come on u need to calm down on dungeon difficulty
None of the dungeons in this game are fun. There are only a couple of boss fights that are even remotely interesting.
Every trash pull in the game is done with the intent on finding a way to avoid that trash pull in future visits.
I have never seen a MMO community go to such great lengths to avoid mechanics in PvE content like I do in this one.
People sitting for 20 minutes in CoE path 1 waiting for all the trash to despawn.
People spending 30 minutes jumping through sections of the map to avoid a 10 minute underwater fight because the fighting is just too irritating in HotW paths 2 and 3.
People going to great lengths to avoid actually doing content in CoF path 2 and working night and day to find ways to exploit an encounter or cheese a mechanic because the way it is designed is so poor that people have no interest in participating in it.
People chaining speed buffs to burst through areas in TA explorable because stopping to fight the mobs is just too annoying.
People wiggling their way onto rock ledges to jump over gates/walls in CM explorable to avoid fighting some of the bandit pulls because they’re so stupid to deal with.
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve been in a full and complete “as designed” dungeon run in weeks. Every group has a modified way to circumvent a particular scenario. It’s a testament to how hideously designed a great deal of these dungeons are when people actively look for ways to get around your mechanics to such an extent that if a path doesn’t have enough of them they simply won’t run it.
Path of least resistance, this will always happen, doesn’t matter how interesting the fight is, people will always avoid it if it is possible to avoid while obtaining maximum reward.
As far as I see it, there are only two viable options:
1. Give an incentive to clear trash (via unique skin drops or increased rewards).
2. Force the trash to be fought (via leashing mechanic or some gating mechanism).
As long as you can get away with not doing something while still being rewarded, people will always skip whatever they can. Interest/fun is often times not a factor.
Sadly we will see the extent of the damage soon enough when everyone moves on.
Path of least resistance, this will always happen, doesn’t matter how interesting the fight is, people will always avoid it if it is possible to avoid while obtaining maximum reward.
As far as I see it, there are only two viable options:
1. Give an incentive to clear trash (via unique skin drops or increased rewards).
2. Force the trash to be fought (via leashing mechanic or some gating mechanism).As long as you can get away with not doing something while still being rewarded, people will always skip whatever they can. Interest/fun is often times not a factor.
Path of least resistance applies to all games, but never in the scope that it applies to this one. Never are you punished to such a degree of either boredom or frustration as you are in this game when you are forced to fight a pack of mobs. The aggro system is busted, damage tuning is utterly out of control from room to room, dungeon to dungeon. Wipe mechanics are seemingly put in to just kill the player and not create a sense of challenge, and by that I mean systems put in place that cause a player to be chain CC’d and AoE focused to death without any way for the player to react.
I’ve wiped for weeks in other MMOs while our guilds learn fight mechanics and deal with player positioning, boss positioning, tank cooldowns, healer cooldowns, etc… Rarely was it ever to a degree that people stopped having fun.
This game however, wow – there is such a huge disconnect between what Anet finds fun and what the bulk of the GW2 playerbase finds fun – I’m basing this off of chat in game, lack of people willing to run specific paths, and the pretty heavy and consistent stream of complaints on this forum.
So True, way to hard, get really boring. But that goes for the rest of the game to that you can never get better becouse of the level scaling.
Path of least resistance, this will always happen, doesn’t matter how interesting the fight is, people will always avoid it if it is possible to avoid while obtaining maximum reward.
As far as I see it, there are only two viable options:
1. Give an incentive to clear trash (via unique skin drops or increased rewards).
2. Force the trash to be fought (via leashing mechanic or some gating mechanism).As long as you can get away with not doing something while still being rewarded, people will always skip whatever they can. Interest/fun is often times not a factor.
Completely agree, once you give rewards for trash it will stop happening(as much)…
Don’t forget the kitteny loot
Path of least resistance, this will always happen, doesn’t matter how interesting the fight is, people will always avoid it if it is possible to avoid while obtaining maximum reward.
As far as I see it, there are only two viable options:
1. Give an incentive to clear trash (via unique skin drops or increased rewards).
2. Force the trash to be fought (via leashing mechanic or some gating mechanism).As long as you can get away with not doing something while still being rewarded, people will always skip whatever they can. Interest/fun is often times not a factor.
Path of least resistance applies to all games, but never in the scope that it applies to this one. Never are you punished to such a degree of either boredom or frustration as you are in this game when you are forced to fight a pack of mobs. The aggro system is busted, damage tuning is utterly out of control from room to room, dungeon to dungeon. Wipe mechanics are seemingly put in to just kill the player and not create a sense of challenge, and by that I mean systems put in place that cause a player to be chain CC’d and AoE focused to death without any way for the player to react.
I’ve wiped for weeks in other MMOs while our guilds learn fight mechanics and deal with player positioning, boss positioning, tank cooldowns, healer cooldowns, etc… Rarely was it ever to a degree that people stopped having fun.
This game however, wow – there is such a huge disconnect between what Anet finds fun and what the bulk of the GW2 playerbase finds fun – I’m basing this off of chat in game, lack of people willing to run specific paths, and the pretty heavy and consistent stream of complaints on this forum.
of course you hear a lot of people complaining, they’re the only people that will say anything. the vocal minority always sounds louder than the quiet, content majority.
now i won’t pretend that there aren’t some flaws with dungeons, and that some paths are boring, but there will always, no matter what game, be people trying to figure out ways to do the most stuff with the least effort, and once those methods become widely known, other people won’t want to be left behind and will follow suit.
Well lets see what they got planned. I remember a dev mentioning changes to dungeons this week (IIRC).
of course you hear a lot of people complaining, they’re the only people that will say anything. the vocal minority always sounds louder than the quiet, content majority.
now i won’t pretend that there aren’t some flaws with dungeons, and that some paths are boring, but there will always, no matter what game, be people trying to figure out ways to do the most stuff with the least effort, and once those methods become widely known, other people won’t want to be left behind and will follow suit.
I don’t think there is a vocal minority disliking the dungeons in this game. I’d say it’s far more like a majority. PvE players have not appeared to be at all happy with how the group content has turned out for this game.
Dungeons are just one massive glaring sloppy issue in a mess of unfulfilled pre-launch promises. Sure, I can’t see the chat on every server, but I can see chat on mine plus the posts here and other forums.
People simply aren’t happy.
Hell, go look in the video guides thread at the top of this forum – some of the videos have user uploaded comments on youtube about how they don’t even like the dungeons in this game. These are contributing members to this community, telling would-be new players, or even players looking to get into dungeons that they simply aren’t fun.
It speaks volumes for just how bad the dungeons actually are.
of course you hear a lot of people complaining, they’re the only people that will say anything. the vocal minority always sounds louder than the quiet, content majority.
now i won’t pretend that there aren’t some flaws with dungeons, and that some paths are boring, but there will always, no matter what game, be people trying to figure out ways to do the most stuff with the least effort, and once those methods become widely known, other people won’t want to be left behind and will follow suit.
I don’t think there is a vocal minority disliking the dungeons in this game. I’d say it’s far more like a majority. PvE players have not appeared to be at all happy with how the group content has turned out for this game.
Dungeons are just one massive glaring sloppy issue in a mess of unfulfilled pre-launch promises. Sure, I can’t see the chat on every server, but I can see chat on mine plus the posts here and other forums.
People simply aren’t happy.
Hell, go look in the video guides thread at the top of this forum – some of the videos have user uploaded comments on youtube about how they don’t even like the dungeons in this game. These are contributing members to this community, telling would-be new players, or even players looking to get into dungeons that they simply aren’t fun.
It speaks volumes for just how bad the dungeons actually are.
it’s like you didn’t read what i said at all. if you liked the dungeons, would you spend all the time posting on dozens of topics about how great they are and how everything is awesome? of course not. you’d be playing them, or you’d be satisfied with them and waiting for a future update while doing whatever else it is you do.
there is a chance that 90% of players hate the dungeons. but it’s just as likely that it only sounds like 90% of players hate the dungeons because the people hating the dungeons are the only ones saying anything. it’s like that with every game forum.
of course you hear a lot of people complaining, they’re the only people that will say anything. the vocal minority always sounds louder than the quiet, content majority.
now i won’t pretend that there aren’t some flaws with dungeons, and that some paths are boring, but there will always, no matter what game, be people trying to figure out ways to do the most stuff with the least effort, and once those methods become widely known, other people won’t want to be left behind and will follow suit.
I’ve heard that argument on Final Fantasy XIV, SW:TOR, and Diablo 3 forums as well when there were things that bugged players enough to give up on the title.
There are a lot of players who are happy playing Guild Wars 2, but there are also a lot of unhappy players who want Guild Wars 2 to do well and provide constructive feedback for the developers to help turn Guild Wars 2 into something many different types of players will enjoy.
If you don’t disagree with a post, don’t get in their way. You can assume that developers will get on things, but sometimes, they see things or fix things too late, and everyone’s already moved onto the next big thing.
Getting players to try your game for a month or two is the easy part. Keeping them is another thing entirely. This might make players sound fickle. It’s because they are fickle. And you might be thinking, “Well, we don’t want those players anyway,” but with players comes funding for content.
You might believe that you’re helping by keeping the forums positive, but you’re only quieting honest feedback. It’s not like reading your post will make people who have problems with Guild Wars 2 not have problems with the game. It just makes them leave unnoticed by developers, and that is partly what got the other big titles in the rut they are finding themselves in.
I’ve been spamming dungeons for the last 3 weeks. I love them. I haven’t found PvE in a mmorpg as challenging as this since Everquest.
I’ve been spamming dungeons for the last 3 weeks. I love them. I haven’t found PvE in a mmorpg as challenging as this since Everquest.
Lets be honest here CH chains weren’t hard. The later stuff they did in VoA was insane though. :P
of course you hear a lot of people complaining, they’re the only people that will say anything. the vocal minority always sounds louder than the quiet, content majority.
now i won’t pretend that there aren’t some flaws with dungeons, and that some paths are boring, but there will always, no matter what game, be people trying to figure out ways to do the most stuff with the least effort, and once those methods become widely known, other people won’t want to be left behind and will follow suit.
I’ve heard that argument on Final Fantasy XIV, SW:TOR, and Diablo 3 forums as well when there were things that bugged players enough to give up on the title.
There are a lot of players who are happy playing Guild Wars 2, but there are also a lot of unhappy players who want Guild Wars 2 to do well and provide constructive feedback for the developers to help turn Guild Wars 2 into something many different types of players will enjoy.
If you don’t disagree with a post, don’t get in their way. You can assume that developers will get on things, but sometimes, they see things or fix things too late, and everyone’s already moved onto the next big thing.
Getting players to try your game for a month or two is the easy part. Keeping them is another thing entirely. This might make players sound fickle. It’s because they are fickle. And you might be thinking, “Well, we don’t want those players anyway,” but with players comes funding for content.
You might believe that you’re helping by keeping the forums positive, but you’re only quieting honest feedback. It’s not like reading your post will make people who have problems with Guild Wars 2 not have problems with the game. It just makes them leave unnoticed by developers, and that is partly what got the other big titles in the rut they are finding themselves in.
please don’t misunderstand me, i’m not shunning criticism, i embrace it (and if you spot some of my other posts in this section, they’re usually criticisms towards dungeons).
i just think that some people are exaggerating by making it sound like dungeons murdered their babies and that not a single soul likes them. i have my criticisms towards dungeons, but they’re pretty solid as a whole. on all games, there will always be parts you’ve enjoyed more and parts you’ve enjoyed less, sometimes parts you haven’t enjoyed at all.
picking another game with big focus on dungeons, zelda has plenty of them, and some you may like, some you may not, but you shouldn’t act like all of them are bad because a few of them were kinda boring.
Path of least resistance, this will always happen, doesn’t matter how interesting the fight is, people will always avoid it if it is possible to avoid while obtaining maximum reward.
As far as I see it, there are only two viable options:
1. Give an incentive to clear trash (via unique skin drops or increased rewards).
2. Force the trash to be fought (via leashing mechanic or some gating mechanism).As long as you can get away with not doing something while still being rewarded, people will always skip whatever they can. Interest/fun is often times not a factor.
Completely agree, once you give rewards for trash it will stop happening(as much)…
Make trash have a decent chance at dropping 1 token (like 1%) People will kill EVERYTHING then.
^ either that, or they’ll farm the first part of the dungeon because they’re too lazy to do it whole.
it already has a chance of dropping lv80 rares (maybe exotics, but i’ve never been so lucky), dropping individual tokens would be pretty pointless, since by the time you got your full set, you’d have like 7 tokens you can’t use because you dropped them.
i just think that some people are exaggerating by making it sound like dungeons murdered their babies and that not a single soul likes them. i have my criticisms towards dungeons, but they’re pretty solid as a whole. on all games, there will always be parts you’ve enjoyed more and parts you’ve enjoyed less, sometimes parts you haven’t enjoyed at all.
picking another game with big focus on dungeons, zelda has plenty of them, and some you may like, some you may not, but you shouldn’t act like all of them are bad because a few of them were kinda boring.
You are assuming that others agree with you that dungeons are pretty solid as a whole. Some people actually do feel like all the dungeons are not very good, at least compared to other parts of the game or other games.
There are a couple of good dungeons, but for the most part, the rest are uninspired. They lack the polish of the other features you find in Guild Wars 2. It feels like a few of them were designed very well, and the rest were thrown together. Monsters here. Boss there. Give boss X ability. Done. Oh, and throw in some silly nonsense about one of the bosses is about to end the world with some devious plan after the fact.
I highly recommend Guild Wars 2 for most everything but the dungeons. For dungeons and rewards, I am turning to other games. That is my honest opinion. Oh, and their balancing things for PvP at the expense of PvE balance bothers me a bit, but that can be put on the back burner due to the fact that I am done with PvE anyway.
i just think that some people are exaggerating by making it sound like dungeons murdered their babies and that not a single soul likes them. i have my criticisms towards dungeons, but they’re pretty solid as a whole. on all games, there will always be parts you’ve enjoyed more and parts you’ve enjoyed less, sometimes parts you haven’t enjoyed at all.
picking another game with big focus on dungeons, zelda has plenty of them, and some you may like, some you may not, but you shouldn’t act like all of them are bad because a few of them were kinda boring.
You are assuming that others agree with you that dungeons are pretty solid as a whole. Some people actually do feel like all the dungeons are not very good, at least compared to other parts of the game or other games.
There are a couple of good dungeons, but for the most part, the rest are uninspired. They lack the polish of the other features you find in Guild Wars 2. It feels like a few of them were designed very well, and the rest were thrown together. Monsters here. Boss there. Give boss X ability. Done. Oh, and throw in some silly nonsense about one of the bosses is about to end the world with some devious plan after the fact.
I highly recommend Guild Wars 2 for most everything but the dungeons. For dungeons and rewards, I am turning to other games. That is my honest opinion. Oh, and their balancing things for PvP at the expense of PvE balance bothers me a bit, but that can be put on the back burner due to the fact that I am done with PvE anyway.
i’m assuming that others agree with me because in-game, the reaction is mostly positive. everyone in my guild enjoys dungeons and we’re always doing runs just for the fun of it (even story runs), and if we need a 5th member because the rest are busy, finding a random player willing to play is rarely ever an issue.
yea, most people aren’t kittening about dungeons much on my server. not to the extent that people on the forums claim, nowhere near it.
doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done. they should cut virtually ALL trash mob HP in half, put a kittening cooldown(shared by the whole god kitten group of mobs) on knockdowns/fears, sprinkle in more champion mobs as solo or duo pulls(after making everything in guild wars 2 drop better loot) and add more mechanics to bosses at different HP levels, like giganticus lupicus.
i just think that some people are exaggerating by making it sound like dungeons murdered their babies and that not a single soul likes them. i have my criticisms towards dungeons, but they’re pretty solid as a whole. on all games, there will always be parts you’ve enjoyed more and parts you’ve enjoyed less, sometimes parts you haven’t enjoyed at all.
picking another game with big focus on dungeons, zelda has plenty of them, and some you may like, some you may not, but you shouldn’t act like all of them are bad because a few of them were kinda boring.
You are assuming that others agree with you that dungeons are pretty solid as a whole. Some people actually do feel like all the dungeons are not very good, at least compared to other parts of the game or other games.
There are a couple of good dungeons, but for the most part, the rest are uninspired. They lack the polish of the other features you find in Guild Wars 2. It feels like a few of them were designed very well, and the rest were thrown together. Monsters here. Boss there. Give boss X ability. Done. Oh, and throw in some silly nonsense about one of the bosses is about to end the world with some devious plan after the fact.
I highly recommend Guild Wars 2 for most everything but the dungeons. For dungeons and rewards, I am turning to other games. That is my honest opinion. Oh, and their balancing things for PvP at the expense of PvE balance bothers me a bit, but that can be put on the back burner due to the fact that I am done with PvE anyway.
And you’re assuming everyone agrees that the dungeons are horrible.
Do you see his point now? It has always been true that people are more likely to criticize than to praise. That is just how it is. So what you see on the forums doesn’t necessarily correlate to what is believed by the whole.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
Difficulty is perfectly fine, its the reward that suck kitten
I actually found a great way to deal with dungeons, at least for me. I just don’t do them.
Problem solved for me.
Moving on……
I actually found a great way to deal with dungeons, at least for me. I just don’t do them.
Problem solved for me.
Moving on……
Interesting considering I have been doing nothing but dungeons for the last month! Lol! I log in, I shout LFG, I clear the three paths, I go back to my real life responsibilities.
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
I wish people would stop complaining about the quality of gear from loot. When you vendor them you get a decent amount of money in return and Rares would hardly be ‘Rare’ if they aren’t well… rare.
People also seem to forget that this game isn’t about the gear but the content. If you don’t like the dungeons fair enough but personally.. I love them. I love the challenge. Normal exploration events seem so easy to me now. Other MMO’s didn’t give me the same level of engagement (e.g. I did heroics in WoW)
Some will like the dungeons, some will not. It’s more for a niche market just like other parts of the game aren’t for everyone. I’m not huge on PvP for example.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
blah blah blah champion mobs drop either nothing or the worst kitten possible. that needs fixing, trash mobs hp is too high as well. dungeons return less decent loot than an equal time spent doing events.
The only problem I have in regards to loot in dungeons is the lack of karma, I love dungeons but I get no karma for it at all. I’m working towards the legendary and I rather be doing dungeons for the karma than grinding event chains in orr or pvp.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
that’s true, since dungeons are basically event chains strung together with cutscenes.
And you’re assuming everyone agrees that the dungeons are horrible.
Do you see his point now? It has always been true that people are more likely to criticize than to praise. That is just how it is. So what you see on the forums doesn’t necessarily correlate to what is believed by the whole
Actually, there was no such assumption in my post, but I’ll leave it at that, as it was an understandably easy counter to grasp at.
As I stated in my previous post, there are people still doing dungeons out of enjoyment. You’ve related some of your experiences with such players. I will relate to you some of mine. My friends have quit playing Guild Wars 2, because dungeons are boring for them to do. The large PvE/PvP guild I joined have mostly PvPers left playing the game. The members are still there, but those that PvE’d have stopped coming on due to their dislike of the dungeon system.
I repeat. If you disagree with the contents of a post, feel free to argue. However, assuming that Arena Net will eventually learn about and fix everything on their own, telling people to stop being dramatic and being so negative, and asking them to just quit if they don’t like Guild Wars 2 or any other game helps no one.
Games don’t get great instantly. There’s a lot of give and take between the developers and the community. And when you field everything with, “It’s fine. Everything’s fine,” developers won’t find it necessary to make any changes, but you might really have been thinking, “It’s fine. They’ll get around to fixing the problems I have eventually.”
I have stated that I only have a problem with the dungeons (for more specifics, read my other posts). Let me ask you: Do you think everything is perfect?
If the answer is, “No, there are small things that I would like changed,” then state them. Help the developers make Guild Wars 2 a game you can play for years to come.
I agree the dungeons are too hard in places, too tedious in others, and just downright boring in others. This coupled with the fact that there is no progression in difficulty. You’re thrown into the fire right from the start with AoEs that 1 shot you if you don’t move out of them yet at the same time don’t give you time to move out of them, trash mobs that 1 or 2 shot even heavy armor wearing characters, and chain CC’s coupled with stupid amounts of AoE on top of those chain CC’s.
And to be honest all of this would be 100% less annoying, frustrating, infuriating IF the loot from all the dungeons didn’t look like garbage level 12 gear.
Here’s an idea actually give good rewards for all of the PITA content you are making people grind through. Not garbage that all looks the same; which all looks the same as level 10, level 20, level 30, level 40, i think you get the idea, gear.
None of the “end game” gear looks that great. Particularly Medium armor which looks like about 15 seconds of thought went into the models. “Oh hey guys lets give them another GIANT TRENCH COAT, they’ve been wearing them for the past 70 levels BUT I KNOW THEY’RE JUST GONNA LOVE THIS ONE!”
its just i feel they made theses dungeons and u get nothing except a rare once in awhile thats worth nothing. only reason im evening doing ac exp is cause i need the tears to make sunrise if not i wouldnt touch it at all. so hard for little to no reward its so obvious how bad they are if they dont change em i will be surprised.
The consensus I’ve seen on my server is a general avoidance of the dungeons. In fact I see 80’th level characters decline explore invites because they’re too hard. I’ve been in a number of runs only to have group members leave…simply because it was taking too long. Overall: Content is great, all mobs need hit points SEVERELY reduced, and the loot needs to get bumped up. As it’s been mentioned in this thread already: 1) Trash mobs take too long to kill and rewards are insufficient 2) Loot-not so much quality but quantity needs to get bumped up, especially if the only source of leather and cloth is from deconstruction (loot bags too.. but enough with the KITTENS BUTTER!) 3) If you watch the linked videos, the commentator’s usually spend a fair amount of time complaining about hp’s and such 4) I understand that the intent is for the explore runs to be run by competent groups/guilds (I’ve read somewhere that it’s not supposed to be done by the average PUG); if that level of coordination is expected/required then party chat should be built into the game.
I am not trying to hurt anyone feelings or be rude with my next statement…
If you think these dungeons are hard in any way, you are a bad player.
I am not trying to hurt anyone feelings or be rude with my next statement…
If you think these dungeons are hard in any way, you are a bad player.
It’s not the difficulty of them. It’s the tedium, boredom, poor mechanics/design (i.e. many groups spending 20 minutes to avoid a group of mobs that will take 10 minutes to kill because the fights are so far from fun) and the lack of rewards that are in anyway representative of the effort put forth.
My primary gripe is, in all reality, the fact that the end game gear looks terrible but requires you to spend a lot of time in the boring kitten dungeons grinding for loot that looks like it dropped off a level 5 wolf.
Dungeons are awesome, don’t you dare to nerf the difficulty (except you CoE path 1, you’re just silly). Honestly if you find them boring and don’t like the look of the sets (which is pretty much the sole reason anyone would do dungeons), don’t do them? And my end game gear looks pretty awesome thank you very much.
Dungeons are awesome, don’t you dare to nerf the difficulty (except you CoE path 1, you’re just silly). Honestly if you find them boring and don’t like the look of the sets (which is pretty much the sole reason anyone would do dungeons), don’t do them? And my end game gear looks pretty awesome thank you very much.
I hate it when people like you say “don’t do the dungeons if you don’t like them”
No, we are trying our best to make them more enjoyable by simply putting our criticism . We want to do dungeons and experience the whole game. Some dungeons (not all) are in fact just way too insane. The fact that ANet even leaves like that and thinks it’s okay makes us mad.
When I see complaints about dungeons, it’s here, on the forum. In game, all I see is people looking for group in order to do them.
What I truly hate is people who complain about the issues they bring about themselves.
The dungeons are too boring! But for the final boss in TA, if we send one player to that spot over there, he’ll get all the adds but they can’t reach them, so we can stand at the entrance AFK and kill the boss with autoattacks. Boooooring.
The dungeons are too easy! So let’s ignore Magg for the time being run across the room hand have him respawn where we need him. Lol too easy!
The dungeons are too hard. Yes, ArenaNet said that they are for well prepared, well coordinated groups. So why can’t I clear them with a PUG in half an hour? Nerf too hard!
So let’s skip all trash. Let’s waste more time skipping trash than it’d take killing it. Let’s use every exploit we’ve ever heared about. And then let’s complain about it.
When I see complaints about dungeons, it’s here, on the forum. In game, all I see is people looking for group in order to do them.
What I truly hate is people who complain about the issues they bring about themselves.
The dungeons are too boring! But for the final boss in TA, if we send one player to that spot over there, he’ll get all the adds but they can’t reach them, so we can stand at the entrance AFK and kill the boss with autoattacks. Boooooring.
The dungeons are too easy! So let’s ignore Magg for the time being run across the room hand have him respawn where we need him. Lol too easy!
The dungeons are too hard. Yes, ArenaNet said that they are for well prepared, well coordinated groups. So why can’t I clear them with a PUG in half an hour? Nerf too hard!
So let’s skip all trash. Let’s waste more time skipping trash than it’d take killing it. Let’s use every exploit we’ve ever heared about. And then let’s complain about it.
It’s because it’s the fastest way to get money and exp.
It’s because it’s the fastest way to get money and exp.
Get money in dungeons? And here I thought that due to their insane difficulty and diminishing returns, running dungeons would actually cost more in repair than you get in return.
True, I never experienced that myself, but reading this forum convinced me thereof.
AC is easiest and actually more fun for me. I hardly repair and I can walk away with around 40 silver. But that’s literally the only one I’ll do. That and CM occasionally.
It’s one thing to be challenged in a dungeon, it’s another to be completely insane out of anger.
And I am 100% fine with a dungeon design that does not cater to “make fast money and exp”. Dungeons in this game are great fun. I have done a lot of them, especially focusing on AC and TA for sets. Out of the 8 different paths in these 2 dungeons (story + exp), there is ONE difficult encounter. It’s Leurent + 3 Nightmare court Knights in TA. I can find groups of people doing TA at almost any hour of the day.
People find dungeons difficult ? A lot of them actually try harder and overcome the difficulty. Instead of complaining and whining “blabla dungeons too hard they will be the doom of this game if Anet doesn’t change it to exactly the way I personally feel about it”
People don’t like dungeons ? If they have the least bit of common sense they say “I don’t like it”. But nowadays it’s so much cooler to use words and expressions like “bad design decisions”, “poor gameplay concepts”.
Are you a developper ? No. Do you know better than developpers ? I don’t think so.
Are you allowed to come on the forums to voice your OPINIONS and criticize ? Yes !
But please TRY to play the game before, even if it’s difficult. Please TRY to understand design decisions before whining. And don’t be surprised when people react negatively when you say “we”, “all the PvE players of this game”, “normal people”. Your opinion is only as valid as mine, and less so if you don’t base it on facts or if you “type before you try”.
It’s because it’s the fastest way to get money and exp.
Get money in dungeons? And here I thought that due to their insane difficulty and diminishing returns, running dungeons would actually cost more in repair than you get in return.
True, I never experienced that myself, but reading this forum convinced me thereof.
To actually not be richer after finishing a dungeon, you would have to have died a few dozen times. If you don’t manage to finish it, however, you might come closer to equuilibrium. But then, isn’t it a fair price for failure ?
I leave this link here as it’s the only appropriate response.
Rather keep the difficult dungeons. Otherwise this wouldn’t be Guild Wars, it’d be WoW.
wait wait, the TA we did awhile ago was the hardest one?? :O Was that the F/F path? hehe I plan to do more TA to get more lodestones for legendary (not really, im just pretending to be on the bandwagon. Plus TA armor looks nice except for the too much flowery shoulder thing).
I’ve only done a few explo dungeons, but from experience, it seems AC is the easiest and shortest dungeon generally, and it progresses in length as you go up the ranks.
My 2 cents about Dungeons.
What i think is great in GW2 is that you are not forced to do anything to reach your final goal. You want the exotic set? You can run dungeons, you can craft it, you can buy it from Karma. You’re not forced, like in WoW to ONLY run heroics and raids to have your final gear. (yes, good recipes were present in WoW, but they dropped in raids, so my points stands).
So, the other point in doing dungeons is… well… enjoy them?
Ok, so to enjoy them i have to … uh… skip mobs? Uhm… well, this will PERHAPS cut my time short by 5 minutes, but… will i enjoy it?
That’s why i hate PUGs. I only do dungeon with my guildies, with Teamspeak, because i really ENJOY doing them. Facing on every trash mob, laughing at our ineptitude when trash bring us down, and cheering when a good strategy beats the trashes or the boss.
All the comments here seem pointing to reduce the difficulty/trash/length of dungeons because they want PHAT LOOT FASTER. If that’s the point of doing dungeon, i can suggest you join the Orr Dynamic event Trains. In three days, you will have your set.
But don’t nerf dungeons, and don’t patch speed runs! It could be contradictory, but if people finds a CLEVER way (not exploiting) to speed up things, there is enjoyment even in this. No point in keeping them from trying (and die trying), if those are not exploits, but class features used in ingenious ways.
TL;DR Try and ENJOY yourself in doing dungeons or whatever, don’t mind people who complains because it is not “fast/easy enough for them”.
Guardian of Moonlight Shadow [MLS]
Dungeons are well… Chaotic… Due most part to mechanics and lack of team play…
I know you can argue that you simply need good players… Lets be frank here… There is nothing simple about finding the “good players”…
Anyhow thats just me
Stop asking for bigger drops guys. If it’s dungeon difficulty – okay, but asking for bigger drops is wrong. Even though it’s easy to hit endgame gear (as promised and delivered by ANet), it’s just wrong to get exotics out of each champion mob.
Just think about it >.>
Imagine if every strong mob dropped rare the least, imagine how would that harm the already weird economy.
Yes I say weird, because it’s really weird for me to see a buy order for less than the NPC price, and that’s happening on the most blue/green items and it wasn’t like that in the first few days when the TP got fixed
right now, dungeons ARE NOT that hard at all and actually many need to be harder. while i actually do enjoy most of them, the fact is that they simply are not rewarding for the time spent. and hey, kitten just dungeons…champion mobs throughout the entire game are not rewarding for the times spent killing them. actually the harder the mob(literally) the worse the loot, as if some employee they notified of firing decided to just ace us all and create a kittentorm deliberately.
seriously, compare what you get off the boar in queensdale(i have gotten so many lvl 70+ masterwork or rares and got my kitten exotic rifle off it) to any champion giant. drops lvl 14 or lvl 34 loot for a lvl 80, usually white. sometimes blue. champion war beasts drop kitten, risen megalodon drops kitten(haha, untelegraphed one shot kill so much fun and you’re literally paying the kitten mob since you’ll get 1 copper and a white item off it).