Hi Anet, we’ve been playing your game for a couple of months now. The five of us have playing online games for a lot of years now ranging from hardcore Everquest and Warcraft guilds, serious Diablo ladders, high ELO League games, and the like. Not professional by any means, but as pretty serious hobbiests. We’ve had a lot of conversations about what we like and what we don’t and now I figured I’d take the liberty to post up these thoughts to offer some feedback.
First off, we love the difficulty level of dungeons. One of the things that kept me away from Guild Wars when the game first launched was a lack of raids. I love raiding and always have, so when Guild Wars said “no raids only five mans!” I pretty much just wrote it off. That was a big mistake on my part. When we first set foot in Caudecus Manor we had no idea what we were in for. That golem just destroyed us for like half an hour – it was crazy. And doing the explorable mode at level 50 was like a four hour endeavor. When we got to the hallway of 1shotting turrets that you had to knock over I was in love with your game. Things like this spice up dungeons and are more reminiscent of the table top RPGs I used to love. The golem shield puzzle in arah, the laser puzzle in CoE, the ball passing puzzle – all of these things are brilliant additions to the dungeons which, to me, sets them apart from just about any MMO I’ve played. The lack of a traditional “trinity” makes it so different people can fill different roles on the spot and every player is always engaged. In other MMOs doing 5 man content is very, very easy. Like “Oh? a dungeon? let me go make a sandwich and prepare for auto-pilot” easy. We love that you actually have to pay attention, make strategies, and communicate to get through this content. In just my opinion, it feels better than raiding in other games because I can do it with my four buddies and don’t need 5-15 other strangers to get through it.
Unfortunatly, a lot of this challenge is circumvented by the community. This is the single thing that has made us put down your game and walk away from it for days; our disgust at the people we have to pug who insist we do everything from leash mobs (that inevitably kill us because we suck at running away from mobs) to straight up exploit walls to bypass huge chunks of the dungeon. Sometimes it makes sense to leash a bunch of mobs for the sake of speed, but there’s a part in Arah p2 that, with some clever jumping, you can get behind a wall to circumvent a HUGE chunk of the dungeon. This kind of cheating and should be bannable – but its the accepted way to do the path! While its not 100% the fault of the game designers, it is unintentionally encouraged to cheat your way through the dungeons. The trash is harder than the bosses, and the bosses are the only ones who drop noteworthy loot anyway(shards and the occasional rare). To a person only looking to efficiently farm out a dungeon to get their goodies it makes the most sense to skip everything they possibly can. I suppose we’re in the minority of players who, at least on the first couple of play throughs, enjoy the challenge and experience of a whole dungeon but it makes us wonder what the point in going for our full sets of Arah gear even is when exploiters can get the same stuff with minimal effort. While its hilarious to see a guardian with map completion star and “Been There. Done That.” die on every single pull because the rest of the group refuses to ‘sploit through a wall its frustrating to know that I won’t ever be able to pug a “fast clear, experience only” group because while I can play fights with the best of them, I don’t know all the cheats and tricks to bypass content. It all feels unfairly penalizing to us for actually playing the content you’ve made.