experience farming in dungeons for lvl up?
I’ve done this on my Ranger and Ele…
Started AC once I reached 35…
Play experience
Exploration usually suffers
Little to no-one accepts low levels even on AC nowadays (what the…)
Thanks. Can you describe how often you are able to repeat these with the Diminishing Returns system? I can kind of understand why some people would not accept low levels though it’s kind of silly for the game to be in such a state where someone who is high enough level for a dungeon wouldn’t be desired unless they are over-leveled.
What you can do is run the dungeon on your lvl 80 and switch at the end to get the exp on your noob char. Usually you need to switch before the boss is dead or have somebody watch the cinematic(if the movie is long enough). Also need to make sure your char is right outside the instance ready to go in.
Make sure that you weren’t the one that created the dungeon, because due to Anet’s flawless logic, you will boot everybody from the instance because of their “instance creation” mechanic.
Thanks. Can you describe how often you are able to repeat these with the Diminishing Returns system? I can kind of understand why some people would not accept low levels though it’s kind of silly for the game to be in such a state where someone who is high enough level for a dungeon wouldn’t be desired unless they are over-leveled.
Back then, I run AC 3x per path. I believe you can repeat more, but I am also aiming for tokens back then.
The experience gained starts diminishing with each repeat of an individual path as well as the token reward going down. As mentioned above have your low level toon waiting outside and swap at the end whilst having someone watch the cinematic.
So if you do that to AC1-3, CoF 1-2, CoE1-3, those being the easiest dungeons to find groups for and to get through them quickly. So there’s 6 levels a day for free, as well as 60 tokens from each path which is pretty good IMO.
Heads up though make sure you let your team know, most people are okay with it but if you encounter “speed runners” in oh I don’t know, CoF1, then you’ll be kicked without hesitation. And for the love of god don’t be the instance owner.
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
I’ve leveled my thief to 60lvl just by doing ac storys and some expl after he hit 30lvl whenever i felt like doing them. Must say tho that half of these runs i used my guardian and switched to him at the very end for exp bonuss. Took about month or more because i wasn’t taking them as chores and did them pretty occasionally but yeah its possible if you’re not in a big rush
(edited by Wesnoth.1705)
Unfortunetly they have patched the pre 75 dungeons to be obnoxious, tricky, overcomplicated and ridiculous. Levelling via dungeons is boring as hell.
Craft, it cost less than 50g, 30k karma and 8h if you sell everything for all 8 jobs.
Which is less than a week of dungeon farming for your 80.
nb : honestly, i just said 30k karma because i’m too lazy to count so it might be way more or way less.
I leveled my Mesmer from 6-80 in about a week doing CoF farming with my Warrior and swapping toons when boss is almost dead. Hardest part is getting a low level to fireheart rise, but that can be easily done by getting someone to escort you. Only bad thing is low map completion, I think I had like 6% at 80 lol but you do make alot of money.
(edited by DivineSlayer.5039)