arah p4 group, starting at 4 p.m. EU servers

arah p4 group, starting at 4 p.m. EU servers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oloap.9765


hello comunity,
as state in title we wanna make a p4 group in an hour or so.
up to now is just me and my gf so we have 3 slots free.

a little intro:
We are a couple of Italian folks an we’ve been playing since october, we play IRL side by side, so we can coordinate quite a bit.

About me:
i actually have 3 lvl80 chars:
-1 warrior with a 50/50 mix of knight and zerk gears, since i use this as main char i8 don’t really feel like full zerk is the way..
-1 thief with full zerk, full exotic gear.
-1 ele with zerk gear and a still work in progress build, mainly i use staf to put up regen and combo fields.

About my gf:
actually has 3 lvl80 chars:
-1guardian, with ah build and knight gears
-1 warr with knight gears, still good dps tho
-1 ranger with condition build

i’m writing this just to let you guys know what we can run, and what char we can switch in case of need.

i guess tha an ideal composition would be 1 mesmer and a couple of warriors, 1 of them preferably in zerk gears and build to sustain dps with simin..
btw we’re not the kind of players telling you how to play, we’re open to any class joining as lon g as you are experianced with it.

we don’t do absolutely any gear check since i gues nobody is gonna jump into a 3hours+ path without them and beacuse we hate those kind of stuff.

We never did this path, even if we did all the others, this is last one standing b4 dungeon master title, and even if we really apriciate veterans of this path joining, ofc, we put as a only requirement the willing to coordinate.
Thnis doesn’t mean i am entitled to the group coordination, i never did the path so imho leadership is going to the player who knows the most of the path.

Please, if you don’t even know why i’m posting here and not on lfg thing, if you don’t know why this path requires so much coordination, then probably this is not for you.
also if you have some unmissable date in 2hours then again is not for u..
this path is unlikely to take less than 4 hours, so be prepared.

beside that anyone is welcome!!

write us ingame :

athena naike

Our guild is RUM (drunken brotherhood_) guildies always more welcome!

arah p4 group, starting at 4 p.m. EU servers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


I think we all did very good on the run. Some communication issues at Lupicus but we managed.
Shame I had to leave right before end.

arah p4 group, starting at 4 p.m. EU servers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oloap.9765


yeah good run to everyone, we did it and was also very quick!! thanks guys!