arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Banjo.5409


I only need 500 tokens to get the full armor set, so yesterday morning after the nerf i decided to try out this dungeon and clear it. That was hard. Yes “was” because after 3 pugs, I finally found a good team, clear lupicus and get to the final boss….Dwayna.

This boss is easy but when his life hit 50%, she goes away and you have to put some orbs in the right place fastly enough before her recovering…….I don’t know if it is intented but that part bug AS HELL. We couldn’t damage her below 50% and after searching no one seems to have cleared that boss.

I don’t know what is going on with dwayna but i seriously want an answer from anet because i just spent a total of 8h for nothing, thanks to the superb new system of tokens.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


dwayna is bugged in that path, the other 3 work though

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


So glad that anet tests this stuff. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a public test server where these kinds of bugs can be proper documented and fixed?

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Me and my group spent an hour trying to complete dwayna convinced we were doing something wrong.. so we just kited her to the middle of no where and she stopped teleporting which was a relief.

There’s something negative to be said about a game’s design when the goal in fighting a boss is to figure out how to break the AI so they they can actually be killed.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


Dwayna atm is impossible to kill. No one in the world killed her….

Can a Game Desiner answer us and please explain how to kill her?

I m 4/5 on Arah and i miss only this part to finish all istance… Plz Fix it!

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


Dont need Nerf. Why would we need a nerf on the hardest dungeon Anet gives us? Can we players not clear the dungeons? I doubt it cause I just did Varra path less than 24hours ago.

Clearly there can be nothing wrong with the dungeon difficulity. Only problem with Arrah Dungon is the bugs that came up after the patch, and before.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


“Can we players not clear the dungeons?”
Dwanya is literally impossible to beat. CoF magg isn’t possible to beat the way the devs explicitly said to do it. There’s some others but I cba to find them myself.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


“Can we players not clear the dungeons?”
Dwanya is literally impossible to beat. CoF magg isn’t possible to beat the way the devs explicitly said to do it. There’s some others but I cba to find them myself.

Dwayna is bugged/over tuned. You can try everything you want with her, you wont beat her. Although its more of a graphical glitch over over tuned tbh.

Magg can be beaten, if you know how. Giving up just because you died over 10x isnt an excuse to call something impossible. Im sure anyone whos fought Dwayna would agree, that the fight with Dwayna isnt particularly hard. Its just bugged/over tuned heals.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


Dont need Nerf. Why would we need a nerf on the hardest dungeon Anet gives us? Can we players not clear the dungeons? I doubt it cause I just did Varra path less than 24hours ago.

Clearly there can be nothing wrong with the dungeon difficulity. Only problem with Arrah Dungon is the bugs that came up after the patch, and before.

It is easy to kill if the fight work…. But there is a bug so atm IT IS IMPOSSIBLE -.-

p.s. i need to finish only this path for the title….

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Magg can be beaten, if you know how.

Yes, I know that it CAN be beaten, just as I was well aware of the exploit that people were using all of last patch. The point is that you cannot do it the way it is intended to be done. Even people posting videos of them doing it without exploiting ended up kiting after about 70 seconds in.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


Hey, dont worry your not the only one. Me too;) But if its bugged, you cant do much about it but report it to Anet, so they can fix it. If they dont fix it after a while. Either they didnt understand the bugged aspect of the battle or its not bugged and players arent doing the right thing.

The fact that your complaining about Magg being impossible makes you look like a Dungeon noob. Who would have figured youve almost completed all the dungeons…-.-

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


report it to Anet, so they can fix it.

We’ve been reporting this kitten since launch and the ONLY thing they’ve done about it is make it doubly impossible to do the way they want us to do it.

The fact that your complaining about Magg being impossible makes you look like a Dungeon noob. Who would have figured youve almost completed all the dungeons…

And I didn’t say impossible to do, I said “impossible to do the way they said to do it.” If you can do Magg’s door event with only DPSing the spawns then you would be the world’s first.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


report it to Anet, so they can fix it.

We’ve been reporting this kitten since launch and the ONLY thing they’ve done about it is make it doubly impossible to do the way they want us to do it.

The fact that your complaining about Magg being impossible makes you look like a Dungeon noob. Who would have figured youve almost completed all the dungeons…

And I didn’t say impossible to do, I said “impossible to do the way they said to do it.” If you can do Magg’s door event with only DPSing the spawns then you would be the world’s first.

Probably not, I know 4 others managed it with me.

We must be famous but we didnt clear the room out so….we must be bad. We just killed enough to keep the room under control and for the timer to run out.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


Hey, dont worry your not the only one. Me too;) But if its bugged, you cant do much about it but report it to Anet, so they can fix it. If they dont fix it after a while. Either they didnt understand the bugged aspect of the battle or its not bugged and players arent doing the right thing.

The fact that your complaining about Magg being impossible makes you look like a Dungeon noob. Who would have figured youve almost completed all the dungeons…-.-

So ppl can see that i m not a noob that say all time: “it is impossible to kill!”. Mag room is hard now but u can finish the istance. Here in Arah u can t kill Dwayna…

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


report it to Anet, so they can fix it.

We’ve been reporting this kitten since launch and the ONLY thing they’ve done about it is make it doubly impossible to do the way they want us to do it.

The fact that your complaining about Magg being impossible makes you look like a Dungeon noob. Who would have figured youve almost completed all the dungeons…

And I didn’t say impossible to do, I said “impossible to do the way they said to do it.” If you can do Magg’s door event with only DPSing the spawns then you would be the world’s first.

Probably not, I know 4 others managed it with me.

We must be famous but we didnt clear the room out so….we must be bad. We just killed enough to keep the room under control and for the timer to run out.

You didn’t do it the way Robert said you should be doing it, so you proved my point. Thanks.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


report it to Anet, so they can fix it.

We’ve been reporting this kitten since launch and the ONLY thing they’ve done about it is make it doubly impossible to do the way they want us to do it.

The fact that your complaining about Magg being impossible makes you look like a Dungeon noob. Who would have figured youve almost completed all the dungeons…

And I didn’t say impossible to do, I said “impossible to do the way they said to do it.” If you can do Magg’s door event with only DPSing the spawns then you would be the world’s first.

Probably not, I know 4 others managed it with me.

We must be famous but we didnt clear the room out so….we must be bad. We just killed enough to keep the room under control and for the timer to run out.

You didn’t do it the way Robert said you should be doing it, so you proved my point. Thanks.

Robert? The dungeon designer? He never said to kill everything?

Proved your point? What? What point? That the dungeon is impossible to do? lol. I just said we finished it by controlling the number of mobs that could kill us in the room. If we were given another minute or more we could have killed everything.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


Focus on Dwayna in this topic plz xd

We need a answer from designer…

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


report it to Anet, so they can fix it.

We’ve been reporting this kitten since launch and the ONLY thing they’ve done about it is make it doubly impossible to do the way they want us to do it.

The fact that your complaining about Magg being impossible makes you look like a Dungeon noob. Who would have figured youve almost completed all the dungeons…

And I didn’t say impossible to do, I said “impossible to do the way they said to do it.” If you can do Magg’s door event with only DPSing the spawns then you would be the world’s first.

Probably not, I know 4 others managed it with me.

We must be famous but we didnt clear the room out so….we must be bad. We just killed enough to keep the room under control and for the timer to run out.

You didn’t do it the way Robert said you should be doing it, so you proved my point. Thanks.

Robert? The dungeon designer? He never said to kill everything?

Proved your point? What? What point? That the dungeon is impossible to do? lol. I just said we finished it by controlling the number of mobs that could kill us in the room. If we were given another minute or more we could have killed everything.

“2. Instead of fighting the enemies in a timed event at he door buster, you just circle strafe them or leash aggro them to “kill the clock” since it was only a 100 second timer on the event. "

“2. I extended the time from 100 seconds to 200 seconds at the Door Buster event. I intended for you to fight those guys, not circle strafe them and aggro leash chain them. I also added 1 additional mob to the encounter at the very middle (a bow dude) to account for you now having twice the time to defeat the waves that come in.”

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


report it to Anet, so they can fix it.

We’ve been reporting this kitten since launch and the ONLY thing they’ve done about it is make it doubly impossible to do the way they want us to do it.

The fact that your complaining about Magg being impossible makes you look like a Dungeon noob. Who would have figured youve almost completed all the dungeons…

And I didn’t say impossible to do, I said “impossible to do the way they said to do it.” If you can do Magg’s door event with only DPSing the spawns then you would be the world’s first.

Probably not, I know 4 others managed it with me.

We must be famous but we didnt clear the room out so….we must be bad. We just killed enough to keep the room under control and for the timer to run out.

You didn’t do it the way Robert said you should be doing it, so you proved my point. Thanks.

Robert? The dungeon designer? He never said to kill everything?

Proved your point? What? What point? That the dungeon is impossible to do? lol. I just said we finished it by controlling the number of mobs that could kill us in the room. If we were given another minute or more we could have killed everything.

“2. Instead of fighting the enemies in a timed event at he door buster, you just circle strafe them or leash aggro them to “kill the clock” since it was only a 100 second timer on the event. "

“2. I extended the time from 100 seconds to 200 seconds at the Door Buster event. I intended for you to fight those guys, not circle strafe them and aggro leash chain them. I also added 1 additional mob to the encounter at the very middle (a bow dude) to account for you now having twice the time to defeat the waves that come in.”

I cant find the word, kill everything. I see fight, but not kill everything. Must be my English. Im not a Native English speaker so idk. Must be my English. It says defeat the waves…sure it could mean kill all…but defeat means a lot of things in my head. If we arent killed by the waves then we defeat them tbh. Plus we almost killed everything. There was only like 4 mobs left when the timer ran out.

I would gladly increase the timer if we were meant to clear every last mob, or my pug group or guildy group can try harder next time. We were only testing a theory, and it worked. Next time we will have more dps spam on a single area/target.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


report it to Anet, so they can fix it.

We’ve been reporting this kitten since launch and the ONLY thing they’ve done about it is make it doubly impossible to do the way they want us to do it.

The fact that your complaining about Magg being impossible makes you look like a Dungeon noob. Who would have figured youve almost completed all the dungeons…

And I didn’t say impossible to do, I said “impossible to do the way they said to do it.” If you can do Magg’s door event with only DPSing the spawns then you would be the world’s first.

Probably not, I know 4 others managed it with me.

We must be famous but we didnt clear the room out so….we must be bad. We just killed enough to keep the room under control and for the timer to run out.

You didn’t do it the way Robert said you should be doing it, so you proved my point. Thanks.

Robert? The dungeon designer? He never said to kill everything?

Proved your point? What? What point? That the dungeon is impossible to do? lol. I just said we finished it by controlling the number of mobs that could kill us in the room. If we were given another minute or more we could have killed everything.

“2. Instead of fighting the enemies in a timed event at he door buster, you just circle strafe them or leash aggro them to “kill the clock” since it was only a 100 second timer on the event. "

“2. I extended the time from 100 seconds to 200 seconds at the Door Buster event. I intended for you to fight those guys, not circle strafe them and aggro leash chain them. I also added 1 additional mob to the encounter at the very middle (a bow dude) to account for you now having twice the time to defeat the waves that come in.”

I cant find the word, kill everything. I see fight, but not kill everything. Must be my English. Im not a Native English speaker so idk. Must be my English. It says defeat the waves…sure it could mean kill all…but defeat means a lot of things in my head. If we arent killed by the waves then we defeat them tbh. Plus we almost killed everything. There was only like 4 mobs left when the timer ran out.

I would gladly increase the timer if we were meant to clear every last mob, or my pug group or guildy group can try harder next time. We were only testing a theory, and it worked. Next time we will have more dps spam on a single area/target.

“Defeat the waves” means to kill all the things.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


report it to Anet, so they can fix it.

We’ve been reporting this kitten since launch and the ONLY thing they’ve done about it is make it doubly impossible to do the way they want us to do it.

The fact that your complaining about Magg being impossible makes you look like a Dungeon noob. Who would have figured youve almost completed all the dungeons…

And I didn’t say impossible to do, I said “impossible to do the way they said to do it.” If you can do Magg’s door event with only DPSing the spawns then you would be the world’s first.

Probably not, I know 4 others managed it with me.

We must be famous but we didnt clear the room out so….we must be bad. We just killed enough to keep the room under control and for the timer to run out.

You didn’t do it the way Robert said you should be doing it, so you proved my point. Thanks.

Robert? The dungeon designer? He never said to kill everything?

Proved your point? What? What point? That the dungeon is impossible to do? lol. I just said we finished it by controlling the number of mobs that could kill us in the room. If we were given another minute or more we could have killed everything.

“2. Instead of fighting the enemies in a timed event at he door buster, you just circle strafe them or leash aggro them to “kill the clock” since it was only a 100 second timer on the event. "

“2. I extended the time from 100 seconds to 200 seconds at the Door Buster event. I intended for you to fight those guys, not circle strafe them and aggro leash chain them. I also added 1 additional mob to the encounter at the very middle (a bow dude) to account for you now having twice the time to defeat the waves that come in.”

I cant find the word, kill everything. I see fight, but not kill everything. Must be my English. Im not a Native English speaker so idk. Must be my English. It says defeat the waves…sure it could mean kill all…but defeat means a lot of things in my head. If we arent killed by the waves then we defeat them tbh. Plus we almost killed everything. There was only like 4 mobs left when the timer ran out.

I would gladly increase the timer if we were meant to clear every last mob, or my pug group or guildy group can try harder next time. We were only testing a theory, and it worked. Next time we will have more dps spam on a single area/target.

“Defeat the waves” means to kill all the things.

No…? As Ive just said, give us 1 more minute, even 30sec more and we might be able to clear it all out. Or we just need to try again. We had several deaths, so that might be the problem. We dropped out on DPS when someone died. We probably have enough time if we actually practice more.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


UP we need a answer from MOD plz!

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


Ive killed her 4 times, spark timing at 50% is the whole fight.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


Ok so i have to try it again… We had the problem that all 50% she did spark. So we was for 20 min to 50% to 70% ecc ecc Maybe now it pop only one time the spark…..

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Ok so i have to try it again… We had the problem that all 50% she did spark. So we was for 20 min to 50% to 70% ecc ecc Maybe now it pop only one time the spark…..

Bro, it’s bugged. There isn’t a single group in the world who has killed her.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


Could be players are doing it wrong, but time will tell. A Dev might come to the forums to explain what we are doing wrong, if its bugged or if its over tuned.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


Ok so i have to try it again… We had the problem that all 50% she did spark. So we was for 20 min to 50% to 70% ecc ecc Maybe now it pop only one time the spark…..

Bro, it’s bugged. There isn’t a single group in the world who has killed her.

today in this forum 2 ppl say that killed her….

Can a DEV answer us plz on this boss?

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


Ok so i have to try it again… We had the problem that all 50% she did spark. So we was for 20 min to 50% to 70% ecc ecc Maybe now it pop only one time the spark…..

Bro, it’s bugged. There isn’t a single group in the world who has killed her.

today in this forum 2 ppl say that killed her….

Can a DEV answer us plz on this boss?

Really? I want to see this if you can find the post. I would be very interested in seeing how it was done. Try to see if I can improve:)

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Ok so i have to try it again… We had the problem that all 50% she did spark. So we was for 20 min to 50% to 70% ecc ecc Maybe now it pop only one time the spark…..

Bro, it’s bugged. There isn’t a single group in the world who has killed her.

today in this forum 2 ppl say that killed her….

Can a DEV answer us plz on this boss?

Where are there people saying they’ve killed her?

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


I’m right here.


arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


I’m right here.

A noob! How did you do it? XD

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


I’m right here.

Exploiters never share their secrets huh?

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


If buy exploiting you mean we did the encounter the way it was supposed to be done then sure. As far as sharing secrets, after that comment explain to me why I should tell you how to do it?

Edit: I fully believe there are not more guides out there because people like myself came to this forum to give you guys tips on stuff you were having a hard time with weeks ago, not full out guides but tips, and we were berated and called elitist jerks. When you sit down to write up a guide and recall those comments, you really just lose all motivation to do it.

(edited by Gies.3824)

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


If buy exploiting you mean we did the encounter the way it was supposed to be done then sure. As far as sharing secrets, after that comment explain to me why I should tell you how to do it?

we were berated and called elitist jerks

If you were going to you would have already.

You were berated because you jump in to threads like this with posts like your previous one which show that you’re just an kitten.

(edited by vicwolf.7862)

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


If buy exploiting you mean we did the encounter the way it was supposed to be done then sure. As far as sharing secrets, after that comment explain to me why I should tell you how to do it?

But at least it looks as if the community is doing the boss wrong:/

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


Kk guy have fun figuring it out, or in your case waiting another week until someone spoon feeds you it. DKP if you would like tips, PM me, on the condition that this guy never knows, I will gladly help you out.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


So how u killed her? Make a video plz bc we stall here at 40 50% all time….

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


That comment would work….before you called me an exploiter.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


That comment would work….before you called me an exploiter.

prove me wrong

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Mmmm I would, but I’m such a kitten-faced-kitten-hole that I would rather tell DKP in PM’s. I’m sure he will share it in a much more concise manner then I would ever have the motivation to do. If people want to PM me for tips, fine. If I don’t answer you immediately I’m either:
A) working and will get to it when I can
think you are like this loveable character Vicwolf and will take pleasure in making you wait.

Wanna post your strat for doing magg too? You know, the one that involves graveyard zerging and kiting?

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moderator.6837



Please help keep these forums a productive and friendly place by posting in a respectful tone.

Thank you.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


In celebration of my first GW2 mod telling everyone to calm the kitten down here is what I wrote one of the PM’s.

It really is no trick, the entire fight is getting the sparks locked in fast. It’s 100% all about the sparks. She will put a blue ankh like buff on her right before she disappears, leave to get sparks then, don’t wait until she disappears the amount of healing she will do in 1-2 seconds is x100( probably less than that but I felt the need to exaggerate to convey my point) what dps you could do in those 1-2 seconds. As far as actually getting the spark in fast, we use 4 people to get sparks and 1 person using water to get people out of stoned form. The spark aggro is extremly jumping, Im talking it will attack whatever is closest to it, so we have everyone run the same direction around the statue with the sparks so that if someone does pass off aggro they are still going to be going around and into the slots. Frequently, you’ll get four in and have one up, when this happens look for a blue circle on the ground (it looks like a targeting circle except slightly jagged), get the spark in there and proceed to dps. Obviously get a poison up on her as she disappears. Also, pet classes will wreak havoc on spark transitions. If you do have a pet class with you (excluding messmer as they can just shatter their clones) make sure they are on the one that is easy to get in and get out fast with. It is the one that is back and to the right when you first walk up to the statue.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


As a side note I’m pretty sure I’ve been banned from viewing this thread but not posting in it. So any other question will have to go to PMs.

arah rush 2b nerf ? Ok I like challenge....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


I have ro try her soon so xd