. Any tips on getting people to help out? Besides being limited to asking 5 times in map chat before being unable to talk in map chat anymore? -.- Or which servers are full 24/7?

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RumStein.6859


The reason this event isn’t farmed is due to multiple reasons:
1- lots of prerequisites, and ~4 hours required to pass between the prereqs and final event.
2- bosses with high hp and toughness.
3- a little bit out of the way
4- LONG event chain to get a single chest.
5- no other real incentive

Dragons have little to no prereqs for a guaranteed chest.
Even the risen priests are farmed due to the access to karma vendors (especially Balth), whereas this one leads to nothing really.

On sea of sorrows, we now have a guild dedicated to farming it whenever it’s up (sure, it’s just to easily identify people from our main guild that want to run it…)

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: papryk.6273


I will try out. Nice guide.

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deified.7520


@Ruufio your best bet is to get to know all the guilds. I made a effort to try to establish good relations with my guild and all the other guilds on the server in an sort of alliance. So i usually toss an offcer/guild leader that this event is up if anyone in their guild wants to do it.

I will also port to the follow locations sending out a map request for help. Frostgorge, malchors, cursed shore, and lions arc.

Another method is that you do a dragon and at the end of a dragon send out a map request.

Since this event has so many bosses, a High MF armor set greatly improves your drops. So i will say “Awesome catacombs world boss event is up. Great for high MF players, 3 champions, 10+ vets, divine boss, and then a boss chest! Meet at this waypoint:”

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thereon.3495


Did this event for the first time…started off with just me then a character called White Desire joins in and the two of us just mow down all of the bosses until just before the Eye of Zhaitan then (conveniently may I add) a party of four join in to DPS the final boss down. One of the few epic moments ive had in GW2, so thanks to White Desire for a great event!

Anyway enough of the soppy stuff- loot from chest was a rare and some NPC food. Good drops considering I had only 15%MF on (Pirate sigil + Karka accessory) but alas, no Final Rest. I can dream though!

Oh and thanks for the guide Deified, used it to get to the location and just winged it from there.

Thereon Avenrise – former [Noes] Officer – Piken Square (EU)
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BananaStand.3764


Anyway enough of the soppy stuff- loot from chest was a rare and some NPC food. Good drops considering I had only 15%MF on (Pirate sigil + Karka accessory) but alas, no Final Rest. I can dream though!

MF only affects loot from killing a mob. It does not affect chests, salvages, the mystic forge, or anything else in game.

There’s always money in the…

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deified.7520


Hey guys, thanks to the last patch it is unbugged for now. So I’ve updated the post with a few pictures.

One is of the main boss and the chest that spawns. I was able to capture the main Dialog that is spoken that has led many to believe Final Rest drops here.

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Nice guide, congrats, i bookmarked it. Obiouvsly i get just useless junk from the chest.

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stridix.4260


Did it once. Had to solo the champ b4 zhaitan eye. Got greens.
Hope others have better luck than I do.

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thereon.3495


MF only affects loot from killing a mob. It does not affect chests, salvages, the mystic forge, or anything else in game.

Me knows, was just ‘increasing my chances a little’ with something dropping from the Eye.

Thereon Avenrise – former [Noes] Officer – Piken Square (EU)
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Promas.8627


Thanks for the guide.
Currently at the ooze boss, and it’s not easy to solo. But it seems even harder to get people to this region of the map.
I’m on Desolation server, join me if you want. Now or another time.

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jake.1842


Hey, I just wanted to note a few things you’ve missed/might not have noticed which can help with this.

You state after the 2nd part there is usually a 15-30 minute way before the event starts in the swamp with the anti air cannon, however, I found that it isn’t actually the next part of the chain. There is an event north west of the swamp where there is a crashed helicopter, you’ve probably seen it before.

That event I believe is a part of the chain. Because after doing that event, less than 5 minutes later, the event in the swamp started. Seems like it would definitely be related.

And it makes sense that it takes 15-30 minutes then for the swamp to start, because it depends on whether or not people are doing karma runs and doing that event.

Another thing which isn’t necessary but I think is a good thing to mention, the wayward way point is usually contested due event with a veteran risen. If you kill him, the way point becomes uncontested, and it makes killing the first champion abomination so much easier because you can just way point back instantly. ALSO, it makes it a lot easier to rally people to help out with the event because they can go straight to it without too much running.

Also, just to the west of that event, is a Melandru risen guy who actually gives the champion abomination toughness, and I found after you complete the melandru event, the abomination goes down a lot faster.

So it really is beneficial as a whole to get those 2 events completed before doing the champion abomination. The only bad thing was I found the one contesting the way point re spawns in around 10 minutes, so it’s a really nuisance to keep uncontested.

Faelinor | Sanctum of Rall

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Technically not a dungeon but bumping this instead of making a guide on how to do this.

This is for the Eye of Zhaitan that you often see on the meta timers.

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheMaskedParadigm.3629


Necros are OP on the forum.

Youtube Channel – http://www.youtube.com/t3llularman

Zho'qafa Catacombs World Boss Guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Necros are OP on the forum.

If you read my post you would see why I did it.