are necro good in pug?
Necro is in a bad place in dungeons ATM… But mesmers are still relatively good when using the meta build and not pew pewing with greatsword from afar.
Nothing makes me smile more than a Mesmer showing off their sword rather than their legendary greatsword, tbh. Hehe
Er. Well, I guess necros can take care of themselves in pugs, they’re quite durable. Still, you won’t recieve any buff from your teammates, so no vigor… and no reflects. You have DS, though. It’s quite… the selfish class, compared to others.
Mesmer is more squishy but has more evades and superior team support/utility. Again, you have to build it right. +1 to reflects and condition manipulation.
I’d tell you to just pick more than 1 class, say, necro and mesmer, warrior and mesmer or warrior and guardian… then try to play decently.
Refer to this guide for the necro, if you really want to play it
I’m too lazy to look for the other professions’ guides. Since you’re a newbie you’ll need knight gear and always have an axe with you in case you need to range. Something like… dagger/horn then axe/focus. Or staff. I guess
Therein ends my knowledge of the necro.
i am going to make necro cause i need something tanky………and i hate warriors. and probably guardians…….and like you said i am a newbie so i suck and really suck at dodging.
It is possible to make every class work but Necros, and to a lesser extent Rangers and Engineers have always been seen as weak classes that don’t bring much to a team, particularly Necros. People often leave a team if they see more than 1 Necro in it. I don’t think they are that bad but yes I think your best bet would be to play either a Heavy Armor class or Mesmer/Ele/Thief because they all bring something useful for the entire team such as Time Warp, Feedback, Ice Bow, Fiery Greatsword and Stealth. The Necro was my first character and is still my main character and favorite class to play but I seldom play him nowadays because I am far more successful in PUG’s as something else. Don’t let this demotivate you though, just play what you like.
(edited by Sundar.1735)
AHHHHHH SCREW IT!!!! SCREW IT ALL!!!!! I WILL JUST ROLL A WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!! kitten you alll for saying everything else sucks!!!! lol
It is possible to make every class work but Necros, and to a lesser extent Rangers and Engineers have always been seen as weak classes that don’t bring much to a team, particularly Necros. People often leave a team if they see more than 1 Necro in it. I don’t think they are that bad but yes I think your best bet would be to play either a Heavy Armor class or Mesmer/Ele/Thief because they all bring something useful for the entire team such as Time Warp, Feedback, Ice Bow, Fiery Greatsword and Stealth. The Necro was my first character and is still my main character and favorite class to play but I seldom play him nowadays because I am far more successful in PUG’s as something else. Don’t let this demotivate you though, just play what you like.
People are coming around to rangers finally, as long as they have spotter traited and frost spirit. Provides a nice boost that just rolling with war2 & war 3 can’t provide. Takes a bit more skill than the average ranger player to prosper in dungeons, and ill informed pugs will kick even good rangers as a result (most are so bad its easier to the content 3 manning or 4 manning than deal with them).
inb4 this thread also gets moved to Necromancer forum
i am going to make necro cause i need something tanky………and i hate warriors. and probably guardians…….and like you said i am a newbie so i suck and really suck at dodging.
No profession will let you ignore dodging, not even a warrior, not even in tanky gear.
No profession will let you ignore dodging, not even a warrior, not even in tanky gear.
Er. Well, I guess necros can take care of themselves in pugs, they’re quite durable. Still, you won’t recieve any buff from your teammates, so no vigor… and no reflects. You have DS, though. It’s quite… the selfish class, compared to others.
Yes, necros lack (group) boons. We have a decent group heal (if traited) on DS4 though, can stack vulnerability quite nicely, and a well placed well of darkness may help your group in a pinch. Wells in general, particularly when traited. Not to mention the redistribution of condis…
And they really are quite forgiving when it comes to missing dodges Also, necros can potentially survive every fall.
(edited by Frotee.2634)
I personally love pugging it with my necro. I find necros especially useful in Hotw dungeon more so than others since they can bypass reflects and keep removing boons. They also take out adds during boss fights very fast which helps your team so they dont hav to worry about them. Also being in full zerker my necro is really tanky still. If you can line up traited life blast to hit multiple enemies its really powerful! and i find chill and weakness good for pug groups.
Necros are hated. For dungeons, you are really limited to wars, guards and eles, mesmers are accepted in some dungeons where they can help the party with some specific tasks. But if you want to be always welcome everywhere, you want a full zerker war.
not even in tanky gear.
Tanky gear… how do you want to tank without aggro building skills?
No profession will let you ignore dodging, not even a warrior, not even in tanky gear.
2:37, 2:54, all the gs whirls, and many more. I actually made the effort to watch it.
All it proves is that warrior can facetank a lot of stuff with protection and even the Lupi fight isn’t challenging once you understand it. You still use dodges and evade stuff. Unless with a very specific team setup (just theorising for Lupi – perfect reflects from guard and mesmer, a lot of healing from an ele or two and the guard, protection from guard and another guard, banner and yak signet on warrior, along with tanky gear… then maaaaybe), you can’t just stand in one spot and facetank everything, allowing you to ignore dodging (which is what i said in the first place), simply corner the boss and go completely afk for the whole duration, not going down even once.
2:37, 2:54, all the gs whirls, and many more. I actually made the effort to watch it.
All it proves is that warrior can facetank a lot of stuff with protection and even the Lupi fight isn’t challenging once you understand it. You still use dodges and evade stuff. Unless with a very specific team setup (just theorising for Lupi – perfect reflects from guard and mesmer, a lot of healing from an ele or two and the guard, protection from guard and another guard, banner and yak signet on warrior, along with tanky gear… then maaaaybe), you can’t just stand in one spot and facetank everything, allowing you to ignore dodging (which is what i said in the first place), simply corner the boss and go completely afk for the whole duration, not going down even once.
Best win: doing a ZERO-dodge (dodge button disabled) arah path 2 run. Video is coming guys. Expect more of it though, when berserker armor gets nerfed.
2 eles, 1 guard, 1 necro, 1 war.
Necros are hated. For dungeons, you are really limited to wars, guards and eles, mesmers are accepted in some dungeons where they can help the party with some specific tasks. But if you want to be always welcome everywhere, you want a full zerker war.
Funny, I never have a problem finding PUG groups with my necro. Yes, Warriors and Guardians in particular are very useful, but you can do every content in the game with all combinations of professions – with the efficiency depending heavily on player skill. I’d take a skilled ranger or thief over an unskilled warrior every day. (Which reminds me of the good old days, when every idiot was running a Warrior/Monk, often running straight ahead into the mobs hordes and then complaining why they died…)
Then again, I avoid min/maxing speedrunners like the pest. Just not my kind of game.