dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: necromancer.6402


I actually was shocked yesterday when I need to farm to get a new item to my Elementalist, went to AC full run and then all what i am getting is 50 silver in each run, I got so kittened!!! what is the way to get gold now? why are area.net ruining the game!!! now it’s getting less fun to play, all my dreams to farm and to get nice items are just gonna go more far now!!

I’m so upset, Area-net please return dungeon gold rewards back to 1.5 g and 1 g . or at least make an interesting events that can provide us with more gold to pay for our builds/ items/etc.

I bought heart of thorns hoping for the better not losing interest in the game, so please put things back were is was!!

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: harold.3526


because they don’t care about dungeons anymore, they will not fix any dungeons, they will not develop new dungeons, they will not spend money in dungeons, they want to discourage dungeons.

Chaos | Death And Taxes [DnT]

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnbentMars.9126


Then you missed the huge announcement and bunches of forum posts of people complaining about it. It is so easy to make money in HoT, do Verdant Brink for an hour and you make 5-10 gold easily.

Just because it requires slightly more effort than a mindless dungeon run doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: necromancer.6402


i’ll have to know more about this then, i’ll give it a try

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nacario.9417


or u could just put all ur alts at a mass Flax spot and get 1g30s at best in 1 min per char.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Then you missed the huge announcement and bunches of forum posts of people complaining about it. It is so easy to make money in HoT, do Verdant Brink for an hour and you make 5-10 gold easily.

Just because it requires slightly more effort than a mindless dungeon run doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Since when open world require more effort and is less mindless than dungeon runs ?

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnbentMars.9126


Then you missed the huge announcement and bunches of forum posts of people complaining about it. It is so easy to make money in HoT, do Verdant Brink for an hour and you make 5-10 gold easily.

Just because it requires slightly more effort than a mindless dungeon run doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Since when open world require more effort and is less mindless than dungeon runs ?

Depends on if you want to do it right or not. If you want to achieve max security level in Verdant Brink to get a guaranteed exotic, for example, you need to be smart and coordinated with everyone else in the map.

If you go in and just 1zerg it then you simply aren’t going to get the rewards you want, same as the rest of the game.

Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Harny.6012


because they don’t care about dungeons anymore, they will not fix any dungeons, they will not develop new dungeons, they will not spend money in dungeons, they want to discourage dungeons.

Isn’t a BIG part of their incentive the fact that “Arah can’t give more gold than raids”?

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnbentMars.9126


because they don’t care about dungeons anymore, they will not fix any dungeons, they will not develop new dungeons, they will not spend money in dungeons, they want to discourage dungeons.

Isn’t a BIG part of their incentive the fact that “Arah can’t give more gold than raids”?

Exactly. A lot of people seem to be pretending that there’s been support or additional resources given to dungeons prior to now when we haven’t gotten a new dungeon or serious updates to old dungeons in years. Besides, if dungeons gave more rewards than raids these same people would be complaining that the raids arent worth doing and that it’s a travesty that the hardest, newest content doesn’t give better rewards that what is basically the oldest content.

Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sparc.3649


because they don’t care about dungeons anymore, they will not fix any dungeons, they will not develop new dungeons, they will not spend money in dungeons, they want to discourage dungeons.

Isn’t a BIG part of their incentive the fact that “Arah can’t give more gold than raids”?

Exactly. A lot of people seem to be pretending that there’s been support or additional resources given to dungeons prior to now when we haven’t gotten a new dungeon or serious updates to old dungeons in years. Besides, if dungeons gave more rewards than raids these same people would be complaining that the raids arent worth doing and that it’s a travesty that the hardest, newest content doesn’t give better rewards that what is basically the oldest content.

If raids are gonna only give 3 gold, they aren’t going to be worth it! Especially if it’s WEEKLY like I was reading about in another thread. 3 gold per week would be a f* joke! At a bare minimum it’d have to be 21g to have accurate math. 3gx7=21g – and even that would be a slap in the face (as that would be like doing ONE 3g path [of arah] every day in a 7 day week), especially if it’s going to be as “hard” as at least some have been making it out that they’re going to be! To be a LITTLE more fair it’d have to be at lest the equivalent of doing 4 paths @ 3g ea for a 7 day week. So, 4*3=12g(per day)x7=84g.

So if raids aren’t a MINIMUM of 84g per run – if they’re weekly, OR, 12g per run – if they’re daily – they WON’T be worth it!

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

(edited by sparc.3649)

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnbentMars.9126


…have you even read any part of the raid notes over the past month?

1st: Raids are 4g PER BOSS and there will be multiple wings so there you go (1st wing will give you 12 gold and a ton of mastery EXP).

2nd: you arent supposed to be spending all your time in raids just like you werent supposed to just be doing dungeons. instead of whining about rewards try farming in Verdant Brink or Dragon Stand.

3rd: Raids primary function is to provide gear and loot, not gold. Get over it.

4th: Jesus Christ, GET OVER IT. Find somewhere new to farm since you apparently have so much time to waste. There are more good places to get lots of gold in the game than pretty much ever before, and if the “woe is me, dungeons drop half as much gold” crowd spent as much time finding those and utilizing them then they would have made tons more gold by now than they ever did before.

Seriously, everyone is tired of the incessant complaint.

Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sparc.3649


…have you even read any part of the raid notes over the past month?

1st: Raids are 4g PER BOSS and there will be multiple wings so there you go (1st wing will give you 12 gold and a ton of mastery EXP).

2nd: you arent supposed to be spending all your time in raids just like you werent supposed to just be doing dungeons. instead of whining about rewards try farming in Verdant Brink or Dragon Stand.

3rd: Raids primary function is to provide gear and loot, not gold. Get over it.

4th: Jesus Christ, GET OVER IT. Find somewhere new to farm since you apparently have so much time to waste. There are more good places to get lots of gold in the game than pretty much ever before, and if the “woe is me, dungeons drop half as much gold” crowd spent as much time finding those and utilizing them then they would have made tons more gold by now than they ever did before.

Seriously, everyone is tired of the incessant complaint.

Maybe I don’t give two craps about “there are more good places to get lots of gold”, this plain and simply is lies perpetrated by anet – “we want you to play however you enjoy playing”, LIES, because now I can’t do what I enjoy doing to earn “money”. I “HAVE” to do X Y or Z instead of A B or C, THEY decided that, and makes that statement of theirs a LIE. period full stop!

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sizer.3987


Maybe I don’t give two craps about “there are more good places to get lots of gold”, this plain and simply is lies perpetrated by anet – “we want you to play however you enjoy playing”, LIES, because now I can’t do what I enjoy doing to earn “money”. I “HAVE” to do X Y or Z instead of A B or C, THEY decided that, and makes that statement of theirs a LIE. period full stop!

Sorry but youre misreading that “play how I want”. Its PLAY how you want, not BE REWARDED how you want.

I want 10 gold an hour running jumping puzzles, and guess what! I cant do it. Too bad for me. You want to make 10 gold an hour speedrunning dungeons? Too bad, cant do it.

Got to live with it because they arent designing the entire economy (and yes, the gold you make effects the entire economy, so if they revert this change it would be screwing over every other player) around what YOU want.

80 Mesmer – Yaks Bend

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sparc.3649


Maybe I don’t give two craps about “there are more good places to get lots of gold”, this plain and simply is lies perpetrated by anet – “we want you to play however you enjoy playing”, LIES, because now I can’t do what I enjoy doing to earn “money”. I “HAVE” to do X Y or Z instead of A B or C, THEY decided that, and makes that statement of theirs a LIE. period full stop!

Sorry but youre misreading that “play how I want”. Its PLAY how you want, not BE REWARDED how you want.

I want 10 gold an hour running jumping puzzles, and guess what! I cant do it. Too bad for me. You want to make 10 gold an hour speedrunning dungeons? Too bad, cant do it.

Got to live with it because they arent designing the entire economy (and yes, the gold you make effects the entire economy, so if they revert this change it would be screwing over every other player) around what YOU want.

I only care about fair, and it’s not fair any way you even think of trying to flip it. So you’re saying it’s “fair” that the dungeons rewarded as much as they did for as long as they did, and it’s completely fair to nerf them especially as hard as they did? Please do tell me how! How is it fair that PlayerA ran dungeons for 80 days to make 4000g to buy Eternity – yet NOW anet decided to nerf it so hard that it would take PlayerB 160 days to earn the same 4000g?

This is certainly a slap in the face to ALL players the way I see it. It’s a slap in the face to people who used to run dungeons for the gold, because they cannot do so any longer (well of course they can, at a MUCH decreased rate). It’s a slap in the face to people like me who haven’t done that, we now no longer have that as an option even if we wanted to do it. Likely the worst slap in the face is to new players (even though they may not even be aware of it), because they NEVER had the chance. So it’s ok for PlayerA to do it, but not PlayerB – that’s called “favoritism” (read: not fair).

I was also thinking “raid’s” would be the “answer”, oh boy was I wrong – “maybe they’re ‘moving’ the gold from dungeons to raids”. Yea right! At a MAX of 24g per WEEK, that’s a SLAP in the face too. 24g per week. GTFO.

Thanks anet for showing us that you don’t want us to play however we want, thanks anet for showing us that you favor certain players over others, and thanks anet for showing us that you’re like EVERY other COMPANY out there in that you ONLY care about your bottom line. Unless you make your wrongs to not only me but your ENTIRE player base, not a single red cent of mine will make it into your bottom line EVER AGAIN (read: unless there are changes, NO, I wont be buying any further expansions, or ANY other anet ‘products’)… There, my turn to slap you in the face!

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Then you missed the huge announcement and bunches of forum posts of people complaining about it. It is so easy to make money in HoT, do Verdant Brink for an hour and you make 5-10 gold easily.

Just because it requires slightly more effort than a mindless dungeon run doesn’t mean it’s bad.

5-10 gold in an hour is bullkitten.

That means you’re making 50-100 gold by playing for nearly the entirety of a day excluding time to sleep/eat your meals, and you’d have to do this dozens of times to get a legendary.

Regardless of what way you look at it, this game has terrible moneymaking methods outside of the trading post.

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: circuitnerd.5863


I actually was shocked yesterday when I need to farm to get a new item to my Elementalist, went to AC full run and then all what i am getting is 50 silver in each run, I got so kittened!!! what is the way to get gold now? why are area.net ruining the game!!! now it’s getting less fun to play, all my dreams to farm and to get nice items are just gonna go more far now!!

I’m so upset, Area-net please return dungeon gold rewards back to 1.5 g and 1 g . or at least make an interesting events that can provide us with more gold to pay for our builds/ items/etc.

I bought heart of thorns hoping for the better not losing interest in the game, so please put things back were is was!!

Yea, awhile back they said something like “We are taking away our attention from dungeons and focusing on raid content” Which basically means they ditched it in favor of the harder stuff.

Certified Gameaholic

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnbentMars.9126


5-10 gold per hour is what people would make in dungeons, and more than what most players will make in a week.

If you want more than that, find a way to make it work. I’ve made 600 gold (not including the 900 I made from selling a precursor drop) so far while playing no more than 2 hours a day since launch. Like someone said previously in this thread (or if they didn’t, they should’ve), find a way to deal with it instead of complaining about the perceived lack of instant gratification.

Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


I actually care less about the rewards for the dungeons than I do about the content. I think it’s sad that, now that they have the means to do something about it, they are choosing to just neglect dungeons instead of making them more interesting.

They need to realize that this game is starved for good instanced content, and that it’s incredibly unprofessional to just abandon something as significant as almost all of your dungeon content.

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BloodyPanda.6789


I actually was shocked yesterday when I need to farm to get a new item to my Elementalist, went to AC full run and then all what i am getting is 50 silver in each run, I got so kittened!!! what is the way to get gold now? why are area.net ruining the game!!! now it’s getting less fun to play, all my dreams to farm and to get nice items are just gonna go more far now!!

I’m so upset, Area-net please return dungeon gold rewards back to 1.5 g and 1 g . or at least make an interesting events that can provide us with more gold to pay for our builds/ items/etc.

I bought heart of thorns hoping for the better not losing interest in the game, so please put things back were is was!!

Ok, just to be clear, the main reason Dungeon reward got nerfed is not because they don’t care about dungeons or lack of development team. Because if thats true they would just leave it alone for god sake!!!! the main reason is… LOTS OF PEOPLE LIKE DUNGEONS AND ITS NOT PART OF THE EXPANSION!!!!!!!!! SO ANET WANT THOSE WHO DO DUNGEONS TO SPEND THEIR CASH ON THE EXPANSION!!!! Look at the things they want YOU to do 1) Fractals, which require the mastery system at higher rewarding scale. 2) new map stuff.. require expansion.. 3) raid.. require expansion.. basically they require your money and dungeon is free. so getting rid of “free” stuff in order for u to spend money on the new content.